
The Combat Test at the Academy

The Konohagakure, around six months later.

Even though the blooming spring was coming to Konoha again, after the cold winter, the atmosphere in the whole village somehow wasn't right.

You could practically smell the scent of the war, that is just around the corner, waiting to be unleashed onto this village, and the whole world again.

People were really scared for their loved ones, especially the ones with shinobi family members. In times like these, it's truly seen just how dangerous this profession is in actuality.

Even though shinobis enjoyed high salaries and high social status, it's still questionable if it's worth their lives.

The First Shinobi World War ended with an armistice treaty but also left the five great shinobi countries seriously wounded.

The treaty led to a period of peace, but after about twenty years, the economic disparity between the countries had become a serious problem.

The nations began to form factions, and under the pretext of expending fair rights, the countries started using military force to expand their territories. Thus, a world war is evidently about to get started.

Nevertheless, at the Hatake clan's residence, the business remained as usual. On the training grounds, two small figures collided while constantly disappearing and reappearing, teleporting everywhere in this courtyard at some point.

One figure flashing in red, and the other in white light. It's also apparent that they were holding some kind of swords, real swords, not the wooden ones from before.

On a wooden plank facing the courtyard sat a little girl while looking at this spectacular scene. She wore a sleeveless fishnet top, she had purple hair tied in a ponytail and gray sparkling eyes, "Sigh, I still can't believe human beings can move like that..."

"Moreover, they're just my age!" She sighed, remembering her reaction the first time that she saw a scene like this here in the Hatake's household.

She was leaning on her chin with her hands while sighing badly and thinking about that.

"What? Thinking about me again?"

But all of a sudden, a pretty boy's face flashed right in front of her own face. The boy had light purple eyes, rare red hair, and his whole face was wet from the training. He smiled while asking her.

She blushed hard, her whole face blank. Then all of sudden, she clenched her little fist and wanted to punch the boy right in the face. But he disappeared swiftly, appearing two meters away from her, "Scary ~."

"Didn't I tell you not to do that anymore, idiot?!" Anko yelled angrily, her face still a little red.

"Ohh, I forgot ~."

"It's enough, Yoshi. Let's wash up and go to the Academy now. We'll be late," Kakashi swiftly appeared near them too.

"Alright, let's go," Yoshi nodded, winked to Anko and went inside with Kakashi.

"This idiot..." Anko thought angrily, but there was still a sweet smile on her face.

She started coming here to hang out every day for the last five months. When she said that her home was in the same direction, it was true. First, all three of them started going to and coming back from the Academy together.

And five months ago, she started coming to the Hatake residence even before the Academy began, often ending up watching their practice together.

She was an orphan, and the Hatake residence often appeared very lonely now that Sakumo started going in and out of missions for long periods of time because the next war starting soon, so she began going there.

Later on their way to the Academy, Anko suddenly exclaimed, "Ahh, I remember now! Today's the day of our first combat test at the Academy."

"Hmm, yes, I totally forgot about that thing, "Yoshi said while thinking about something. Actually, all the lessons they had at the Academy until now were only of a non-combative type.

It's because, throwing the civilians of the class into the sparring sessions right when they first started the Academy, wasn't a very good thing for them,

So, teachers wait at least the first six months until they start them. Unlike in his previous life, the Academy curriculum is in function during the whole year here, especially during times like these ones now.

They still had the theoretical grades up until now, of course. Yoshi was first there because of his amazing spiritual energy, and knowledge of the canon. Kakashi was the second, and that Hyuga Takumi kid third.

"Who are you the most optimistic about in this test, Kakashi?" Yoshi asked while smiling.

"Uchiha Kosuke, Hyuuga Takumi," Kakashi replied matter-of-factly.

"Wait, but what about the two of you?" Anko suddenly interjected.

"Haha, we're on a whole different level now, so I wasn't even counting us," Yoshi said smilingly while petting her on the head.

Surprisingly, Anko didn't protest, nor became flustered this time around, this behavior is already considered very ordinary between them.

During the last month, she often went to Hatake's residence during some afternoons as well. Yoshi also began instructing her earnestly, so she actually grew considerably stronger.

Honestly, Yoshi must admit it, he really liked Anko's presence. He first decided to tease her a little back then because she looked kinda cute and her chakra aura soothed him well, but now he somehow got used and connected to her.

Kakashi looked at this behavior and just sighed deeply.

After a while, they arrived at the Academy, and soon entered their classroom.

