
chapter 2

Zack thought for a moment, observing each of the girls with their unique fur colors and personalities. Then, with a smile, he proposed, "How about we give each of you a name that suits your spirit and uniqueness?"

The girls exchanged curious glances, their fluffy tails swaying with anticipation.

"For you," Zack pointed at the red-eared girl, "I'll call you Ruby, because of your vibrant spirit and warm personality."

Ruby's eyes widened in delight, and she nodded eagerly.

Turning to the white-eared girl, Zack said, "For you, I'll choose Lily, symbolizing your purity and innocence."

Lily blushed slightly, touched by the name.

Next, Zack addressed the black-eared girl, "And for you, I'll name you Onyx, after the strong and resilient gemstone, reflecting your courage and prowess as a hunter."

Onyx's eyes gleamed with approval, and she gave a small nod of acknowledgment.

Finally, Zack turned to the blue-eared girl, "And for you, I'll call you Azure, reminiscent of the vast skies and deep waters, representing your calm and serene demeanor."

Azure smiled softly, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.

The newly named Ruby, Lily, Onyx, and Azure exchanged looks of joy, their tails wagging happily.

"From now on," Zack declared, "we are a tribe of five, united and strong. Together, we will face whatever challenges come our way in this primordial world."

With newfound determination and camaraderie, the five companions embarked on their journey, ready to carve out their place in the untamed wilderness.

"Well, how about we find a place to live?" Zack said to his new family/tribe.

Ruby & co responded, "Yes."

Onyx said, "Let's head south; it's safer with fewer predators. Maybe we'll find a place where we can spend the night."

"Well, I guess I better listen to what they say after all. I have no idea about anything in this world, let alone this forest," Zack thought.

As they journeyed southward, Zack took the opportunity to learn more about this unfamiliar world from Ruby and the others. Walking through dense forests and crossing babbling streams, Zack asked questions about the landscape, the creatures that inhabited it, and the customs of their tribe.

"Ruby, what kind of creatures live in these forests?" Zack inquired, his curiosity piqued by the rustling of leaves and the occasional distant howl.

Ruby glanced around, her ears twitching as she listened intently. "There are many creatures here," she replied. "Some are harmless, like rabbits and birds, but others can be dangerous, like wolves and bears. We must always be cautious."

Zack nodded, taking in the information. "And what about your tribe's customs? How do you survive in this wilderness?"

Lily spoke up, her voice soft but determined. "We have learned to hunt and gather from a young age," she explained. "We work together to provide for our tribe, sharing food and resources to ensure everyone's survival."

As they continued their journey, Onyx pointed out signs of danger and taught Zack how to identify safe paths through the forest. Azure, meanwhile, shared stories of their tribe's history and legends, painting a vivid picture of their way of life.

[Ding..the host learned How to identify safe parths through the Forest]

'well... This is unexpected' zack thought.

After hours of walking, they finally stumbled upon a cavern nestled amidst the rocky cliffs of the southern region. Its entrance was hidden by lush foliage, providing a natural shelter from the elements.

"This looks like a good place to rest for the night," Zack remarked, relieved to find a safe haven after their long journey.

The group settled into the cavern, lighting a fire and sharing a meal of foraged berries and roasted game. As they sat around the flickering flames, Zack felt a sense of belonging among his new companions.

Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he knew that together they would overcome any obstacle that crossed their path. And with each passing day, Zack grew more confident in his abilities to navigate this primordial world alongside his newfound family.

In the middle of the night, while everyone was sleeping, Zack got up and sat near the fire, starting to talk to the system within his mind to learn its functions.

"Sistema, what are your functions and what are you?" Zack thought, questioning with curiosity and doubt.

[Ding..host's doubts detected..ding..the system is nothing more than an AI, dear host. My sole purpose is to assist and guide the host if deemed necessary. In fact, I do possess my own consciousness, but it will not affect the host nor will I do anything to harm them.]

[Ding..the functions of the system are as follows. "Learning Assistance" (helps the host understand skills and other types of knowledge). "Shop" (allows the host to acquire new skills, martial arts, materials, weapons, etc.). "Team" (allows the host to add members who are part of their tribe/family, enabling them to become stronger through XP and points, and ensures that it is impossible for them to betray the host).

"Status" (I don't need to explain this, do I?).

"Points and XP" (XP and points are gained by killing monsters or other hostile beings. XP allows the host and their team to level up, with 10% of the team's XP going to the host, as well as 10% of the points. Points only allow the host to purchase items from the shop, and also increase their own and their team's stats).]

Hello, let me know your opinion about this novel. P.S.: I'm new to this, so please be patient and try to overlook my writing errors, after all, English is not my language yet, I'm still learning.

Eduardo_MFcreators' thoughts