
The priest

"The Priest" is set in modern-day society where sin has plagued mankind and demons stalk the night. It follows a young boy by the name of isaac Yahshua Dimitte. The Boy isaac is the son of a well-known priest. isaac falls victim to the evil sinful entities and loses his family in the battle to survive. He is taken in by a secret organisation that aims to stop the destructive rampage of demons. This organisation utilises the power of those who are born with a special connection to the Holy Spirit. These people are known as priests. Their aim is not to extinguish all of demonkind but to ensure the prophecies of the bible are fulfilled without delay in order for God's word to be said.

Killxcage · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Broken soul

Police Officer 1: Man, these kids really went over, didn't they?

Police Officer 2: Forget about that. Look at this place , it's all filled with blood and dead bodies. What could have done this?

Police Officer 1: Its probably gang wars again.

Police Officer 2: Mmm, quite the assumption sir.

Police Officer 1: If I had to guess, it's probably the blood war gang.

Police Officer 2( irritated): Dammit, those scumbags, what the hell could they want in this small town.....

Mysterious man: Excuse me, Officers.

Police Officer 1: What the? who's Mr. Fancy suits?

Mysterious man: My apologies for  the inconvenience gentlemen, I'm somewhat a private investigator.

Police Officer 1: You gotta be kidding me, go play dress up somewhere else.

Mysterious man: I see you don't believe in my truth.

Police Officer (annoyed): Like hell I don't!

Mysterious man: Hell, you say, quite the interesting joke.

Police Officer 1: What did you say!

Police Officer 2: Whoa, sir, relax, let's handle this calmly.

Mysterious man: Good to see there's a sensible mind in the perimeter. Would it help for proper documentation?

Police Officer 2: Huh, yeah, that would really help.

Mysterious man: Very well, here's my ID.

Police Officer 2: Whoa, it's legit, sir.

Police Officer 1: What?!

Police Officer 2: Yeah, it says he is a private investigator, and he's got police clearance from the court.

Police Officer 1: Really, now, then what type of INVESTIGATOR WEARS A WHITE SUIT TO BLOODY CRIME SCENE?!!

Mysterious man: Sometimes professionalism gets the job done, wouldn't you agree?

Police Officer 1: Huh, fine, whatever, let's go rookie, and leave it to Mr White suit over here.

Police Officer 2: Yes, sir, good luck with crime scene.

Mysterious man: Why, what a splendid young man, with that attitude, he's going places.

As this mysterious mam was standing over the bloodshed, a mysterious girl appeared from the shadows. She had blue eyes. Black short hair. She was wearing a white coat with a Christian cross necklace.

Mysterious girl: Huhhh, those guys gone yet?

Mysterious man: Oh, Candra, there you are, still beautiful as ever.

Candra: Thanks, Mark. I guess (you creep).

Mark: You're welcome. Wow, these demons really destroyed this place. I can only imagine all the deaths.

Candra: Forget about them. If demons were here and caused this much havoc, sinners must have summoned them.

Mark: Wow, how cold of you, Candra.

Candra: You remember the saying, right?

Mark: Yes, Life of a priest.

Candra: Life of a priest.

Mark: Okay, let's see what happened here. My suit is starting to look bad around the bloody mess.

Candra: Whatever creep, say don't you think we should have asked those cops questions before they left.

Mark: Don't worry, I got a file on it. They think it was because of gang wars.

Candra: That's a good cover-up story. The last we need is people finding out the existence of demons.

Both Mark and Candra survey the club looking for any clues, in hope of finding anything that may aid them.

Candra: it's really weird. You know.

Mark: Care to explain.

Candra: Demons don't typically hang around small towns. They always tend to be in cities since that's where sinners mainly stay.

Mark: A good point. In my file, it states the authorities found an injured boy covered in ashes.

Candra: Wait, someone actually survived this hell hole.

Mark: By the grace of God, he did.

Candra(annoyed): Well, what's this kids name?l Is he a demon or like us.

Mark: This kids no demon, no doubt.

Candra: How on earth can you even tell?

Mark: His father is...

Candra(confused): His father?.....whose his father?

Mark: Of all people, I can't believe it.

Candra(aggressively): Just give me that file. I'll read it myself.

Candra(shocked): Wait! His father is....

Mark: Yes, his father is Jacobs Dimitte....The Jacobs Dimitte.

Candra: Oh , Jacobs Dimitte, The Holy Fire of Trinity.

As these mysterious individuals were investigating the appearance of demons. Isaac was about to lose more loved ones as Sister Lily had lost her will to live, her drive to live a peaceful life was shattered, but her old friend Luke had to come to try to persuade her to live on.

Sister Lily: Oh Luke, you have arrived, I see.

Luke proceeds to sit down next to Sister Lily.

Luke: Lilith,  how are you doing?

Sister Lily: Oh, don't mind me, I'm just here.

Luke: Lilith, it's perfectly fine for you to cry. There's nothing wrong with that.

Sister Lily starts shedding small silent tears but still holds her head high.

Sister Lily: No no no forget about that. Did you call for reinforcements?

Luke: I did. The organisation has been investigating the area.

Sister Lily: What off Jacobs? Did he save Isaac and his friends?

Luke:...Jacobs.....didn't survive, but Isaac is alive. His friends unfortunately didn't make it.

