

A King gave birth to five sons and the least was regarded as being useless but then the gods of ice and snow gave him power that was unspeakable unknowing to him. Being immortal is a gift but yet a curse just as being a Prince and the last son, you don't have the hope of becoming king yet you have to live like you will be king one day. I don't have any choice of being born into a royal home or having a special gift from the Gods but not being able to know about my gift on time and learning how to control my powers is a bigger problem. Unlike magicians, they just coil their wand or cast a spell, mine works with the mind. I control water, ice, and snow from my mind. After the passing of my father the king, my eldest brother chooses to kill the rest of us Prince's, making sure he has no treat coming to the throne, I decided to run away to save my life, I ran as far to Northland and on my way, I discover a new path... Waging war against my drunk power brother is the considerable choice I must make in other to save the lives he has condemned. ************* I hope you enjoy the book, leave a review after reading, add it to your library and also your voting will help me to do more. English isn't my native language, so there is some difficulty when my choice of words is not nice enough for what I'm trying to picture. Am using a modern and medieval scene. My setting is presently not the best, but I hope it gets better over time as per your comment. Thanks for reading...

Austin_Fidelis · Urban
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14 Chs

Journey to freedom 2


The Princes & Useless


Updated in 2023-06-08 19:31:09


l responded calmly, "We don't require anything from you. We are merely seeking refuge here, and your parents have shown us kindness. We have no intentions of causing them harm. However, we need to know if you have disclosed our presence to anyone."

Emmanuel, his anger evident, retorted, "That's none of your concern. And since my parents have been kind to you, I kindly ask you to leave now and cease troubling elderly people."

Charles interjected, "No, son. They are not bothering us. We were simply lending a helping hand, and my intuition tells me they are decent individuals."

Emmanuel, perplexed, turned to Marvel and asked, "Do I know you? You bear a striking resemblance to the McQueen family."

Max swiftly responded, "No, you must be mistaken. She must resemble someone else entirely. Just answer the fu**ing question"

Emmanuel interjected, "I did inform my superior, the Sergeant Major. I was in his office when my mom called, but I don't think it will be a problem."

The room fell into silence as the weight of Emmanuel's revelation sank in. It was clear that time was of the essence. Speaking up, I asserted, "We cannot afford to stay here any longer. We must find a new safe location, somewhere off the grid where we won't be easily found."

"We need to move quickly," I urged. "If Emmanuel informed his superior, we are all in danger. We have to leave this place immediately."

"But my parents live here! It should be you who leave." Emmanuel protested

Max's voice turned firm and resolute. "You and your family are now part of us. The moment we crossed paths, we all became targets. That's how dangerous this situation is. I believe you want to stay alive, so let's move."

Everyone acknowledged the gravity of the situation and quickly gathered their belongings. We made our way to the SUV parked discreetly at the back of the farmhouse. Max and Ethan took the lead, scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble.

Marvel and I assisted Charles and Elisabeth into Emmanuel's car, while Max and Ethan took the other vehicle. I took the driver's seat of the 2016 Ford Edge, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing upon me. The engines roared to life, and we set off in a convoy, our minds focused and alert.

As we left the farmhouse behind, uncertainty loomed ahead. Our journey had only just begun, and the risks multiplied with each passing moment. However, we found solace in our unity and unwavering determination to protect Marvel.

The three cars, with Emmanuel leading in his police car followed by Max and Ethan, and myself driving the 2016 Ford Edge, pushed forward. Marvel suggested reaching out to a trusted contact, someone skilled in providing discreet temporary safe houses. This individual had assisted her in the past and might be able to aid us in finding a secure location where we could regroup, strategize, and wait for Viky's associates to arrive.

Suddenly, a fleet of black-tinted 2018 Cadillac Escalade Platinums raced past us, seemingly headed toward the farmhouse. Instinctively, I increased my speed and overtook the vehicles ahead, motioning for them to follow suit. Time was against us, and we needed to stay one step ahead.

As we accelerated, it became evident that the Escalade was tailing us relentlessly, closing in with each passing moment. Marvel readied her gun, prepared to shoot if necessary, while I focused on driving with all my skill. Feeling vulnerable without access to my abilities, I urged Marvel, "Search for a bottle of water if you can." She swiftly located one near her door and handed it to me, asking, "Are you thirsty?"

Suddenly, Max, positioned by the car window, began returning fire at the pursuing SUV. In response, our assailants retaliated, bullets grazing our vehicles. Unfortunately, they managed to shoot out Emmanuel's car tires, causing it to come to a stop. Observing this through my rearview mirror, I made a split-second decision. I executed a rapid U-turn and raced toward the immobilized police car before our enemies could encircle them.

Max and Ethan ceased their gunfire and provided cover for our retreat. I managed to rescue Charles, Elisabeth, and Emmanuel, instructing Marvel, "You take the wheel." Ethan urgently shouted, "Get back in the car!" I realized we couldn't hold off the attackers for long, so I ordered the others to move ahead.

Max protested, "We're not leaving anyone behind."

"It's an order. Go now," I insisted. "I'll hold them off temporarily and join you later." Deep down, I knew I wouldn't perish in the process. They reluctantly obeyed my command, driving off to safety. I waited for a moment to ensure they were out of sight before surrendering myself, raising my hands, and stepping out from the car that had shielded me from their bullets.

Approaching them with a smile on my face, holding the bottle of water, their commander commanded, "Kill him." The first bullet struck my chest, causing me to fall back. Without hesitation, they unleashed a barrage of bullets, but their surprise grew as their ammunition had no effect on me.

With their mouths agape and hearts pounding, they couldn't believe what stood before them. Seizing the moment, I swiftly converted the water into small ice daggers and released them, piercing the throats of every assailant except the commander.

As the commander aimed to shoot me once more, I advised, "Don't waste the bullet. I might spare your life if you tell me your plans." Taking a step closer to him, he trembled in fear, his mouth still open.

I heard the sound of a car rapidly approaching from behind. He mumbled, "Who are you?" But before I could respond, I ended his life.

Turning around, I saw Marvel and Max behind me. They had driven back to check if I had survived, visibly astonished at my ability to dispatch the group of assassins unscathed. "Let's go join the others," I suggested. "I believe more of Lucas' soldiers are coming." I quickly occupied the front passenger seat as Marvel assumed control of the wheel.

We swiftly left the scene, rejoining the others who had driven ahead to regroup. Marvel skillfully maneuvered the vehicle, navigating the roads with urgency. As we reunited with Charles, Elisabeth, Ethan, and Emmanuel, we exchanged glances filled with relief and concern for what lay ahead.

Aware that more of Lucas' soldiers could be on our trail, we needed to find the safe location to gather our strength and come up with new plans. Marvel recalled the contact who specialized in providing secure hideouts to give us the exact location in the woods.