
The Price For A Vow

Ava, a talented artist struggling to keep her family afloat, finds her fate intertwined with that of Jonathan Sterling, a billionaire bound by a clause in his father's will that demands he marry to secure his inheritance. As Ava steps into the glittering world of high society, she must navigate the treacherous waters where allies and enemies wear the same masks. Jonathan, determined to protect his legacy and the woman who is becoming his true partner, faces threats from all sides. The couple's resolve is tested by Cassandra, Jonathan's ex-lover, who, along with business rival Vincent Marlowe, conspires to tear them apart and take control of Sterling Enterprises, and the relentless scrutiny of the media. In a world where every vow has its price, will Ava and Jonathan's contract of convenience pave the way to true love, or will the secrets they keep tear them apart? Will their love prove strong enough to withstand the forces arrayed against them, or will the price of their vow be more than they can bear? "Price For A Vow" is a tale of love, trust, and the ultimate gamble of the heart in the high-stakes game of matrimonial alliances. ------ NOTE: The book cover belongs to WriterBubble. Thanks!

Marvellous_A · Urban
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15 Chs

The Canvas of Fate

Ava Marshall stood before her canvas, the bristles of her brush dancing across the surface like a ballerina in the throes of a passionate performance. The colors blended and swirled, each stroke a testament to her determination to keep her family's world from unraveling. Her studio, a small room in her apartment, was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the weight of overdue bills and her mother's medical expenses.

The door creaked open, and her brother, Michael, peeked in. "Hey, Ava," he said, his voice tinged with guilt. "The landlord was here again. He's not going to wait much longer for the rent."

Ava sighed, setting her palette down. "I know, Mikey. I'll figure something out," she replied, her voice a mixture of weariness and resolve. I'm trying to sell some pieces, but it's just… it's not enough."

Michael shuffled his feet, looking around the room filled with vibrant canvases. "Your art… it's amazing, Ava. People just don't see it yet."

Ava gave a wry smile, her eyes meeting his. "Thanks, little bro. But unless 'people' includes a wealthy art collector who's into abstracts, we're in trouble."

Michael moved closer, his eyes now fixed on a painting of a stormy sea. "What about this one? It's the best you've ever done. It has to be worth something."

Ava followed his gaze. "That? That's my heart on a canvas, Mikey. It's not for sale."

Michael nodded, understanding. "Okay. But we'll figure this out, Ava. We always do."

Ava pulled him into a hug, the fear and love mingling in the tightness of her grip. "We will. We have to."

As Michael retreated, Ava's phone buzzed. An unknown number flashed on the screen. She answered, expecting another creditor, but the voice that greeted her was smooth, confident, and utterly unfamiliar.

"Is this Ava Marshall, the artist?" the voice inquired.

"Yes, speaking," Ava responded, her curiosity piqued.

"This is Jonathan Sterling. I've seen your work, Ms. Marshall. It's… compelling. I have a proposition for you."

Ava's heart skipped a beat. Jonathan Sterling, the billionaire CEO of Sterling Enterprises, was on her phone. She had heard of him, of course, who in New York hadn't? But why would a man of his stature be interested in her art?

"I'm listening, Mr. Sterling," Ava said, her voice steady despite the flutter in her chest.

"I would like to meet you in person to discuss the details. Tomorrow, at the Sterling Tower. Noon. I'll have my assistant send you the details."

Before Ava could respond, the line went dead. She stared at the phone, a mix of excitement and apprehension churning within her.

The next day, Ava stood in the opulent lobby of Sterling Tower, her best dress feeling out of place amidst the marble and chrome. She was ushered into an elevator that whisked her to the top floor, where Jonathan Sterling's office awaited.

Jonathan's office was a stark contrast to Ava's colorful studio. It was all sharp lines and cold elegance. He stood by the window, his back to her as she entered.

"Ms. Marshall," he said without turning, "thank you for coming."

Ava approached cautiously. "Mr. Sterling. You mentioned a proposition?"

Jonathan turned, and for a moment, his gaze lingered on her. "Yes. I've seen your work. The piece with the tumultuous sea—"

Ava stiffened. "It's not for sale."

"I know," Jonathan interrupted, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "But I would have paid handsomely for it. However, I have something else in mind. Something… more substantial."

Ava's curiosity was piqued despite herself. "I'm listening."

Jonathan walked towards his desk, picking up a document. "I need a wife, Ms. Marshall. A contract marriage. It's an unusual request, I'm aware. But it comes with a price that could solve all your financial woes."

Ava's mind reeled. A marriage? To him? "Why me?" she asked, her voice a mix of skepticism and intrigue.

"Because you're not like them," Jonathan said, gesturing vaguely towards the city beyond his window. "You're authentic, passionate about your work. You don't hide behind a facade. That's what I need—a real partner, even if it's just for show." It's a condition of my inheritance. And I believe you need financial security. I'm prepared to offer you a contract marriage. You will be compensated handsomely."

Ava's mind raced. This was madness. A contract marriage? To a man she barely knew? Yet, the thought of her mother's medical bills and the eviction notice that loomed over them made her heart heavy.

Ava felt a strange sense of power at his words. Here was a man who could have anyone, yet he was asking her to play the role of his wife. It was a dangerous game, but one that could solve all her problems.

Ava weighed his words, the gravity of her situation anchoring her to the spot. "And what do you get out of this?"

Jonathan's eyes met hers, a steeliness within them. "Control of my company, my future. And perhaps… something less tangible."

The air between them crackled with an unspoken understanding. This was more than a business transaction. It was a leap into the unknown.

I'll need time to think about it," Ava said, her voice firmer than she felt.

"Of course. I'll have my assistant send you the contract. Look it over. Decide what's best for you."

As Ava left Sterling Tower, the city seemed different, as if she were seeing it through new eyes. The contract marriage was a canvas of a different sort, one that could either be a masterpiece or a disaster.

That night, Ava lay in bed, the contract on her nightstand. The numbers on the page promised a future free of debt, but at what cost? Her freedom? Her heart?

She thought of her mother, her brother, and the life they could have. With a deep breath, she made her decision. She would sign the contract. She would marry Jonathan Sterling.

But as she drifted to sleep, a part of her wondered if she was making a deal with the devil or an angel in disguise.