
The Predominant Avatar

Chapter 1

A normal kid around the age of 10 named Dylan, he was short, he had delicate, silver hair which was everywhere. Dylan was from a truly notable group before, however now it isn't solid any longer. His tribe was the Thunder Storm Dragon, it was an exceptionally old and solid faction, which had the forces of a breeze and lighting component winged serpent, and was worked in speed and assault. Be that as it may, his class endured a great deal of inconveniences and at last, lost the majority of its individuals, not very many of them were left, yet those were scattered far and wide.

Dylan was strolling down the road toward the evening after school had wrapped up. ''Goddammit, how could I bomb once more? I thought I examined hard this time, goodness well, despite everything we got the physical test coming up, ideally, I will pass'' Dylan was an understudy in the 'Symbol foundation' in the town of Tenghai, which was a standout amongst the most amazing institutes in the kingdom of flame. Understudies would need to pay around 10,000 yangs just to step through the examination, and they would need to pay 1,000 yangs per year for the charges. In any case, that just applies to the general population outside of the Kingdom of flame, the general population in the kingdom of flame would just need to pay 1000 yangs to enter with no tests and 100 yangs every year, which was entirely reasonable.

In any case, then again, since the 'Symbol institute' was so high in power, numerous individuals from different kingdoms began to go to the kingdom of flame just to step through the examination there since the capabilities were high and individuals outside of the kingdom of flame weren't permitted to enter simply after the age of seven, which was the expected age to step through the exam, since at six, you would know nothing so normally you wouldn't need to step through any examinations.

However, Dylan was just ready to enter on account of his dad's dearest companion, his name was Cesar, who was the pioneer of the town at the time. He made a guarantee to Dylan's dad when he went out to the war that he would deal with him in the event that he didn't make it home securely. A couple of years in the war, Dylan's dad was proclaimed dead, his mom brought forth him around the same time. Unfortunately, she kicked the bucket directly in the wake of conceiving an offspring, leaving Dylan a vagrant because of his dad's passing in war.

Due to these conditions, Dylan was permitted to live in his folks' home without paying rent and could go to the institute, Dylan was terrible at things like composition and perusing, in this manner he would get awful evaluations in those subjects, in any case, since he doesn't focus in a bad position a great deal he is likewise unsuccessful at developing inner vitality.

As Dylan is strolling home, he sees his closest companion, Hazard. He had pitch dark hair and green eyes, and was really tall for his age, his father was an exceptionally solid warrior and got paid a great deal, because of this, Hazard could stand to go to the 'Symbol Academy' in the kingdom of flame.

'All things considered, we should return to the plot'.

Dylan approaches Hazard from the back endeavoring to startle him, however not at all like Dylan, Hazard is exceptionally savvy and develops interior vitality effectively and was more grounded than Dylan by a ton.

Dylan crawled up from behind Hazard, he at that point climbed a rooftop to amaze assault him, Dylan bounced off the rooftop to get Hazard, however the minute he contacted him, Hazard detonated into the air.

'' Poof!''

''Gotcha'' Hazard said while pointing his finger in a method for a gun at Dylan's head from behind him. ''Ha-ha, turns out I can't contrast and the virtuoso of the foundation'' ''Don't stress, Dylan, one day you will find the opportunity to wind up like me'' Dylan just grinned and kept strolling accordingly.

''In this way, where would you like to go today?'' ''Well, wherever is fine, as long as I don't examine, am tired of that bologna man''. A couple of minutes after the fact, Hazard and Dying are now strolling to the eatery ''Fire and Ice''. This eatery was made as an indication of harmony between the two kingdoms, ice, and fire.

Chapter 2

After Dylan completed the process of eating in the eatery with his companion Hazard, he returned home, be that as it may, as you probably won't know, despite the fact that Dylan never focused in class and was truly flippant, he had a fantasy, and that fantasy was to end up the incomparable symbol! When Dylan returned home, he quickly begun preparing.

Dylan pondered internally as he sat leg over leg, endeavoring to gather inward vitality. "Okay, time to begin preparing, this is the main way I can finish the test. " He at that point concentrated profoundly and accumulated the majority of his considerations, you can see inside Dylan's cognizance, there was a pitch dark interminable space, there was nothing in there aside from a minor start, that start was his spirit.

