
The President's Love Code

Aryanna is an orphan born out of wedlock. For years she has struggled to live a lonely life in a society that shuns her for her mother's sins. She meets her boyfriend, Carlos, who warms his way to her heart. He gives her every reason to trust him. Until she discovers his scheming ways and deceitful nature. She uncovers the reason why he approached her and it breaks her to pieces. His boss, Sebastian appears out of the blue and sweeps her off her feet with an offer of love that promises vengeance to the people who hurt her. Will the alluring temptation of passion and power sway Aryanna to accept his offer? *The cover isn't mine. Credit goes to the owner.*

precious_pruddy · Urban
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

3: The losing end (3)

"What is she doing here?" Leah harshly inquired of Carlos. 

Carlos stared coldly at Aryanna while Leah glared daggers at her. For they knew that her presence ruined the schemes they had planned for her. 

Aryanna glanced at them without a comment. She didn't know where to begin, the questions she had were answered by Carlos's assurance to Leah. Their conversation cleared all her doubts. 

She neither had any questions for them nor the strength to confront them for toying with her life. The tears rolling down her eyes spoke of the feelings trapped in her heart. 

Aryanna dropped the flowers to the ground. Her heart was heavy with the pain of learning the truth of her relationship. 

It was a one-sided love. The person she loves, was madly in love with someone else, so much so that he went as far as to seduce her on his lover's behest. 

"I trust you to take care of this, " Leah let out and kissed Carlos on the cheek. She walked up to Aryanna and looked her deep in the eyes. She stepped all over the flowers Aryanna bought and crashed them under her heels as she had done Aryanna's soul. Leah smiled and walked past her to head back inside. 

Aryanna followed Leah's movements with her eyes. The waters rose in her eyes. She helplessly bent down to the ground to pick up the flowers. Aryanna picked up the stems, and the petals fell off and hit the ground. The flower was broken and the sight mirrored the battle she fought internally. The truth crashed her. 

She didn't hear it from someone else. Aryanna saw it with her own eyes and she died. She came to the party to celebrate Carlos's achievement, she didn't expect to be betrayed. To have her trust shattered completely. 

It hurt her vastly. To have the person who got her to lower her walls in trust, break her heart without batting an eye. 

"What are you doing here? How did you get into the party?"

His first response wasn't to help her up, console her, or try to explain what she saw. He was worried about how she managed to secure entry to the exclusive party. 

Her feelings drifted away. Leaving her feeling numb all over. All the plans they made gone down the drain. Aryanna touched the petals on the ground, she didn't know how to feel. 

"I'm talking to you, Arya. How did you get in here, " he roughly picked her up from the ground and forced her to look at him. 

Aryanna stared at him, the tears in her eyes did nothing to cloud her visage of the monster. It made her view clearer than ever. Aryanna had the unfortunate pleasure of having Carlos touch her. 

His touch made her skin itchy. His touch that once comforted her, gave her chills and haunted her skin. She wanted him far away from her. 

"Why won't you speak? " 

Aryanna searched for a sign of regret or guilt in his eyes. The man who could never see her cry put tears in her eyes and wasn't bothered to watch them fall. His care and concern were focused on how a girl like her, an orphan, a child born out of wedlock, a poor nobody managed to get into the party. 

His actions muted her. He silenced the sound of her teardrops with his cruel actions. Aryanna felt numb all over her body. Her heart chilled. 

Carlos came into her life without warning and made her dream of more for herself. He took her out of her shell in the name of love only to shatter her with the truth. Aryanna held his gaze, trying to catch a glimpse of his soul. To understand how he could be okay with everything he was doing. 

He used her and intended to discard her after consummating a night with her. However, Carlos felt no remorse for his actions. Instead, he played the victim for having been found out before he accomplished his task. 

"You've ruined my plans by coming here. What the hell, Arya!" he pushed her to the ground.

"Arghhh, " Aryanna gasped in pain as she landed on the ground. Her arm hit the rough floors, her skin peeled slightly and blood trickled out of her wound. 

Aryanna brought the hand to her view. She was frozen in disbelief. Aryanna trailed her gaze from her wound to the culprit. 

The same man who whispered sweet nothings to him the previous night as they parted ways had vanished. Replaced by a ruthless monster that didn't hold back from hurting. 