Sister Lily: I see, Jacobs didn't survive...I'll soon be joining him in paradise.

Luke: Ahhh, Lilith, I understand your pain. Losing your life willingly is not the way to go.

Sister Lily: There's no point in living anymore.

Luke: Okay, Lilith, listen demons might know about this orphanage, and Jacobs killed a devil, that might attract more here.

Sister Lily: Mmm, Jacobs killed a devil? He still retained his skills.

Luke: That's not the point. Now that a high-ranking demon is dead, it will alert other demons here, and the organisation is already occupied with cities to care about small towns. Think about your life here.

Sister Lily: Think about my life?My life died with all those 29 orphans, I failed them. Plain and simple.

Luke: At least one survived.

Sister Lily: Yes, and I pray to God that they'll live a fruitful life.

Luke: What about Isaac than? The poor boy just lost his father and his friends. Are you going to leave him alone, too?

Sister Lily: Does it matter? Look at me, Luke, I'm an old woman, I'm too weak. My divine dominion has greatly decreased. It's better if I go now so that isaac doesn't see me die at sight. He probably saw his father die, didn't he?

Luke: We are checking on him, and he's in a state of shock, refuses to eat, sleep, or do anything.

Sister Lily: It's for the best if he thinks I've died with the orphans.

Luke: Huh, I understand, if that's your wish, it's okay.

Sister Lily: Luke please promise me something.

Luke: What is is Lilith?

Sister Lily: Please promise me that orphan...that little girl gets a loving safe family.

Luke: After what she must have seen, I'll do everything in my power.

Sister Lily: Oh and Isaac, do not help him at all.

Luke(confused): Why not? He needs all the help he can get after what he's been through.

Sister Lily: I'm guessing his powers awakened when he was in contact with demons, you know what that means right?

Luke: Yes I do, he gonna to go through training to be a priest.

Sister Lily: Exactly, helping him will make soft, weak over reliant on others, if he's to survive he needs face the harsh realities of this world or he'll....

Luke:...or he'll die.

Sister Lily: More suffering is to come Isaac's path to God, that's how it is for us. The life of a priest.

Luke: Yes...the life of a priest. I understand Lilith, is their anything you want confess.

Sister Lily : No I've nothing to confess, I lived my life the best I could in my circumstances, my only regret was those children.

Luke: Very well, then, goodbye Lilith, I'll see you in paradise, if that's your path.

Luke had left , and Sister Lily was just sitting on her chair. Days had passed and Sister Lily continued to wait. On one night a dark entity paid Sister Lily a visit.It was finally her time.

Sister Lily: To whom do I speak that decides to salt the house of Lord.

Dark entity(laughing quietly): Why just a humble visitor in search of knowledge.....your knowledge.

Sister Lily: Why do you hide in dark, are you afraid.

Dark entity: Am I afraid, ARE U not afraid priest?

Sister Lily: I am no longer a priest, just a torn soul wondering aimlessly.

Dark entity: Ah yes , it seems your faith has greatly diminished, such is the truth of life, is it not?

Sister Lily: Who are you dark one?

Dark entity: Most know as the end, but you dear lady may call me Zieke.

Sister Lily: What do you want Zieke? You look to devour my soul?

Zieke: Well not yet, I just need answers. Something very interesting has occurred here priest.

Sister Lily: To what do you wish to know?

Zieke: OH MY! very compliant, I like that.

Sister Lily: Only if my patience isn't tested.

Zieke:, Fine, fine,fine....a high ranking demon seems to have been greatly injured. Now demons die all the time, but when one that has the rank of devil dies its deserves attention, wouldn't you agree.

Sister lily: What? You believe I killed that demon.

Zieke: No,no,no, you're clearly to weak, but I feel as if you know who did. So than priest, who is it?

Sister Lily: I'm afraid I don't know.

Zieke: LIES!! You can't lie me woman!!

Sister Lily: I'm just a retired priest, there's nothing for me hide.

Zieke the demon hiding in the darkness grew in size, covering the room in darkness and proceeded to stare at Sister Lily straight in eyes. Sister Lily just stood there motionless.

Zieke: There's no life in your eyes,mmm okay I believe you.

Sister Lily: Anything else demon?

Zieke: Yes, you remember when I said I won't eat you unless you give me information.....well you have no information, Its time TO EAT!!

Sister Lily: I wouldn't do that if I were you.


Sister Lily: Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Zieke: False confidence, I LOVE IT!

Sister Lily: Divine Dominion- Holy water.

Zieke: Holy water? Here is thought you were weak, but you had this, are you sure you didn't kill that devil?

Sister Lily: No, like you said I'm to weak, but I'll leave an impact on you .

Zieke: Are you overloading your body for one attack? Yes that's good, GIVE ME A GOOD FIGHT!!!

Sister Lily: Holy water- fallen tears.

Sister Lily had laid a giant water slash on the demon Zieke, she had used all her power, her life force to land such a powerful attack. In order to use this attack, she sacrificed herself, she knew exactly what she was doing, no regrets, no mistakes,no worries. The attack hit Zieke directly, but he had survived with fatal blow to the chest.

Zieke(tired): Wow, that old woman wasn't so bad, she left me with quite the scar, don't even know if it will heal. Well I failed my mission, the other demons will probably not like this. What was that old woman's name again, it's so shitty, oh yeah, its Lilith, yap it is a shitty name.