
The President’s Pregnant, Ex-Wife

Sabrina Jewel found out she was pregnant after so many pregnancy tests. The same day, her husband, the powerful President of Jewels Group of Companies in NY city, Robin Jewel, brought another woman home after Sabrina had endured his escapades with ceaseless women and tried to be a good wife. “What? After all the sperm, you could not for once be pregnant. Not even a miscarriage. She did your job for you,” Robin pinned the blame on Sabrina. Sabrina’s world crumbled right before her eyes. She left her family for this idiot but not anymore. His father knew who she was but Robin never took the pain to even research about her throughout their three years of marriage. Since he got another woman pregnant, she was done for good. “I have had enough, Robin. It’s either she leaves or I leave….”

Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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500 Chs

Chapter 3 - Still my wife

Seeing Robin rising from the dining table in anger, Sabrina quickly turned to leave but it was too late. He grabbed her by the arm, incoherently pinning her against the wall. His movement was a little violent.

As they say, a hungry man is an angry man. Robin's angry gaze bored into her amber eyes that brought out the beauty of her blonde hair. He raged,

"Why are you so insolent? When did you become like this?"

His closeness made Sabrina uncomfortable but she gazed at him coldly and truthfully responded, "I loved you for so long thinking that one day, you will love me too. I endured so much, including watching you on the news and receiving pictures and videos of your affairs with so many women, thinking you would change but I was wrong. I am done loving you, Robin. I am no longer your submissive wife."

She gritted her teeth at the last part and tried to wiggle out of his arms, failing miserably at it. Seeing she was not a match for him, she stopped fighting and only glared as he said, "Don't forget that we are not yet divorced."

The doorbell rang and Sabrina felt grateful for it. Robin got interrupted, wondering who was at the gate. The maids should go and get it but Sabrina pulled away from him and went to get it. She returned and placed the documents on the dining table, Robin was shocked. Zayla was excited though.

"How did you get it?" Robin asked. Divorce documents took time to process and only a good lawyer could get it so fast. It was even more confusing because they had talked about it not long ago. Or was it the person she was talking to on the phone? When did Sabrina know of anyone who was not in Robin's circle?

"Why do you care? They are genuine so you should sign," Sabrina coldly demanded. Robin panicked but externally, he looked calm.

"I will take time to read through them, just in case," he said smugly, assuring himself that he did not need her. Sabrina glanced between him and Zayla before she demanded,

"I need it tomorrow and I need you and your woman out of this villa too."

Now Robin was pissed. Since when did Sabrina grow horns? What fueled her confidence? Was she planning for the divorce all along or was it because she was jealous that Zayla was pregnant for him? Should she not be happy for him that he finally got someone to call him a father? Perhaps she forgot who he was. Glaring daggers at her, he spat coldly, "You do not talk to me like that."

Sabrina calmed herself. She was allowing her anger to take a toll on the situation which was not the best. The divorce was not finalized and Robin could still decide to take the villa from her. "I'm sorry, Mr. Robin Jewel, Good night," she said and walked away. She might burst into tears if she stood there any longer.

An awkward silence ensued after. Sabrina just showed a side of her which Robin never saw before, even after three years of marriage. She was becoming mysterious to him. His stomach grumbled and so did Zayla. Ah, he had not eaten anything because he was waiting for his sumptuous meal. Who thought that Sabrina could be like this? Somehow, even when she said she did not love him anymore, he felt that she was lying. It was just a matter of time. She would run back to him.

"I will order food for us," he told Zayla, who was uncomfortable. She had not had a home cooked meal in a long time because her home was not as peaceful as that of Sabrina. She had it in her to break the bitch but it seemed that even after agreeing to divorce, the bitch still walked with her head high in victory.

'Just you wait, Sabrina. This villa will still be mine and you will run back to your father. But once I get a hold of this villa, I will destroy everything your father has.'

"What about the maids? Can't they cook?" Zayla forced a smile and questioned, still not wanting to feel like she failed at her own game. Robin's response did not make her feel any better.

"Cooking is not part of their contract. Sabrina never added it because she loves to do it. I have to get a chef but he will start work from the penthouse."