"Why did you have to come here? I could have achieved my objective tonight and gotten rid of you from my life forever, " he dared to scold her. "Why did you do this? Now because of you, the one I love won't get her wish. " 

He pointed an accusing finger at her. Aryanna blinked, letting more tears flow down her eyes. He was the one who played with her heart, entered her life, and gave her false hopes and dreams.

Carlos broke her foundation and the pillars that strengthened her. And he had the audacity to blame for finding out his truth before he took her chastity. Aryanna listened to his harsh words helplessly. 

"I hate you, Arya. I simply hate you so much, " Carlos let out. Aryann shot a bewildered gaze at him. "You have no idea how hard I worked to get you. To entertain you and your principles. For a poor illiterate, you are high maintenance, " he spoke out in anger. 

Carlos clasped his hands around Aryanna's shoulders. He pressed his fingers tightly intending to cause her pain. 

"Why do you always ruin my plans? Why?"

Aryanna winced at the pain. She felt like a fool to have trusted the sweet words he uttered to her. To have believed the promises he made to her. 

Carlos showed his true colors, and Aryanna felt grateful to the stranger who invited her to the party. Without intending to, he opened her eyes to the foe disguising himself as her friend. 

"Can I ask you something? " she found the energy to speak. Carlos scoffed. "If you wanted to break my heart, why were you so nice to me?" she bellowed in a shaky emotional voice. 


A hot slap landed on her cheek. Aryanna's head flew to the side, and her hands instinctively held her burning cheek. She lifted her head and stared blankly at Carlos. Her eyes filled with incredulity. He slapped her.

Carlos forcefully pulled her off the floor. He grabbed her right hand and dragged her along with him. He ambled away from the party, towards the door, away from prying eyes. 

Aryanna helplessly let him drag her along. Her heart, mind, and soul were coming to terms with the truth. She struggled to stomach all that she saw, heard, and had to put up with. 

Carlos got her to the entrance, he stoutly shoved her to the ground outside. "Aah," Aryanna gasped. 

She walked in at the party with her head held high. Expecting VIP treatment from her boyfriend only to be greeted with disrespect and insolence. 

"Go home, I'll come and see you later, " Carlos harshly uttered. "You better have an apology ready for me when I come. How dare you cross your limits?"

Aryanna held her wounded arm close to her chest. Her heart bleeding from the blood Carlos drew mercilessly. She was in a lot of pain, emotionally, physically and mentally. 

"Aryanna!" Carlos called her attention. He squatted down on the floor and cupped her cheeks in his hand. "Did you get what I said? Go home and prepare an apology for me. Or else, I won't spare you," he threatened her. 

Aryanna cringed as he applied pressure to her cheeks. She watched him wipe his hand with a handkerchief before turning around and heading into the auditorium. 

Her eyes traced over to the security man. She felt so embarrassed to have him witness Carlos's disrespect. 

She took a minute, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. "If your boyfriend is who I think he is. I'm afraid that this isn't your night, dear, " the stranger's words rang in her ear. 

Aryanna felt stupid. Everyone knew of Carlos's truth except for her. He blinded her with gifts and sweet words that she failed to see his fake horns. He was a demon sent to her by the devil to take her down. Like a fool, she let him in without doubting his intentions. 

The security man took out his phone and dialed a number. The phone rang for a moment before it was received. "Your guest is here. She looks hurt, " he reported. 

Aryanna cast a curious look at him. She was confident he was reporting to someone about her. Her mind was clouded with memories of the night to pay much thought to him. 

The next moment, the stranger from the VIP room arrived at the door. Aryanna could hardly believe that he was there, she thought she'd never see him again. 

He looks at her with concerned eyes, and suddenly Aryanna is aware of what a mess she must seem to him. He leans down, close, his warm breath lingering inches away from her face. 

His brows darken with concern and he seems genuinely alarmed after seeing the blood in Aryanna's arm. 

"I take it that you are single now. I don't like touching someone that's taken, " he uttered. 

Aryanna nodded her head slowly. She already hit rock bottom with the events that went down. At the losing end of her love life. Aryanna figured the stranger couldn't hurt her more than Carlos did. 

The man smiled, he rested his arm on her backrest, lifted her off the ground, and carried her in his arms like a bride.

"End the party and get the car ready, " he ordered the man behind him. 

"Yes, boss, " the man responded submissively. Aryanna leaned her head on his chest, she glanced up at the young man, wondering if she was making a deal with the devil by letting him carry her away. 

The man sensed her worry and looked down at her, he offered her a friendly smile and spoke, "You're going to be fine love. "

~End of flashback~