Asuma, Kurenai, Rin, Genma, Ebisu, and others were already seated there amongst the other civilians.

There was another familiar guy there as well. He exaggeratedly jumped from his seat when he saw them enter through the door and yelled, "Kakashi, Yoshi, is the fire of youth burning brightly inside you today, too?"

"This idiot..." Kakashi and Anko thought at the same time, just ignoring him.

"Good day to you too Guy, haha!" Yoshi just smiled embarrassingly while holding his hand on his hair.

Yes, this was Might Guy. The Hokage officially allowed him to enter the Ninja Academy based on his fighting spirit and excellent taijutsu talent sometime after the Academy formally started.

The closest people who didn't make any fun of him were only Yoshi and Kakashi. Kakashi mainly ignoring him directly, of course.

Uchiha Kosuke looked at the nearly arrived people calmy but under his gaze hidden a deep fighting spirit. Six months ago, after the conversation with his cousin Fugaku, he abruptly matured a lot. His cousin also personally trained him ever since then. So that's why he can't wait to show his strength at the combat assessment today.

Another person was also thirsty for strength in these past six months like Kosuke. After what he thought was shaming of his father, the Third Hokage, at the first examination by getting only a miserable fifth place, Asuma Sarutobi also grew stronger in these past six months. Personally trained by his father and his disciples, when his father was busy and vice versa, no one knows how many surprises will he bring out today.

Hyuga Takumi was trained by the Hyuga clan patriarch personally as well. The patriarch even thought of him as the most talented Hyuga ever since the Warring States period. Very worth training as the next shield of the family's main branch.

But only Takumi knew what he thought of that patriarch and that whole clan deeply hidden inside his heart. Only he knew how hopeless he felt. How hopeless he was with that curse mark engraved onto his forehead.

He didn't even try hard to gain any more strength, knowing that it wasn't his own strength. He knew that everything was pointless from the beginning. No matter how hard he trains, how strong he gets, he will still only be just a slave of the main branch of his clan.

The game was rigged from the start, and it wasn't in his favor,

He looked down bellow at the smiling Yoshi and the proud Kakashi helplessly, his eyes burning with hopelessness and envy.

'If only I wasn't born in this accursed clan!' He thought fiercely while holding his fists clenched tightly. This being a rare emotional outburst coming from him.

Yoshi's presence already changed and is about to change many things and characters from the original Konoha, even without him knowing, directly or indirectly. The so-called butterfly effect is truly a wonderful thing. Some facts aren't so safe to assume about this world in the future.

After those three got on their seats respectively, the door of the classroom opened again,

But, surprisingly, it wasn't their teacher. It was another boy who was wearing goggles and was dressed in a blue jacket.

"Ah... Thank god I wasn't late this time around..." He gasped tiredly, and while ignoring all the looks he received from around the classroom, he arrived in front of his table and swiftly sat down.

Only this girl being present in his eyes, "Rin..."

"Obito, you finally came on time," Rin smiled gently.

"Uhm, I can't allow myself to miss this opportunity," Obito thought fiercely, 'I'll defeat all of you today!'

Shortly after, Eiji, their teacher, came through the front door as well.

"Ohh, Obito? You're here too?" He smiled and asked playfully.

The other students laughed a little, and Obito answered while standing up, "Of course teacher, I'm ready for the combat assessment!"

"Alright, since everyone's so excited, let's go!"

All the people present in the classroom soon left for the training field.

All the students formed a large square around the place where they were supposed to fight. The assistant teachers and Eiji stood in the middle, and a medical ninja was called too, just in case.

"Traditional Shinobi Sparring" is a combat training method that has been passed down for generations in Konohagakure as a training method for Academy students.

According to the protocol, the two opponents must face each other and make the Seal of Confrontation, which represents one half of a seal that might be used to activate ninjutsu and essentially means "I've come to face you in battle".

When the spar is over, both participants make the Seal of Reconciliation by locking the fingers they used to make the "confrontation" seal, acknowledging that they are still comrades.

"First, ..." Eiji started reading the names of some civilian students first. Those matches were quite boring, usually only being in taijutsu nature.

"Kakashi, Yoshi, my rivals, this is the spring of youth! Please be ready for a really youthful battle showdown if you go against me!" Speaking of taijutsu, Might Guy came in front of Yoshi and Kakashi and exclaimed fervently.

"Yeah, whatever you say..." Kakashi answered not being very interested.

"Kakashi!? Where is your spirit of youth gone!? You must get it together, my rival!"

