
the primordial chaos dragon

Chapter 2-19 is me having fun if you don’t like you could just skip to chapter 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------place note that almost everything but the mc here does not belong to me even the wallpaper.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Chapter 41 **** for 2 years

Within the deep space a giant war ship could be seen flying in the deep space. A red haired man could be seen sitting on a carpet cultivating.

"Good time devil gave me this carpet and that candle. At this rate I will break through to become a daofather in just a few more days." I said with an excited smile.

"Good thing that star race cultivator has this ship, even an elite Eternal Emperor is not this fast, but why do I feel danger." I said to myself as I looked into the deep space.

For these last few weeksI have been feeling danger, no matter where I fly it seems like it was getting closer.

With a sigh I went back to cultivating, I was not afraid of anything right now, after all I have glutton.

Out of nowhere a heat that was to hot for me to handle appeared, feeling this my face went pale.

'Fuck, did I talk about her chest?' Even in my past life I didn't dare to speak about that matter.

In front of me a female appeared. She was truly a beauty that would have billions of kingdoms fight for her hand in marriage. Everything about her could be said to be a 100 out 10, everything but that chest.

With a focused smile I walked towards her for a hug.

"If your hands touch me." She didn't say anything more but I know what she wanted to say.

"May I know what I did wrong." I said with a frown.

See looked at me for a moment, as the flames covering her disappeared. But when I saw this my heart almost stopped.

She disappeared the next moment as she punched me in half by the waist.

My legs turned into ash, as she grabbed me by the hand we disappeared as we appeared outside of pangu's world.

Looking at this I had confusion written all over my face. Her Grip around my head slowly hardened.

"Remember the promise you made to me." She said in a voice with no emotion.

Hearing her words, I looked down in shame. Fire Phoenix in her past life had always wanted a child, but she was always afraid because of her small chest.

She was afraid that her child would die from Suffocation, this is why she could go mad when someone calls her chest small.

Fire Phoenix didn't say a thing as she stared to watch my past, when she got to the part where I left Irene who was pregnant to go fight she almost killed.

"You just how low can you be, to use the excuse of protecting her to fight someone." She yelled

I didn't say anything as she was right, I could have just made a Barrier to protect her but I went to fight.

She continued on


a fist flew towards my stomach as I coughed up blood.

"Is that how you Watch over your child. You saw that he was forced to kill his whole family and what did you do." She said as she sent another punch

"Was that how you were going to treat my child." She yelled as she sent another punch towards my stomach.

At this moment I was at my limit, I didn't know how to raise a child.

"you left them all behind, what if something happens to them." She yelled as she sent another punch.

"Y-you just what's wrong with you, I know you lost your memories, but that's no reason." She said with cold eyes.

The next moment we flashed as we appeared in a room. "You gave me a promise, now keep."

She said as she dropped her clothing.

Without a chance to talk, I was on the ground not able to move.

And Like this month passed, the first month I finally came and when I did horror covered my body.

"My life force." I said as I sensed a few billions of years disappearing.

"Shut up." She said coldly.

She was sucking more of my life force to increase the chances of her getting pregnant.

4 months later I was hit with inspiration.

The greed she has for a child

The way she is dominating me cough cough I mean the way I allow her to dominate me.

The way she is devouring my life focus

The way I'm getting tired and recovering

All of this started helping me with my comprehension over the Dao of greed, pride, devour and sloth.

8 months past, my comprehension over the for daos grew to the world god level.

1 years later I broke through to the Samsara Daolord realm. Although I was in joy I was also depressed, looking at my life fouse that was displeasing every few months.

5 years later

Pride, glutton, greed, and sloth grew to the samsara Dao lord level. Of course my primal twin was cultivating using the candle, and tree of reincarnation to speed this up.

10 years later

became an Eternal Emperor of the 1 tests.

Deep down I was in joy, she can take as much life focus as she wants if this continues for a few more hundreds of years I would be Eternal Emperor.

4 years later all of this stopped as fire Phoenix got up with stars in her eyes, as she held her stomach.

Although I was displeased, I didn't show it as I was embarrassed. If anyone was to know I was r*pe by my own woman then where would I show my face.

20 whole years and I became an Eternal Emperor from world god. Even glutton who was under the tree of reincarnation was shocked.

The fire Phoenix looked towards me coldly.

"If I give birth and you are nowhere to be found I will kill you." She said coldly as she disappeared

With a sigh of relief I started looking at my body.

While I was doing this a few light years away someone was watching all of this happening.

"Devil said he was might be in danger, but she just wanted a child." Said the female as she touched her stomach as she watched this.

"Sadly I don't want a child." She said as she disappeared.

"So you go by the name Draken now?" cheerful voice

Two huge things fell onto my back, as her voice sounded.

Feeling these things I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. This was white Tiger.

Fake tears started falling from my face as I turned around flying into her chest.

"I was r*pe, how can I marry now." I yelled as I moved around in joy the feeling of her chest.

Without saying a word she picked me up by the head. "We had a dale, if you can beat me you can have me but now I would not even need a pinky to kill you." She said smile, but I knew that was a warning

"Snort you said even after death." I said coldly as I looked at her.

She didn't reply as an item appeared in her hands.

"This is an item that could have help you in your Dao test. It was given to me by Autarch Windsnow he said it could help you see a few years into the future of course the higher the Dao the less you could see." She said as she handed me the item as she was about to leave.

Nodding I held onto the item. 'A few years? So for an elite Autarch it would be around 9 years. For a Hegemon it should be around 6 years.

For an omega then it should be 3 years.

As for me it should be almost 0 years.' I thought to myself with a sigh

Once you become an Eternal Emperor of the 4th test you would be able to become a true Eternal Emperor. The test would last a total of 12 years for everyone no matter what tip of Dao you cultivate.

Before she left I asked her some questions, which she answered. I found out that there are a total of 9 Autarchs within this chaos world.

The ice Phoenix and black tortoise was guarding the space rift that led to the outside of this chaos world.

As for the other they were doing there own this waiting for round two to begin.

After a moment I took a step appearing outside out pangu's world.

The world grade item I left for itachi appeared in my hands. I wanted to give him something better.

"Master." A small child flew out as it bowed towards me.

I just nodded as I threw it into my heavenly world.

Look at the item that was a small house I started thinking this over.

'I should give it a room full of chaos energy to help him comprehend chaos energy.' I thought as I upgraded the item into a high grade universal weapon.

After which I threw the item back into pangu's world as I flew off.

'I should be able to fight a true enertal emperor,

If I were to turn into my rare form then maybe even an Autarch would have to watch out. I soul go and unlock more of my bloodline before doing anything else.' I think as I flew towards a giant sun