Zayla frowned stubbornly, "I don't want to live in the penthouse. I want to live here," she insisted but Robin was at a loss. He never dealt with an over pampered child before. Sabrina was a matured woman, lessening his burdens and not adding to them. At 27, Zayla was still behaving like a 16 year old.

"I already gave this house to Sabrina and I'm I wrong to think that you like this house better than me?" He glared at Zayla, her resolve broke. She was moving too fast but also because she was desperate. She composed herself in time and smiled,

"No, no, it's just beautiful."

"I will get something more beautiful than this for you and our unborn child," Robin said seriously but Zayla was not amused about it. She wanted this villa because it had something impeccable. Something her family needed to bounce back and she was their only hope in getting it.

They ordered food and ate with Robin grimacing the whole time. The food was from a top restaurant but did not meet his taste so he ate little. When they were done, Robin ordered Margaret to take Zayla to the guest room. She was instantly appalled.

"Babe, I'm scared of sleeping alone."

Robin was getting upset. He had a huge corporation to manage and was not ready to babysit an adult behaving as a kid. "You are not a child, Zayla. Who were you sleeping with in Europe every night when I was not with you?" He asked in annoyance.

Embarrassment covered Zayla's eyes before she said, "Well, pregnancy is different." She tried to hide her disappointment because a month after she and Robin got drunk, she only met him with the news that she was pregnant for him, insisting that it was her first time doing it with him when they were drunk. Robin was happy and took responsibility but never slept with her after that. She even caught him fucking a woman he claimed to be a client so why not her? Why did she feel like he was hiding from her?

"Don't forget the divorce is not finalized. I need time to read this before I sign," Robin created an excuse. The point was, he did not feel sexually attracted to her after that night but since he promised to keep her by his side, he would do just that.

"Okay," Zayla smiled since it was about the divorce. Who knew what Sabrina had in her sleeves? It had to be over with. Robin went to his room and heard sobbing. Seemed that the ice queen was not so tough after all. This was the assurance he needed. Sabrina would not be able to live without him. He laid beside her on the bed and Sabrina quickly wiped her tears, putting on a strong look. She stiffened when his hand wrapped around her waist.

"DON'T TOUCH ME," she bellowed but Robin laughed and said,

"Have you forgotten that the divorce is not yet finalized? Until then, you are still my wife."

Sabrina was so upset that she wanted to slap him but he was right. The divorce was not finalized and with all the power and wealth Robin had, he could make things difficult for her. She forced a smile. After all, she was never going to do this in her life again so why not enjoy it now? She turned to her side and began to plaster kisses on his face.

It was not as easy as she thought by the time they were done. Robin drained everything out of her until she felt like paper. Tonight was different. He was fierce but also passionate. Too bad it wasn't going to happen again. Then her heart thumped. What if it affected the baby in her womb? She wasn't thinking when she gave in. Taking deep breaths, she forced herself to calm down before giving in to sleep. She was surprised that the man was still holding her naked body tightly in his arms. How weird?

By the time Sabrina woke up the next day, the papers had been signed and they had to meet in court for the final procedure. Sabrina broke down, venting everything she kept inside before. It was a painful realization after she had put on all the strength in front of him. Inside, she was just a broken little girl, who also desired to be loved and comforted.

Her attention was drawn to the time and she quickly dressed up, happy to have packed a few things the night before. By the time she reached the divorce court, Robin was already there, fuming with anger. The papers were signed and the marriage annulled. Sabrina did not expect it when he asked her,

"I'm going back to the office but I can drop you at the villa first. I don't understand the reason you refused to come with the driver."

"Thanks Mr Jewel but there's no need for that," Sabrina replied politely and Robin felt strange. Before he could tell her to stop addressing him formally, she had walked past him, which was also strange. He was the one who used to walk past her before. Still, he was determined to drop her in the villa, thereby following her.

His jaw almost hit the ground in shock when a tall, slender and handsome figure met Sabrina, instantly pulling her into his arms, towering over her and burying his face in the crook of her neck. Robin was gnashing his teeth.