After shouting that, Guy started comically crying and shaking Kakashi, who looked very embarrassed right now, but still not managing to give any harsh words towards this eccentric acquaintance.

"Ah, so boring! When will I go and fight, Yoshi!?" Anko shouted annoyedly while looking at that scene beside her and that dull fight in front of her.

"Soon, get ready! I, your teacher, am very optimistic about you!" Yoshi smiled while touching her head.

Anko swung away his hand protestingly, embarrassed because all the people present here, and asked softly, "Ne, Yoshi!? What place do you think I will get this time?"

"Let me think... Probably, the eight place!" Yoshi started thinking seriously and then answered after a while. It truly wasn't a bad place, considering he only trained her for five months, and there being nearly forty different students in this class.

"Hmm, alright! If I really get the eight place this time around, I will admit that you're a genius!"

"Didn't you already know that I was a genius, and what do I gain from you admitting it?" He asked, but then suddenly leaned over to her ear a little and whispered something while smiling evilly.

Anko's whole face blushed madly, feeling his hot breath on her ear, she thought, 'A kiss...?'

On the nearby high building, directly facing the Academy's training grounds, stood two men.

One was in his imperial-like robe, while the other one was in his green jonin standard uniform, he had white, long, and spiky hair.

The man in the jonin uniform came only today from one long mission, just for tomorrow to go onto the next one in preparations for the war.

"Jiraiya, what do you think, what are the chances of another Ninja World War starting again, in the next six months?" Hokage suddenly asked his precious disciple.

"Around eighty percent, I'm afraid, teacher..." Jiraiya sighed, he really hated wars even without participating in one of them before.

Sarutobi sighed as well while stating next, "I have to rely on you, Tsunade and Orochimaru heavily in this upcoming war..."

"I understand, teacher! I will do what I must do! I won't let you, nor my village down!"

Sarutobi nodded contently and asked him something again...

Soon on the field, more and more interesting matches were being called out. Assistant teachers on the side always writing something in their notebooks.

"Next, Genma Shiranui against Ibiki Morino!"

These two were the strongest of the whole students with shinobi parents, and smaller clans batch, both in the theoretical tests and right now. They defeated all of their enemies until now in this assessment.

The did the Seal of Confrontation, and the battle started,

After throwing a few shurikens at each other, they started a fierce taijutsu battle. Ibiki was relying mostly on his powerful physique, while Genma on his wits and technical ability.

But in the end, Ibiki's strong physique prevailed and Genma surrendered. After doing the Seal of Reconciliation, they both went back to their places.

"Anko Mitarashi, Obito Uchiha!"

The names read caused a little commotion in the crowd.

"Ehh, I have to go against that clown!?" Anko yelled angrily.

"Be careful Anko, this guy is rather good. He's not that simple," Yoshi suddenly warned her seriously while putting his little hand on her bare shoulder.

Obito's chakra aura started growing and getting more streamlined recently, indicating that he was getting better at chakra control and overall getting stronger.

'He probably trains hard every day until he collapses of exhaustion, thus making his body break its own limits and talent barriers...'

'Truly a marvelous guy!'

"Okay," Anko nodded after hearing Yoshi being so serious.

They went to the fighting ground soon.

"Good luck, Obito!" Rin yelled from the side excitedly.

Obito nodded to her and then turned to Anko and warned, "Be careful!"

"You too, clown!" Anko grinned.

Obito looked a little angry, but soon, they both did the Seal of Confrontation and started their duel.

Anko directly sprung forward and attempted to punch Obito right in the face.

He surprisingly dodged it and attempted to strangle Anko's hand next, but she kicked him in the stomach before he got to do so and got some distance between them again.

She grinned again while picking a couple of shurikens from her purse. She threw them straight at Obito and suddenly moved fast from her original position.

Obito opened his eyes wide looking really surprised by her speed.

Suddenly he felt the danger behind him and moved away quickly.

Anko grinned while chasing him down the field fast.

This trick was what she learned from Yoshi, it's the basic application of chakra to the soles of one's feet. She only barely completed it after five months of real training,

But, it was still very slow, judging by the fact that even Obito was able to dodge it. It was still quite away from Yoshi's and Kakashi's level of proficiency.

But she was still slowly catching up with Obito in this battle.

Obito looked worried while running away.

'Damn, she's gonna catch up with me in a few seconds'

'I wanted to save this for later, but I have no choice now!'

