
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

crazy delivery girl

Chapter 3.

Knight's POV.

"Seriously Knight you really need to drop your stupid attitude and get your ass fixed." Jayden said.

Jayden is my younger brother, he is still in college and extremely hot . He's the gentleman among all Royal blood.

"Zip it Jayden i Don't remember asking for your opinion on how I should live my life." I groan and puff out vapour.

" You see what am talking about Jayred !!! " He called me by my middle name which I hate so much.

" only one person in the world can actually call that and you're not that person either so get on with it." I spat.

"Come on bro cut me some slacks. you're slowly becoming a sex maniac you just don't know yet ." he said calmly.

" It's my life kiddo now back off. " I groan softly.

"Is it because of her ?? Like seriously that was 11th grade man! I thought you would have gotten over it ." he lectured me and I rolled my eyes at him angrily.

" Get the fuck outta my house Jay I'm rather not in the mood to battle words with you." I Shrugged.

" Fine I'll leave but just know I care about you and I'm telling mom everything." he smirked and I glared at him.

" You wouldn't dare! " I snapped but he was already outside and entered his Porsche he drove off.

Dad had specifically told him not to drive around London without a chauffeur.

Alex walked in immediately without my package.

" your highness." he greeted.

" Where's the package , it should have been delivered like 30minutes ago ." my voice as cold as ice ignoring his greetings.

" Erm.. actually your tuxedo got ruined by mistake I'm so sorry your highness. " he said apologetically.

" You gotta be kidding me !!" I groaned getting Really pissed.

"Am sorry your sir it wasn't called for." he bowed.

"Bitch! do you know I have a meeting in an hour's time? You had better find a way to fix this or you're dead ." I growled and he flinched back in fear.

I stood up and took the elevator upstairs to my room.

I left a bitch on my bed , she was actually sleeping so I left her , I came back to the room only to be caught trying to steal from me.

Damn she doesn't know how much I hate it when ladies tries to steal from me.

"I.. I.. erm I'm sorry it's not what you think please forgive me." she pleaded on her knees.

" How dare! you filthy animal tryna steal my money yeah ?? " I half yelled at her and she began sweating profusely.

" No!..no! No! Swears I was only keeping it safe for you. " she lied looking so pathetic and dropped the money right next to her.

Well it was too late to say sorry for I'd lost my cool.

I pulled out a golden pistol from my drawer and left a bullet in her fucking skull.

She fell to the ground like a bag of pigs.

Ladies will never change , They're nothing but bitches and petty thieves

placed a call to Damian who came shortly after and cleared up the mess.

I walked towards the bathroom and stepped into the luxurious bathtub filled with rose water and rose petals too.

My thoughts drifted to my life in 11th grade.

Alex had better gotten my package from mystique else his head is gonna be on the menu for lunch.

May 's POV.

Gosh work today is so tiring I just wish I could call it a day and go home, I miss my bed.

Jordan is not helping matters she left piles of clothes which are yet to finished.

I quickly removed my headset when I saw Madame Arie approaching.

"You're up Arie , you will be taking the classic tuxedos to prince knights's mansion right now. "she said sternly.

Wtf!! Prince knight ?? A creepy prince and a notorious Man whore. You gotta be kidding me right now.

Am so scared of him because I was told he hates commoners like myself.

"But ma'am I'm yet to finish my work for the day.besides you can ask someone else to go over there ,In other words I'm not feeling too well today." I lied.

" Not buying it May, get ready you're leaving in 5 she snapped and walked away.

Knights mansion is the last place to be as a lady unless you plan for something else.

Considering the fact that he's a ruthless man whore and Won't wanna get into trouble with him.

Madame Arie can do the delivering herself so why put me in trouble with the prince?.

I mean she's my boss so she should be the one to there.

I heard footsteps coming closer I turned to the direction of it. It was Jordan with the angry face. Great here we go again.

"Hey Jordan what's wrong ?" I asked.

" had a fight with my boyfriend and he actually pointed a gun to my head can you believe that ? " She cursed underneath and I sighed.

I knew instantly that there was more to it. The Jordan I know feels no man is ever enough for her.

"Really Sorry about that honey . wish we could talk about it but right now I have to deliver a package to the knights Mansion." I said and picked up the package.

Her mood swiped immediately I made mention of the prince.

"That bloody asshole prince. " she said nonchalantly.

I covered her mouth with my palm.

" Shh please don't get us killed okay? " I whisper audibly.

She struggled free from my grip .

"Let it be May just becareful and don't drool ." she said and walked away. She seem infuriated.

What's up with her ?? Did something happen with the prince?

I shrugged my shoulder and walked out , I took the elevator downstairs to main exit of mystique.

boarded a taxi and headed straight for Knights mansion.

My curiosity increased as I got to the gate, it was a voice automated system gate.

"Your name ?" An automated voice asked.

"May. Delivery service from mystique collection for the prince. " I muttered.

The gates open up shortly , I walked quietly to the house as I observed the whole place was swaming with guards and they were armed. I felt cold chills run down my spine at the possibility of being shot if I make one wrong move.

The cars in the villa were the top 20 ranking cars . Sport cars ,Porsche and so on.

The entrance door open automatically and there stood so many men in blazers standing all over the place.

I felt at ease when someone walked towards me without holding a gun.

"Good morning sire delivery packagefrom mystique collection for the prince ." i mumbled nicely.

"have been expecting you , kindly come with me ." he said with a polite smile and led the way to a luxurious living room .

Punch my ass! this is paradise on Earth.

"Wait here while I fetch the prince." he said and took the package from me.

I nodded and watched him leave.

He entered the elevator heading upstairs and decided to help myself feel comfortable.

I sat down on the couch observing the beautiful interiors . I must say the decorator did one heck of job in here making me worry about the money that must have been spent on such beauty.

My eyes landed on a bottle of whiskey on the glass table and a wine glass right beside it.

Gush I was tempted to take a sip and know how it tasted.

I was contemplating on taking it or not, was obviously getting tempted by this fancy drink. eventually took the bottle and pour some into the wine glass.

I sniffed the glass and gulp down the whole thing.

Damn it's so hot but I wanted more so poured a glass full and drank everything.

Am just gonna drink little and keep it back. Well apparently not for this tasty drink for I got tempted and forgot the reason why i was actually here.