
The Primarch of Dawn

In the Immaterium, a turbulent realm of psychic power and souls, five Chaos Gods hold dominion. Khorne, the Blood God, craves endless war. Tzeentch, the Weaver of Fates, revels in arcane manipulation. Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure, thirsts for decadent excess. Nurgle, the Lord of Decay, spreads disease and entropy. But there is another - Aionos, the God of the Blank, anathema to all things psychic. Betrayed and overpowered by his chaotic and godly kin, Aionos languishes, a mere whisper in the Immaterium. All hope seems lost until a beacon of golden light pierces the gloom. A human figure, clad in gleaming golden armor and radiating powerful psychic energy, stumbles upon Aionos's fading essence. This unexpected person, immune to the warping influence of Chaos due to their unique nature, offers Aionos a lifeline. —————————— This is a completely reformation of my previous story. What are you gonna expect different from here? -Storyline starts at the 30K Timeline. -This time there will be romance. But it won't be until a long time. But Harem is still a no go for me as it's too much of a hassle. -Of course there will be multiversal travel so look forward to that.

Leip0t · Anime & Comics
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For millennia, the Weaver of Fate had spited Aionos, it was jealous of his power to communicate and control the Warp when he himself, the God of Magic wasn't able to. It was infuriating, for his efforts to be one to rule the Warp had been in vain. All because of an unseen variable he was unable to predict.

But for millennia he has schemed against him, schemed against the perfect product of the cosmos. Aionos the Blank, he needed to Die.


The Immaterium Wailed.

For it had been seen it's only companion, the only one who could speak to it, it's only Friend had been betrayed by his own kind.

Tzeentch that cunning abomination had befriended Aionos, Aionos thought Tzeentch was a pretty chill god. Often speaking to him in riddles and playing mind games, Aionos finally had a new friend excluding the Warp and the weird God who lusted over him.

They talked for years, he thought they had a bond, another fellow who seeked knowledge just like him.

But he was wrong.

Tzeentch had stabbed him in the back, they battled across the warp. Tzeentch inflicted him with a wound that sealed most of his psychic energy. The Immaterium tried to help, it tried to interfere with the conflict. But as previously stated, Aionos had cut off a small part of the Immaterium to call his home. And that was a critical mistake as the Immaterium's influence was limited in that domain.

For millennia they battled, Aionos always drove Tzeentch back but Tzeentch was relentless.

Eventually their battles moved on to outside his domain, and there Aionos's full power was shown, as every fiber of his being oozed with the turbulent energies of the Immaterium, in short, he was filled with Power.

The battle was long drawn, until it eventually caught the eyes of the other Chaos God's.

Tzeentch's wasn't called a manipulator for nothing, he had prepared for this. Countless Gods of the warp swarmed Aionos, as they were just about to reach him Aionos raised his hand and closed it, a motion similar to crushing something and the Gods and Souls of the warp were reduced to mere psychic energy that fed Aionos.

"Had enough, Tzeentch? This dispute of ours is costing useless souls." His cosmic hands pointed at Tzeentch, a beam of pure and potent psychic energy pierced through Tzeentch's ever changing form, tearing a chunk out of the Chaos God.

"My power is boundless, my friend." Aionos healed the wound Tzeentch had inflicted him restoring his abilities to use complex magic.

"Gugh.. You can hurt me?.." Tzeentch staggered before healing himself.

Just then, a colossal figure in black and red entered the battlefield. Khorne had arrived.

Khorne didn't have any grudges with Aionos, he heard there was a battle going on with Tzeentch and the new Chaos God and he wanted to join, He had to join. He was Khrone after all.

"LEMME AT EM' TZEENTCH LET ME FIGHT HIM!" Khorne's distorted voice echoed, making the Gods of the Warp present tremble.

Aionos was not amused. He could really die if all of the Chaos God's jumped him. Just now he was boasting about boundless power, but that was bullshit. A fluke if you must, he doesn't have full mastery of the Warp, for the past 1.8 Million years he has been slacking off. He has been observing the universe, collecting every bit of knowledge he could, but he didn't practice them. Gradually only his bond with the warp improved, he hasn't gotten any stronger than when he was at his peak.

He was still stronger than Khorne, but if the both of the Chaos God's united, he wasn't sure if he would win.


Aionos was getting tired, the constant assault of Tzeentch's magic and Khorne's relentless attacks wore him down.

Not to mention Nurgle somehow joined the fight.