In development, the state of your spirit is the thing that you can release once you ace the rudiments of interior development which is discharging your normal proclivity, for individuals in Dylan's age, notwithstanding discharging your regular partiality is to a great degree hard and it would take them no less than an entire long stretches of training only for that and that's it. Likewise, the "shape" of your spirit will dependably come as a creature, the sort and uncommonness of the creature rely upon the quality of your spirit itself. That implies in the event that you soul is powerless, you will have a feeble creature, despite the fact that your spirit becomes more grounded as you do, it's beginning state is the real quality of your spirit, which implies that you can't change your creature.

Concerning Dylan, his spirit was the weakest and littlest in size out of the entirety of his colleagues, a portion of his most gifted cohorts, similar to Hazard, as of now begun seeing what creature he had, that was after he picked up authority over his spirit, where he could marginally change its size, and discharge his affinitive components, his were water and wind. Obviously, contingent upon your quality, the spirit's size changes, yet Dylan didn't realize what creature his own spirit had, he was as yet stayed with his little start, which was the proportional quality of an eight-year-old that can simply get unadulterated vitality with exceptionally feeble strategies.

Dylan continued squeezing himself to learn until the point that he couldn't hold it any longer. "What the heck!! I can't do anything, for what reason am I so pointless?!" Dylan was angry to the point that he punched through the window with his own clench hands when he understood what was happening, he attempted to quiet himself down. He saw his wicked hand at that point said to himself; ' Humph, it's alright, simply unwind and center, recollect what you were instructed that year.'

** Going to the past into Dylan's memory of when he was six and gone to his top notch ever.**

"OK class, our first exercise is about development, does anyone comprehend what that signifies?" "Me, sir, pick me!" a voice resonated in the classroom from the rearward sitting arrangements. " Okay, what your name?" "My name is Sabrina, sir." "OK, Sabrina, would you be able to reveal to us what you think about development?" "Well, development is the strategy of getting together inner vitality from nature, a few people may have the capacity to gather diverse kinds of vitality relying upon their fondness.

For instance, somebody may have the fondness for water, while the other may have the liking for earth, them two can gather vitality, in any case, the state in which it's gathered and the qualities and utilizations it has and altogether different, however it is workable for individuals to have increasingly that one proclivity to nature, obviously." "Thank you, Sabrina, that was a superb clarification, does anybody have any inquiries?"

Nobody reacted, the instructor accepted that they didn't see however were excessively modest, making it impossible to ask, so he just began clarifying the exercise. "Most importantly, development isn't only a street for rehearsing or enhancing quality, it's a lifestyle. To do great in development, you should cover these three essentials, as a matter of first importance, one must be extremely savvy and instructed, second of all, he should have a will of steel, to never surrender regardless of what the expense may be, and third, is to do it enthusiastically, to appreciate that shocking sentiment of enhancing your quality step by step, when you ace every one of the three of these aptitudes, you will have the capacity to end up a solid warrior, and one day, perhaps from this class, the kingdom of flame may create another symbol!"

The second the sensei completed what he stated, the entire class quit talking for at least 5 seconds, the name symbol was so hallowed, it would convey dread to any individual who is restricting the side which makes them be, a symbol implied that his proclivity of nature was accessible to all components, that implied that he would have the capacity to utilize all water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, and haziness components!!

The status of a symbol in the Lanxu landmass is equivalent to a holy person's or an edge's status to people, he was regarded and respected, in any case, it was fundamentally unimaginable for anybody to make it, the odds of a man turning into a symbol is equivalent to the odds of a space rock the measure of a tennis ball hitting the earth in precisely the same spot you are remaining in! This is the reason the kingdom of the fire was the biggest kingdom in the Lanxu landmass, and why the foundation 'Preeminent Avatar' was a standout amongst the most incredible institutes in all of Lanxu mainland!

