

WARNING: Contains mature content. The moment I went out of my car, putting my shades on, a palace in front of me is what I am excited about. A place only invited people can get in. I approached the elevator and willingly let my guards stay on the ground floor so that I can have a little privacy. How could I say that? I am not drunk anymore. Am I? But... Why does the president look for me? Is he a fan of mine? It doesn't make sense when he asked me that this was a private meeting and just between us? Maybe he has a project for me right? I must not think of things about him! Damn it Get yourself together Eve! He won't do anything bad to me, he's a president. As soon as I see the way to his office, his guards were standing beside those huge doors and a personal guard of his gave me company up to the location. "She's here." I assumed that he called the president and told him that I am outside his doors. Not long enough the doors opened by his secretary and it felt like a slow-motion seeing his back turning around my way. I could see his eyes moving slowly as if he's very soft but intimidating as he postures his body and fixes his necktie. "Wow," I mumbled subconsciously. He then asked his secretary to leave just by his hand gesture which made me more uncomfortable. "Wow?" With confusion in his eyes, he asked while smirking. Hey Eve gets to your senses you can't do this right now! "I meant your uhm. I finally met you that's why.." I pleaded to myself not to stutter. Oh please no. "So, what am I here for?" I asked him directly so I could finish things quickly. He didn't even blink when he asked those words "Be my first lady."

Rurushen · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Calling For A Press Conference

Eve's POV

****Tick-tock Tick-tock Tick-tock Kkkringggggggggg kkringgggggg****

***Clock Alarms***

6 a.m.

"Ahhh, gosh my body hurts." I did my stretching and shakes my body.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath but, I was quickly reminded of what happened yesterday when I touched my cheeks.

My face gets red every time I think about it.


"I. like. cute. sexy. girls. like. you." My heart skipped a beat as if my body didn't move and my ears didn't hear anything.

I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move.

Likewise, I took a deep breath, still looking at him.

Yes, I managed to take a breath!

What should I do? How should I act? He seems very consistent in looking at me.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed forcibly and sarcastically.

He stood still looking seriously at me.

I sighed and looked at him suitably.

Crossing my arms "Stop with this prank Lander. I don't deal with games like this."

I sounded like a professional and a scary woman.

"I'm serious. This isn't just a game, this is between us. I'm being professional, acting is our main priority, right?" I don't know if I should be upset or thankful.

"You're out of the line. No one is watching us, what if this gets real?" I don't know how I was able to say those words.

He gasps and looked away.

After that, he convinced me to play the naughty cards and so we did.

My mood didn't come back even though we asked naughty questions to each other and I was trying so hard not to let my emotions out so I don't know if I sounded and looked cold towards him.

He laughs at what we shared and almost died laughing when I told him that my mom once busted me touching myself.

I didn't laugh at all. I just simply nodded and listened.

We stroll around and look at the scenery of our surroundings, wasting time.

When he noticed that I was quiet the whole time and just speaks when I asked, "What's the problem, Eve?"

I stared at him, emotionless, and didn't respond.

He came closer, seating beside me.

His hands were reaching slowly toward my face and touching my cheek. "For now, we don't have to talk about things. Let's just go with the flow for now and see what happens later on. There's no need to be precise and feel pressured. Is that okay with you?" I get what he means yet, I want a committed and consistent man for me and he's the opposite of it. He's confusing me.

I sighed heavily, "Let's go home I'm a little bit sleepy."

It seemed like my mood affected him too and he looked so down.

I turned my back to him and he quickly held my hand.

He was silenced and reading my face.

"Don't you understand me?" The look in his eyes made me feel guilty.

"It's fine," I assured him and smiled naturally.

He was staring at me with his deep eyes and creased brows. He looked like a drunk.

My eyes bulge when he kissed me on the cheeks. I glanced at him not knowing what to say. "What are you doing?" I couldn't see my face but I felt it burning. I know I'm red.

"I'll drop you by at your house it's getting dark." He turned his back on me and left me hanging on that question.

I was out of myself I didn't even know we are already outside my gate.

I didn't say bye to him and made my way in to slap my face. It was like a dream for me, it's unrealistic at all.

My mind was not working in the meantime.

I was so tired and fell out of sleep.

***End of flashback***

"Wasn't it a dream? It isn't."

Well, I need to come back to my senses and act as if nothing happened at all.

I have my shoot at 1 pm and he didn't message me if he has some errands to do with me so, I just prepare myself for the photoshoot.

I keep on checking my phone even if I am doing my makeup. Every time it notifies me, I look at it and get disappointed by the messages I receive.

Time runs so fast that it's time for me to go for the photoshoot.

I'm driving my way there independently because I hate it whenever my manager comes to my house to pick me up.

The photo shoot was successful. The flow was smooth and I've got a lot of nice images for the magazine. I'm so happy to get this job but it was tiring too.

After the shoot, I bounced myself on the couch and drank bottled water.

"AHHHH." I held my neck and massaged it.

People's noise was irritating me more and I couldn't rest.

It looked like something was going on so I stopped someone to ask.

"Hey, what's going on?" She looked like she didn't know what to do. "I'm sorry Miss Eve, the president's here and is looking for someone." She quickly excused herself and run towards the others.

"What is he doing here?" I mumbled to myself and fixed my makeup and posture.

"Mister President, do you want something, sir? Tea or anything?" A staff behind me was talking to the president so I slowly turned my way in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him informally.

"I texted you. You didn't reply so I came here to pick you up." I was stunned by his words and I know those who were around us too. He was so straightforward and my mouth formed an 'O' looking at everyone.

I held his hand and brought him to talk in privacy.

"What the heck are you doing?" I didn't know what his plans were and he's making plans that I don't know! That's the point!

"I just wanted to pick you up that's all." He was talking as if it is normal.

"What if people will talk about us?" I leaned against the wall glaring at him.

"That's the plan. We are going to let them know officially and there's no more hiding."

He explained.

"But why?"

"Paparazzi caught us and they are going to make an article before 8 p.m. So, I'm going to hold a press conference before that." I understood everything he said. It would be better if we hold a conference first so it wouldn't look like a scandal.