
the primordial chaos dragon

Chapter 2-19 is me having fun if you don’t like you could just skip to chapter 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------place note that almost everything but the mc here does not belong to me even the wallpaper.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Chapter 2: the lower realm

-lower realm-

-dimensional gap-

The energy in the dimensional gap in chaos, this was the sign that it is giving birth. There were many people watching this form a giant red dragon and black dragon behind them you could see many people form many races. There was angel, fallen angel, devils, humans etc.

As the energy became more chaotic it started to form a tornado. This lasted for a few hours until it started to calm down. When it did, the tornado disappeared leaving a dark red dragon on the ground rolled up like a ball, it looked to be asleep. The dark red dragon began to slowly wake up as it started to stand up.

When it did its magic power was released with a roar. "Roooaaarrr" with that roar alone the people who were watching could tell just how strong this new born was. "How do this be there is anyone of them". Said a human who is watching.

In this world the dimension gap gave birth to 2 dragons. Now here is another one. The last to be born are known to be the strongest. If the dimensions gap keeps giving birth to dragons like this, what would happen to the world?

As the dragon calmed down it started to look around (pls note he does not have his memory of his past life) as he did the big red dragon started coming close to it.

"Where I'm I and who are you" said the dragon as he saw the dragon coming close.

"You are in the dimension gap and as to who I am I'm great red. You could say we are family."

Said the dragon calmly.

Thing skip - 1 year

The year went by pretty fast it seems my concept of time is different than that of others. I spent most of my time learning about the world. I learned that this world is split into 4 continents: the mage continent, Japan continent, void continent and the warring continent. Each continent has its own stuff going on for example the void continent is ruled by a man called Soloman, it is said he has knowledge that the gods are envious of. He was able to make a special kind of fruit called a devil fruit, this fruit alway a person gains a special power at the cost of not being able to swim, but of course he knows a way around this. As smart as he is, he is also strong. He was able to make a special skill called haki with this skill he was able to see into the future up to years.

My relationship with grate red and Ophis could be said to be ok every once in while we would fight but it is not that serious. Ophis has been asking me to help her beat "Baka red" but I said no as that would be too much work.

As for now I have been thinking over what to do next when I was born I got fragments memories which seem to be my last life. My plan at the moment is to break through and break the sky and go to the next realm but sadly there is something blocking me from breaking through.

As usual I spend most of the time in the outside world. I don't really like staying in the gap that much. As I was flying in the dragon I sensed something coming toward the planet being curious I went to see. When I got close I could see that it looked like a human so I went into my human form but when it came closer I could see that it had white skin, she had no pupils in her two eyes. Maybe she is not human?

Not knowing much about humans I didn't have any clothing. I didn't really understand why I need clothing and I didn't get cold. I would never need it, so I never really thought of it. But as the female got close she looked at me with a weird experience as if looking at a pervert. Ignoring the look I asked " who are you"

Looking at me with disgust she didn't even answer and tried to leave. But before she could get far I was in front of her "hey human don't you hear this god ask a question". I ask nicely

When she heard what I said she got Irritated "how regent" she thought. But she was also shocked by my speed.

Being more Cautious she answered " my name is kaguya who are you" smiling at my little victory I said " human didn't you hear what this god said obviously I'm a god" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I looked at her up and down and said " you don't look weak how about you have spare this god a minute or two"

Kaguya did not want to stay in front of this prevent any longer and was trying to leave so she put him into a genjutsu and was about leave, But after a few minutes in the genjutsu he was able to break out of it.

Looking around confused I ask " what did you just do ohh I see the fight around started then in that case I would try out my new move." Say this I used my new move. This skill would bring the person deepest desire to the surface. As black smoke came out of my hand as the black smoke came towards her she tried to get out of the way but it was too sudden and she was still shocked how could she avoid it.

When she was hit with it I waited a few minutes to see what would happen and then out of nowhere she came running to me. She used the strongest genjutsu on me and everything went dark. This time it took me around an hour to break it. When I came out I could see the girl named Kaguya pick up her clothes and my little brother was in pain. Not knowing what happened asked "what did you do to me" when she heard what I said she didn't know what to say and just looked at me.

