
Yan Ningbai Heard It and Opened His Eye Widely

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Old Master Yan laughed out of frustration. She had the nerves to look down on him with that IQ of hers.

"And now you're afraid that she might be skeptical? Did you forget that our grandson would need to bring her over to the house and introduce her to the family? When the time comes, she'll know that you lied to her." Old Master Yan said with a grin.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about this. What can I do now?" Old Lady Yan patted on her thigh and panicked. "Previously, the only thing on my mind was testing Lin Chu. I…I had doubts about her at that time, so I didn't put too much thought into it. However, after getting along with her, I found out that she's a really good kid. Do you think that she'll be mad at me for lying to her?"

Right when Old Master Yan was about to say something, the doorbell rang.

Aunt Chen went to open the door. After a while, they heard Aunt Chen greeted, "Young Master Yan."