After the exercise, while the majority of the children went out for the break, they were chatting with one another, making the most of their time while eating, examining which one between them would be the one to wind up the Avatar. Dylan was sitting in the classroom without anyone else, the educator would keep an eye on him and imagine that he was dozing, in all actuality, Dylan was sitting reasoning about the great minutes he would have in the event that he had guardians, thinking about the adoration he would get, each time Dylan would consider that, he would either separate and begin crying on the off chance that he was distant from everyone else, or he would go and raise some hell in the event that he was before other individuals like the instructor and his schoolmates to draw in their consideration so he wouldn't feel so forlorn.

**Now we return to where Dylan is preparing in his house**

In Dylan's brain, that little start of light was still there, it was too little to perceive what creature it was molded in, and he was excessively powerless, making it impossible to expand its size, that is the reason everything he can do is increment his spirit's quality by engrossing vitality from the air, he began recollecting what the instructor enlightened him concerning the physical test.

"Tune in, kids, the psychological test is finished, now, I'll educate you concerning the physical test, first, it is included two sections, one is without utilizing inner vitality, which is in type of a competition, it doesn't make a difference who goes most remote in the competition, since we will just break down you on your execution, so you can win the entire competition and not go by any means, that is the reason you need to recollect, all ways give a valiant effort! Okay, if there are any inquiries, ask them before I begin clarifying the second piece of the test."

"Mr Zhao, so is it workable for somebody to pass regardless of whether he didn't win any amusement?" Dylan.

"Indeed, however you need to demonstrate to me the majority of your aptitudes on the off chance that you need to awe me" Zhao. Mr Zhao was their delegate, he was one of the most grounded warriors in the entire town, it might appear to you as a simple errand since Tenghai is only a town, be that as it may, that is just what individuals call it, it's, a lot greater than a considerable measure of different urban communities in the kingdom of flame, and that is on the grounds that the Avatar of the Kingdom of flame was conceived here, and the significance of this town was practically identical to the significance of the kingdom's capital, Tonglong city.

"Okay, now I will educate you regarding how we will survey you on your development of interior vitality. We will request that you play out an expertise relying upon your age and your fondness, in the event that you neglect to do that ability, you won't have the capacity to finish the test! Did you hear me plainly, Dylan?

**Going back to the present...**

"Goodness, yes! I want to see it, I can see it! What creature? What creature do I have?!" Just as Dylan could ambiguously observe a creature, with a long tail... meandering around his spirit... "DYLAN!! Hustle just a bit TO THE SCHOOL! SABRINA HAS BEEN ATTACKED!!" "WHAT!?"

Chapter 2

Dylan was rushing through the streets, he was running as fast as he could, his brain was still processing what Hazard told him. Because Sabrina was probably the closest person to him after Hazard, no one was there to take care of him other than the leader, but the leader had many tasks and couldn't go with him everywhere. Yet, Sabrina was always there for him, even before he met Hazard.

"Hazard! HAZARD!! what happened to Sabrina!?" Hazard was dazed as well and couldn't concentrate properly until Dylan shouted at him. "There was a huge spider, it was spitting spider webs everywhere, it was only chasing Sabrina as if it was doing it by intention! I called the leader but he will take too long, and all the experts left the village for a summit with the other kingdoms!"

"Shit! Why do they have to be gone now, out of all times!?" "Don't worry, she will be fine, our classmates are distracting the spider. As long as we get there in time she will be rescued" "Okay, let's hurry!" Hazard then used his technique ' Blazing Ice', as soon as he performed his technique, the ground 100 meters away from them turned into ice. "Dylan, grab on!" "Okay" Dylan stretched his arm to reach for his friend and started skating through the ice.

Once they arrived at the scene, they saw a huge 4 meters tall, pitch black, vicious spider that was fighting ten of the classes, top students, they were firing things at him, from shurikens and other weapons to small lightning bolts and fireballs.

"Where is Sabrina!?"

"I don't know, go search for her, I will distract the spider as well."

"Okay, just be careful, alright?"

"Don't worry."

Hazard then ran at the spider at an astonishing speed, he started generating wind energy and made an upside down, hand-sized tornado.

"Wind Blizzard!" Hazard shouted as he jumped on the spider and dug his tornado into the spiders head, the spider was stopped for a while but then regained consciousness. 'Raaagh!' The spider was really mad now, he started throwing spider webs all over the place, in which some kids got caught into, he ran right away to Hazard, revealing its fangs in a killing intent. "Shoot, if it gets any closer, I won't be able to dodge!" Hazard quickly made an ice wall to block the spider while he jumped to the side. BAM! The spider banged into the ice wall and through it. He even made a hole in the classroom's wall.