Obito suddenly did a few hand seals while moving back from Anko.

Everyone looked surprised!

"Fire Release: Flame Spray Jutsu!"

Suddenly, he started continuously spitting flames a meter and a half long from his mouth. It looked like a modern-day flamethrower.

The situation suddenly reversed, Anko barely managed to dodge it in one second.

And in the next second, a chunin suddenly appeared on the field, saving her from those flames and saying to Obito and the crowd.

"Winner, Obito Uchiha! You can stop now!"

Everyone in the field held their breaths, not believing what they were seeing. A dead last of their whole class in grades doing such decent-looking ninjutsu.

'Amazing!' Yoshi thought.

'Obito already knows ninjutsu?' Kakashi thought unbelievably.

'This guy was hiding so well?' Asuma thought curiously.

But, the most shocked of them all was Uchiha Kosuke! 'This waste actually managed to create a new jutsu on his own?'

Unlike the other people here, he knows for sure that the jutsu like this doesn't exist in their Uchiha clan, which means Obito must've created it on his own,

And, he was right. While continuously failing to perform the usual Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu, Obito accidentally created a totally new jutsu on his own.

"This generation of Academy students is truly great, teacher!" Jiraiya said on top of that building.

"Yes, I'm very optimistic about that little guy. He's also Kagami's nephew," Sarutobi said while remembering his old teammate and a friend from the Uchiha clan.

"To create a jutsu, while still in the Ninja Academy? This is the first time I've ever seen anything like that," Jiraiya genuinely said.

"Yeah, it should be an E rank, as well," Sarutobi said knowingly while thinking, 'I must find him a great teacher, that's for sure. If Minato becomes a jonin by his graduation, then it would be a good choice...'

"Rin, did you see that, haha?" Obito smiled happily and came towards Rin.

Rin really looked amazed, not expecting anything like that from Obito, she had stars in her eyes, "Amazing!"

Obito looked really embarrassed, but happy at the same time, 'I finally managed to impress Rin!'

Anko came back a little dejectedly, unlike her usual high-spirited self.

But, Yoshi went and suddenly hugged her a little for a second.

"Don't worry Anko, I only guided you for five months, you will eventually surpass that clown, believe me.", "Uhm."

"Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy," Eiji said.

"Yes, this is what I was talking about Kakashi! I'll let you get the taste of my youthful power now!"

Might Guy said while doing a front flip to the battle area.

"Sigh, why did it have to be him?" Kakashi sighed depressingly.

They promptly started fighting after doing the rituals.

Might Guy surprisingly being able to contend with Kakashi who wasn't using his sword.

He grew really stronger during these past six months as well.

They fought for a few rounds before Kakashi nodded slightly in a sign of approval and said, "Good, Guy, you truly grew stronger since that time..."

"But, it's still not enough." Applying the chakra on his feet, he disappeared, appeared behind Guy, and just knocked him out promptly and safely.

"Winner, Kakashi Hatake!" The other students started applauding a little.

"Asuma Sarutobi, Kosuke Uchiha."

Asuma looked at Kosuke and thought that this will be a hard battle, but he still said to Kurenai confidently, "Kurenai, watch this carefully, I prepared this surprise for a long time, just for today."

Kurenai nodded, full of confidence in Asuma.

Everyone was excited about this battle, including the people who watched it from the outside.

"This kid Asuma truly changed teacher, he would never ask us to teach him before so seriously," Jiraiya said to the man beside him.

"Yes, he just needed a little simulation. He will be an excellent shinobi, just like his brother," Sarutobi said seriously while smoking a pipe.

Asuma's older brother Shinsuke and his wife were already prominent members of the Anbu black ops and were captains of the Hokage's personal guards. They also watched this battle, from the shadows.

"In the end, he only managed to learn one jutsu. I don't know if it will be enough against this Uchiha kid," Jiraiya said uncertainly.

"It's hard to say," Even Sarutobi wasn't that sure.

They started the battle by throwing shurikens at one another, evenly matched.

Next, in taijutsu, they were both evenly matched again as well.

Realizing that they both wanted to perform some kind of jutsu during the confrontation just now, Asuma asked while grinning, "How about a jutsu against jutsu? What do you say?"

Kosuke nodded and they both started doing the hand seals fast.

"Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu!"

"Wind Release: Breakthrough!"

Soon a gust of wind and a torrent of fire collided openly in the field.

Everyone held their breaths together.

Kakashi looked stunned at seeing such a ninjutsu demonstration, he always wanted to learn some ninjutsu for himself as well but didn't have a chance yet.

