
The President's Love Code

Aryanna is an orphan born out of wedlock. For years she has struggled to live a lonely life in a society that shuns her for her mother's sins. She meets her boyfriend, Carlos, who warms his way to her heart. He gives her every reason to trust him. Until she discovers his scheming ways and deceitful nature. She uncovers the reason why he approached her and it breaks her to pieces. His boss, Sebastian appears out of the blue and sweeps her off her feet with an offer of love that promises vengeance to the people who hurt her. Will the alluring temptation of passion and power sway Aryanna to accept his offer? *The cover isn't mine. Credit goes to the owner.*

precious_pruddy · Urban
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

4: His boss

"Go home, I'll come and see you later. You better have an apology ready for me when I come. How dare you cross your limits?" Carlos's harsh words echoed. 

Aryanna snapped her head up, her facial features frozen in a state of stone-cold fury. She was shocked, her breath came fast and heavy. 

The nerve of her body to freeze up and let her put up with everything the jerk had to say and do left her dumbfounded. Aryanna sat up on the bed in a hurry. 

She glanced down at her injured arm and found it was nicely bandaged. Aryanna scanned the fancy room, she knew it belonged to the four-eyed young man that gracefully saved her the previous night. 

Her hands brushed over the silk bedsheets, soft to the touch and warm on her skin. It was a change from her worn-out bed sheets back at home. The room was enormous, she figured the space amounted to the size of her apartment. 

The king-sized bed embraced her warmly. It gave room for her to roll around comfortably without breaking the peace of her slumber. Her eyes fell on the blue duvet. The quilt shielded her from the cold of the night. 

She slept so well that for a moment her situation eluded her mind. Aryanna brought the quilt to her face and inhaled the calming scent of lavender wafting off of it. 

Aryanna set the blanket aside and got up. Her feet touched the majestically tiled floors of the room. She flinched from the cold, and her eyes landed on a pair of flip-flops on the side. 

Without hesitation, she slid them on and walked around the room. She stepped over to the personalized working table on the right side of the bedroom. It was neatly arranged, with the books stacked in alphabetical order and the tools arranged in the order of colors. 

She brushed her fingers over the closed laptop. It was the latest brand in the market, according to the news, only three prototypes were out in the world. And she had the honor of touching it. 

Aryanna moved on to the door a few steps away from the desk, her curiosity got the better of her. She pushed open the door and found it was a walk-in closet full of women's clothes from all the known brands in the country. 

The type of clothes a person of her status can only admire from the pages of a magazine. Never had the honor of seeing one in person or touching it. Aryanna wished to put on one of the dresses, however, she feared damaging it and spending the rest of her life paying for the damage. 

Her eyes cast down to avoid temptation. She found that decision to be a mistake, because before her eyes were shoes, heels, doll shoes, boots, as far as her eyes could stretch. Aryanna swallowed greedily. The shiny sparkly shoes tempted her to touch them. 

She glanced back at the door to confirm that she was alone. She picked up a pair of red heels, slipped out of the comfortable flip-flops, and smoothly slid into the heels. They were a perfect fit, her size, she took a few steps forward towards the mirror in the corner. Aryanna stared at her reflection in happiness. 

There were a dozen glass cupboards around the closet with designer bags and jewelry inside them. Aryanna was in paradise, it was the type of closet she dreamt of having in another life. 

"Cinderella is proof that the right pair of shoes does wonders, " a sweet angelic voice sounded from the door. Aryanna jumped, startled by the sudden appearance of the man. 

"I'm... I'm sorry...I was just....I'll take them off, " she stammered in fear. 

"Why take them off? They look beautiful on you, " he complimented her. 

"They aren't mine, " she argued with her head lowered. 

"Nonsense, " he brushed off her words. "Everything in this room was purchased and customized to fit your taste. It's all yours, " he disclosed to her. 

Aryanna shot him a stunned gaze. Her eyes scanned the closet once more, the clothes alone were worth millions of money, not to mention the shoes bags, and accessories. She pauses momentarily, weighing the impact of the man's words. 