*Meanwhile when Dylan is searching for Sabrina*

"Sabrina, where are you?!" Dylan was shouting to the top of his lungs but couldn't be heard, he started to get stressed and decided to try and awaken his soul so that maybe his senses would improve and he would be able to find Sabrina. "Uhh" Dylan took a deep breath to calm himself down a bit. "Don't worry, as long as she is away from that spider, she will be fine, just calm down and concentrate..."

In Dylan's mind, there was a pitch black space with no light around it whatsoever, except for the light coming from his soul. The light started getting brighter and brighter until it was filling such a big space that you would think that half of it is filled up with light. Dylan tried to get a closer look at what the shape of his soul was, but the light was too bright.

The light kept shining brighter and brighter, until it was so close to filing up the whole area that you wouldn't realize the difference, after the light kept becoming brighter and brighter, his soul started enlarging in size, it kept growing bigger and bigger, Dylan was starting to see a bit of its shape until... "Yes! I saw it, I saw it!!!" "Ha-ha, who could've guessed! Oh my god! My animal is a Dragon! It's a real Dragon!!"

"Wait, what is this?

Chapter 3

After Dylan completed the process of eating in the eatery with his companion Hazard, he returned home, be that as it may, as you probably won't know, despite the fact that Dylan never focused in class and was truly flippant, he had a fantasy, and that fantasy was to end up the incomparable symbol! When Dylan returned home, he quickly begun preparing.

Dylan pondered internally as he sat leg over leg, endeavoring to gather inward vitality. "Okay, time to begin preparing, this is the main way I can finish the test. " He at that point concentrated profoundly and accumulated the majority of his considerations, you can see inside Dylan's cognizance, there was a pitch dark interminable space, there was nothing in there aside from a minor start, that start was his spirit.

In development, the state of your spirit is the thing that you can release once you ace the rudiments of interior development which is discharging your normal proclivity, for individuals in Dylan's age, notwithstanding discharging your regular partiality is to a great degree hard and it would take them no less than an entire long stretches of training only for that and that's it. Likewise, the "shape" of your spirit will dependably come as a creature, the sort and uncommonness of the creature rely upon the quality of your spirit itself. That implies in the event that you soul is powerless, you will have a feeble creature, despite the fact that your spirit becomes more grounded as you do, it's beginning state is the real quality of your spirit, which implies that you can't change your creature.

Concerning Dylan, his spirit was the weakest and littlest in size out of the entirety of his colleagues, a portion of his most gifted cohorts, similar to Hazard, as of now begun seeing what creature he had, that was after he picked up authority over his spirit, where he could marginally change its size, and discharge his affinitive components, his were water and wind. Obviously, contingent upon your quality, the spirit's size changes, yet Dylan didn't realize what creature his own spirit had, he was as yet stayed with his little start, which was the proportional quality of an eight-year-old that can simply get unadulterated vitality with exceptionally feeble strategies.

Dylan continued squeezing himself to learn until the point that he couldn't hold it any longer. "What the heck!! I can't do anything, for what reason am I so pointless?!" Dylan was angry to the point that he punched through the window with his own clench hands when he understood what was happening, he attempted to quiet himself down. He saw his wicked hand at that point said to himself; ' Humph, it's alright, simply unwind and center, recollect what you were instructed that year.'

** Going to the past into Dylan's memory of when he was six and gone to his top notch ever.**

"OK class, our first exercise is about development, does anyone comprehend what that signifies?" "Me, sir, pick me!" a voice resonated in the classroom from the rearward sitting arrangements. " Okay, what your name?" "My name is Sabrina, sir." "OK, Sabrina, would you be able to reveal to us what you think about development?" "Well, development is the strategy of getting together inner vitality from nature, a few people may have the capacity to gather diverse kinds of vitality relying upon their fondness.

For instance, somebody may have the fondness for water, while the other may have the liking for earth, them two can gather vitality, in any case, the state in which it's gathered and the qualities and utilizations it has and altogether different, however it is workable for individuals to have increasingly that one proclivity to nature, obviously." "Thank you, Sabrina, that was a superb clarification, does anybody have any inquiries?"