'Impressive, both of these jutsus are D-class, Yoshi thought all of sudden.

Kurenai blinked, even she didn't think that Asuma was this strong right now.

"So, is this a tie?" Asuma suddenly asked.

Kosuke just nodded without any arrogance and left promptly.

"It seems like this Uchiha Kosuke is even more talented than Fugaku. A talent like that hasn't appeared since the Warring States era in the Uchiha clan."

Sarutobi said to Jiraiya while suddenly thinking, 'Uchihas are truly getting more and more dangerous lately. I hope my plan regarding the Uzumaki clan won't come too late!'

"Next match, Hyuga Takumi against Uzumaki Yoshi!"

This next duel caused a mini uproar in the field, especially with the girls' population.

However, Yoshi smiled only towards one girl with purple hair and gave her a thumbs up.

Other girls looked at her jealously, already knowing of their somewhat unusual relationship.

After jumping to the fighting area and waited for his opponent, he thought, 'So, me and Takumi, and after that, me and Kakashi...'

Hyuga Takumi came to the field as well.

He looked very calm on the surface, but Yoshi knew that his inner self is in real turmoil through his chakra aura, 'What is wrong with this kid?' He really didn't understand.

Takumi just did the Seal of Confrontation without saying anything, so he did the same.

The battle started without any pretense in taijutsu.

"What's wrong with you, Takumi?" While battling each other, Yoshi suddenly asked. His aura looked even more unstable after that question.

"Why are you not giving it your all, Takumi?" Yoshi said while gaining the upper hand a little in taijutsu, because Takumi looked even more angry and unstable.

While looking at his opponent's eyes, he finally found it, he found a flash of hopelessness and deep sadness hidden in there, masked by anger, "Do you want a way out, Takumi?"

"What do you know, Uzumaki!? You don't know anything, so shut up!" Takumi yelled angrily, "Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms!"

He took a stance and just when his fingers were about to pierce at Yoshi's chest, Yoshi disappeared suddenly from his position.

'What...?' Takumi thought before he felt like someone was picking him up from behind.

Before he even had the chance to respond, he was thrown down on the ground fiercely.

Yoshi crouched down after finishing his throw and whispered to him, "I don't know what's in your head, Takumi. But, I do know that hopelessness is useless. Only by getting hope will you set up your goals, and only by setting up your goals, will you find ways to reach those goals..."

"You may not believe it, but I'm in a very difficult situation now too. However, I have found different ways to get out of it. Remember, when there's a will, there's a way..."

"Winner, Uzumaki Yoshi!"

The crowd burst into applause, while Yoshi smiled and waved them a little.

Looking at his back, Takumi strangely calmed down a little and asked himself, 'What is my goal?'

'Is it ...?', 'No, but that's impossible!'

'But, he said, when there's a will, there's a way?'

'So do I have to find that way now?' Takumi asked himself while looking at the sky.

Yoshi just smiled realizing that his aura totally calmed down and even looked a little bit tranquil next. He bothered to talk and help Takumi because he saw incredible potential in his aura, thinking it was a pity seeing it wasted like that.

He wanted to see just how far he could go, and whether he, Yoshi, could influence the story in any way. He wanted to see a faceless character who didn't even appear in the original, become a peerless powerhouse in this version of events.

"Heyy, when did you learn that move? It looked really cool!" Anko asked him referring to that back throw move he did on Takumi.

'I can't tell her I saw that on TV, can't I?'

"I made it myself, haha, why? Wanna try it? I'll be gentle ~."

"Huh, no thanks!"

"Next match, Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, come here!"

Obito nodded seriously, said a few words to Rin, and went to the field. He didn't know why, but he thought that this white-haired boy in front of him was some kind of his fated rival,

Kakashi also looked at him after arriving. He felt like there's some kind of connection between them as well.

"Whoop his ass, White Hairs!" Anko yelled from the side.

"Obito you can do it! Fight!" Rin also shouted from the side.

After doing the ritual, the boys started fighting fiercely.

Kakashi punched and kicked, and Obito parried,

But, he soon felt that Kakashi was really stronger than him in taijutsu.

He wanted to do his special jutsu, but Kakashi didn't give him any chances and stated, "I won't give you any time to perform your jutsu!"

After a dozen of more moves, Obito fell on the ground and lost.

"Next time, I'll defeat you!" After the results were announced, he stood up, yelled loudly, and left angrily. Rin also went along with him, to consolidate him.