Seeing this tears started forming at the corner of my eye quickly getting up. I flew back to the dimension gap. When I got there I went to big sis red and told her everything that happened. Although I could be said to be as strong as great red I'm still just 1 years old.

Great red seeing me didn't know what to say so she just told me that I'm still weak. Thinking it over I think she was right.

Time skip -200 year later

Nothing much happened in this 200 year well I found out that kaguya has taken over the warring continent and she also brought a new energy, I still don't want to get close to that prevented woman. I also learned the use of clothing as I grew up. It seems that she also gives birth to two boys. by the way they give a strange feeling it's hard to explain.

I also started to travel the 3 continents. I don't want to go to the warring continent because of that woman she put a trauma in my little heart. I also found out that that king named Soloman was still alive, maybe he ate one of them fruit. He also had a son who he named IM. I guess that's a good name.

I have been thinking of fighting him for a long time as he is saying that in the future I would go Berserk after something bad happens to me or something. Who does he think he is? New character started appearing in the mage continent, a guy named zeref or something it looks like he was cured with the cause of contradiction.

The past year more of my memories from my past are starting to come back and with it is the bloodline the guy said he would gifted it to me. Now I know a little of why no one was able to get stronger it seems that those being called god are up to it.

As for my bloodline it was called primordial chaos dragon god bloodline so this bloodline strengthens my body until I get the chaos dragon body. Like the old days I don't really have to work hard and stuff to bake through to the next cultivation realm I can just sleep although it would be slower then me cultivation but still it's nice. I could still just eat to get stronger and also now I'm about to take memory of the things I eat so I have eaten a lot of dragon, devils, fallen, and angels and humans too. I have gained a lot of abilities and a lot of knowledge. I'm already stronger than big sis Ophis and red.

Time skip - 80 year

today I watching the fight between the woman named kaguya fight her sons for some reason. It seems that she got stronger from the time we fought but what with this feeling I feel every time I see her children are they pervert too?

After the fight ended and kaguya got sealed away I went back to my little house in the Woods. This past year I have been looking for a peaceful place to stay. I just want a quiet place, I'm becoming like big sis ophis yeah right.

Anyway all I do here is sleep and every once in a while I would go out into the world. I have also started trying to find out the reason the gods blocked people from breaking though. But came you with nothing. I could just go up and eat them and get the memory or something but that would be the last thing I would.

Year 384

Today I'm in the mage continent. This continent doesn't have that much stuff. The only thing here is that dragon pretty much took over. As I was walking I felt a special kind of energy flying to the place I felt it in, in my human form. ( in my human form I look like Mikoto Suoh from K)

When I got there I saw a giant spider looking thing. If I'm wrong, the people who I walk past are called it Nirvana. "If I'm not wrong these people are of the nirvit race they are a race of humans that stayed neutral, are they going to start fight?

Although I didn't care, I wanted to know what kind of thing it did, so I went to the guys making it and asked I got to find out that they are making this to stop the wars and stuff.

After knowing that I left I knew there were problems with their thinking but I'm not someone who would be going around trying to save people that's not my job.

I started going back to my travels and this time to a place called "Dragnof" it is said that that place has humans and dragon harmony like I would believe that.

Time skip- 1 hour

Right now I'm at the gate of Dragnof and to my surprise humans and dragons are in harmony. When I went in no one could tell the difference between me and any other humans. The kingdom was quite big as it was able to house both humans and dragons. It seems like

Most people are crewed up for some reason so I went to go see why.

When I got there my heart stopped for a moment, looking at the person in front of me. in my whole life I never felt this feeling. Did she put me under a spell, but that is impossible. How could she put me under a spell with me not knowing? Why does his body feel weird? I must retreat. Just when I was about to leave the woman looked at me and my heart started beating faster and my face turned red. "Just what spell is this" I thought

I quickly ran out of there as fast as I could. I even forgot to use my chaos energy to get out faster. when the woman saw me act in such a way she couldn't help ask someone to follow me, but as I was running I quickly made a portal when I turned a corner.

Coming out of the portal I was in the dimension gap great red was shocked seeing the state and could help but ask "hey little bro are you ok" seeing great I quickly told her of what happened to me.

When great red heard what I said she couldn't help laugh out loud, and that is the day I learn about love and family.

I was scare doing this chapter I think Must of you guy might understand what I was try to say so.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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