"I meant it when I said I fancy you. I wish to get to know you and give you all the love you crave, Ari, " he let out. Aryanna felt short of breath. "Is it alright if I call you Ari? " he asked. 

Aryanna found herself nodding voluntarily. A wave of warm shock hit her like a ray of sunshine. She couldn't believe her eyes, they only met the previous night and he went as far as to buy the entire mall for her. 

"I'm a sincere and straightforward person. When I want something I take action to have it. Right now, I want you, so I hope you'll give me a chance to... "

"When did you do all this?" Aryanna cut in. 

"The day I saw you at the cafe a week ago, you took my breath away, I had my secretary look into the things you like and prepare this room for you, " he admitted openly. "I was hoping we'd get to know each other at the party and see where we go from there but.... "

Aryanna filled the gap in her mind. He didn't get the chance to talk to her because of all the drama that went down with Carlos. She felt bad, he went out of his way to invite her to the party and she ended up ruining the night for him. 

"You work with Carlos at Devonte?" she asked. 

"Yes...you could say that. "

"I thought you were a straightforward person. There's nothing straightforward about that answer, " Aryanna pointed out. 

"Alright, I work with your ex but I am not an employee of the company, " he answered. 

Aryanna nodded. She figured that he was a temporary substitute in the company. She wondered how someone who doesn't have a permanent station afforded all the luxuries in the room. 

Her worry must have shown in her face as he went on to explain. "I'm Sebastian Leerstrom, I own Devonte and Deluxe as a brand and firm, " he enlightened Aryanna. "I am his boss. "

Aryanna's jaw dropped. The person who invited her to the party and carried her away was none other than her ex's boss. The name sounded familiar to her, as the man often made headlines as one of the most eligible bachelors in the city.

He took reigns in the beauty industry and as events would have it, he was the finest hotelier in the country. Deluxe Hotel is a seven-star hotel with branches all over the country and all of the money was going into the pocket of the young man in front of her. 

"I hope Miss Valle, that you'll consider my proposal and allow me to court you, " he expressed calmly. 

Aryanna awakened from her daze. Sebastian was filthy rich, he could have any woman he wanted in the country and yet he picked her. She didn't know how to react. 

Aryanna wondered if it was true if he was real. Last night proved that wasn't the type of girl that men choose. She was a maybe, the one they take when what they want is out of reach, but never the one. 

"Love hasn't been kind to me. How can I trust you that I won't get hurt again?"

"Love is kind, warm, and beautiful, Ari. Love never hurt you, someone who doesn't know how to love you did, " Sebastian uttered. He sauntered into the closet and approached Aryanna. He touched her chin and raised it. "Don't let your head fall because of your enemies. Hold it up so they know they can't break you. "

Aryanna pressed her lips together. He was a stranger to her, yet he showered her with warmth and kindness. Aryanna was feeling vindictive towards Carlos and it seemed fate was on her side. Bringing her way the CEO of the company where Carlos works, as though urging her to get even with that bastard. 

"I can see desire in your eyes, dear. What it is you covet?" Sebastian invited. 

"I don't have anyone else in my life, the person I trusted the most has betrayed me. Will you help me get even with him, " she beseeched Sebastian's help. 

Sebastian frowned. The corners of his lips fell with displeasure. Aryanna gulped, she feared her words might have angered him. 

"Don't beg, it invites pity, Ari. Show the world that you are weak and they'll tear you apart, " he cautioned her. 

"Then what should I do?" Aryanna snapped. "I am not rich or powerful. I can't afford to be confident and strong all the time. I just...just want the pain...pain to be gone, " she broke down and burst into tears. 

Sebastian opened his arms and pulled her into a hug. His touch was ever so gentle, scared he might hurt her if he added pressure to his touch. 

"I'm here now. I won't let anyone hurt you and if you wish to get even with Carlos, then you are free to use me as you see fit to achieve your objective, " he gave her a heartfelt assurance. Aryanna melted in his arms, taking the assurance and security it offered. "But you must understand that only my woman has the right to do with me as she pleases. So Ari, are you willing to be mine?"