"This kid is truly like you Jiraiya," Sarutobi smiled a little.

"Haha, I guess so. The next match is between Sakumo's son and that Uzumaki boy?"

"Yes, but they are good friends so don't expect much," Sarutobi answered knowingly.

"Uzumaki Yoshi against Hatake Kakashi!"

Everyone looked at the two most talented students of this generation, no, maybe even of the whole Konohagakure history!

Even the teachers looked really interested. Yoshi and Kakashi came to the center of the field and just smiled, and after doing the seal, they suddenly disappeared from their original positions.

Reappeared clashed with their kunai and then disappeared again, "Wait, isn't this the famous Body Flicker Technique!?" One of the assistant teachers exclaimed loudly.

"How is this possible, they are not even genins yet, my god!" Another assistant teacher added, not believing his eyes. Even he himself doesn't know this technique, yet those kids do it so effortlessly.

It's true, this technique is only something that high-level chunins are generally capable of. That's not to say that they have chunin level strength yet, it's just that their comprehension ability is really good.

Eiji who was the most experienced of them all suddenly said, "It's not the complete version, yet. And do you know who their teacher is? Yeah, you guessed it!"

"As expected of Lord Sakumo!" Another assistant said full of worship.

"What kind of magic is that?" One student suddenly asked no one.

"My father knows that technique too, it's not magic, you bumpkin," Another one rebuked him.

Asuma and Kosuke looked at their fight as well, realizing that they were still far behind these two.

They were evenly matched in the duel, but both of them knew, that in a prolonged battle, Yoshi wins in the end, due to his huge amount of chakra.

On the high rise building in front of the field, Jiraiya suddenly rubbed his eyes a little, "What do these kids eat? How are they so talented?"

"This is what happens when you give a genius kid, a different genius kid as his rival," Sarutobi smiled and answered insightfully.

"They are more talented than your disciple Minato. It seems like every new generation of Konoha is getting more talented than the last one,

Teacher, you were truly right. You planted the roots, for new leaves to grow on top of old branches like me," Hiruzen Sarutobi was really proud of today's Konoha!

After a few minutes of clashing, they looked at each other and stopped their battle all of a sudden.

"Teacher, it seems that we're tied this time around too," Yoshi smiled and said to Eiji.

"Right," Eiji nodded and whispered something to the assistant teacher who was writing in the notebook.

Students started applauding and shouting praises towards them. They were not jealous, they probably already realized what's called talent and privilege in this world.

"Okay, it's enough. Next, we're gonna do a couple of more duels for students whose placements aren't determined yet!" Soon, another round of boring matches came.

Sarutobi and Jiraiya already went back to their duties, only they know just how hard will they work these next few months and years during the upcoming war.

Yoshi yawned and asked Anko who was beside him seriously, "Was I handsome enough today?"

"I don't know, ask your fans!"

"Haha, is this what I think it is ~?"

"No way, stop being an idiot!"

Soon, all the placements were determined and written on the large table in the Academy's courtyard. All the students went there at once. They were being allowed to go home now as well.

First - Yoshi Uzumaki.

Second - Kakashi Hatake.

Third - Kosuke Uchiha.

Fourth - Asuma Sarutobi.

Fifth - Obito Uchiha.

Sixth - Takumi Hyuga.

Seventh - Might Guy.

Eight - Anko Mitarashi.

Ninth - Ibiki Morino.

Tenth - Genma Shiranui.

Those were the first ten places written on the table.

"Huh, looks who's the eight place ~?" Yoshi suddenly smiled teasingly and asked while looking at the girl in question.

"Eh, but I didn't promise anything!" Anko went home embarrassingly while walking really fast, practically running.

"Hmm, we'll see about that tomorrow..." Yoshi said to himself while smiling softly.

"Kakashi, let's go alone," Yoshi said, knowing that talking to Anko while she was this embarrassed was really hard.

"Alright," Kakashi nodded, and they left for their home steadily.

"Yoshi, do you think my father will be safe in this upcoming war?" Kakashi asked all of sudden, vulnerably, he really doesn't know what he would do without his father.

"Of course, Kakashi! There is no way in hell uncle will lose to anyone on the battlefield, no chance!" Yoshi answered confidently, 'In fact, uncle's strength sometimes surprises even me.'

'The only way someone could harm uncle is through nefarious means.'

'And, I'm here to prevent that!'

Yoshi thought fiercely, a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

Next chapter