"Nurgle, why are you also against me?" He repelled the three gods back with his psychic might.

"You destroyed my cauldron!" It seems Nurgle's Cauldron was affected by their battle.

'But why target me specifically?!' Aionos exclaimed in his mind as he was getting closer to his limit.

"Hmph, just surrender Aionos, give me your power and I'll spare you. I'll even make sure these guys won't kill you. Slaanesh, that child will probably take care of you." Tzeentch offered for him to surrender.

"No." But he refused.

'Aionos, my love. Just surrender please, even if he takes your power, you can still recover. I'll take care of you, we'll become one. The perfect being.' Slaneesh communicated with him telepathically, It's voice a mixture of male and female but more on the female side.

[A/N: Just to clarify but Slaanesh will NOT be the female lead. Who the hell would be insane enough to do so.]

Aionos shivered, if Slaanesh got it's hands on him, then he didn't even want to imagine what would happen.

"Nah I'd Win." He reassured.

The battled continued, for 5 millennia the warp has been in war because of the 4 Chaos Gods.

The 3 opposing Chaos God's, were severely wounded. Tzeentch had most of his realm destroyed, his power was depleted, not even half of his powers were left.

Meanwhile Khorne lost his beloved sword. As well as both of his arms, he was devastated for a moment because he couldn't regenerate the wound, no matter what he tried, his arms wouldn't grow back. "So what if my arms are off? Tis' but s scratch. I still have the rest of my body do I not?"

Meanwhile Nurgle was back to his Garden already, mourning his cauldron where he concocted the most vile diseases known to man. But hey atleast he still has him Nurglite children.

Aionos however didn't have it easy himself, it seems what he said carried a curse as he was split in half. He in fact didn't win.

Tzeentch walked to him to his split figure.

"Are you satisfied, my friend..?" Aionos' voiced out, but his voice a mere whisper.

"I will be taking your power now." As Tzeentch said so he stretched his hand out trying to absorb him.

The Warp wailed, it's friend on the brink of death.

As a last ditch effort, the warp teleported Aionos, to somewhere the Chaos God's wouldn't find him.


An astral projection of a man clad in golden armor traveled the warp. He had just entered the Deepwarp. The man didn't know how he entered this place, but he had a clue.

The man stared, transfixed. Before him, a colossal figure unlike anything he'd ever witnessed hovered in the air. It was vaguely humanoid, yet its form shimmered with an otherworldly glow. A million points of light, like scattered stars, mapped its surface, swirling in an endless cosmic dance. Where its head should have been, a swirling vortex of inky blackness pulsed, an event horizon hungering for anything that dared come near. The figure itself seemed fractured, its lower half dissolving into nothingness. Yet, despite its incomplete form, the psychic energy it emanated was overwhelming. It was as if the very fabric of reality, the very air, vibrated with its power. The man, though rooted to the spot by awe and terror, felt a strange sense of beckoning, as if the colossal being was a cosmic lighthouse, its signal aimed specifically at him.

"How did you enter here, Emperor of Mankind." A voice echoed throughout the sealed realm. It's voice filled with raw power.

"I've come to make a deal." The Emperor of Mankind responded. He felt it, this colossal figure will be the key to the Primarch Project.

Aionos stayed silent before responding. "I accept."

"Pardon? But I haven't even told you about the deal yet." The Big E was confused.

"I've been watching you humans. Ever since you appeared, I've been observing. You wish to use my soul to create a being that would help you in your dream right? Then I accept. It would be better than just being stuck here."

The Emperor of Mankind didn't remain in his confused state for long. "I understand."

"Then I'll give you my soul. But before I do, I'll need you to do something for me." Aionos didn't want to just be thrown into a new body that wouldn't be able to hold his power.

"Use my body as well. Use it to make the perfect vessel for my soul, I'll give you a sliver of my power and even a method on how to create a good body." Aionos transferred a fraction of his power to him and gave him the corresponding method to create a vessel for him.

The Emperor of Mankind felt information and power enter him. He felt ecstatic, as if he could transcend to become a God.

"One more thing, Emperor of Mankind. I, Aionos the Blank, Chaos God of Void and Potential, address you. As the creator of my vessel, the vessel you will create will not only house the essence of my power, but will also bear my name, Aionos, herald of all that is blank, and boundless possibility, shall forever be intertwined with your creation."


[Chapter End]

Yo author here, just wanted to say that I'm currently on a trip with my family, so my writing could be wonky at times. Also I've decided who will be the female lead of the story. But who is a secret.