Nobody reacted, the instructor accepted that they didn't see however were excessively modest, making it impossible to ask, so he just began clarifying the exercise. "Most importantly, development isn't only a street for rehearsing or enhancing quality, it's a lifestyle. To do great in development, you should cover these three essentials, as a matter of first importance, one must be extremely savvy and instructed, second of all, he should have a will of steel, to never surrender regardless of what the expense may be, and third, is to do it enthusiastically, to appreciate that shocking sentiment of enhancing your quality step by step, when you ace every one of the three of these aptitudes, you will have the capacity to end up a solid warrior, and one day, perhaps from this class, the kingdom of flame may create another symbol!"

The second the sensei completed what he stated, the entire class quit talking for at least 5 seconds, the name symbol was so hallowed, it would convey dread to any individual who is restricting the side which makes them be, a symbol implied that his proclivity of nature was accessible to all components, that implied that he would have the capacity to utilize all water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, and haziness components!!

The status of a symbol in the Lanxu landmass is equivalent to a holy person's or an edge's status to people, he was regarded and respected, in any case, it was fundamentally unimaginable for anybody to make it, the odds of a man turning into a symbol is equivalent to the odds of a space rock the measure of a tennis ball hitting the earth in precisely the same spot you are remaining in! This is the reason the kingdom of the fire was the biggest kingdom in the Lanxu landmass, and why the foundation 'Preeminent Avatar' was a standout amongst the most incredible institutes in all of Lanxu mainland!

After the exercise, while the majority of the children went out for the break, they were chatting with one another, making the most of their time while eating, examining which one between them would be the one to wind up the Avatar. Dylan was sitting in the classroom without anyone else, the educator would keep an eye on him and imagine that he was dozing, in all actuality, Dylan was sitting reasoning about the great minutes he would have in the event that he had guardians, thinking about the adoration he would get, each time Dylan would consider that, he would either separate and begin crying on the off chance that he was distant from everyone else, or he would go and raise some hell in the event that he was before other individuals like the instructor and his schoolmates to draw in their consideration so he wouldn't feel so forlorn.

**Now we return to where Dylan is preparing in his house**

In Dylan's brain, that little start of light was still there, it was too little to perceive what creature it was molded in, and he was excessively powerless, making it impossible to expand its size, that is the reason everything he can do is increment his spirit's quality by engrossing vitality from the air, he began recollecting what the instructor enlightened him concerning the physical test.

"Tune in, kids, the psychological test is finished, now, I'll educate you concerning the physical test, first, it is included two sections, one is without utilizing inner vitality, which is in type of a competition, it doesn't make a difference who goes most remote in the competition, since we will just break down you on your execution, so you can win the entire competition and not go by any means, that is the reason you need to recollect, all ways give a valiant effort! Okay, if there are any inquiries, ask them before I begin clarifying the second piece of the test."

"Mr Zhao, so is it workable for somebody to pass regardless of whether he didn't win any amusement?" Dylan.

"Indeed, however you need to demonstrate to me the majority of your aptitudes on the off chance that you need to awe me" Zhao. Mr Zhao was their delegate, he was one of the most grounded warriors in the entire town, it might appear to you as a simple errand since Tenghai is only a town, be that as it may, that is just what individuals call it, it's, a lot greater than a considerable measure of different urban communities in the kingdom of flame, and that is on the grounds that the Avatar of the Kingdom of flame was conceived here, and the significance of this town was practically identical to the significance of the kingdom's capital, Tonglong city.

"Okay, now I will educate you regarding how we will survey you on your development of interior vitality. We will request that you play out an expertise relying upon your age and your fondness, in the event that you neglect to do that ability, you won't have the capacity to finish the test! Did you hear me plainly, Dylan?

**Going back to the present...**

"Goodness, yes! I want to see it, I can see it! What creature? What creature do I have?!" Just as Dylan could ambiguously observe a creature, with a long tail... meandering around his spirit... "DYLAN!! Hustle just a bit TO THE SCHOOL! SABRINA HAS BEEN ATTACKED!!" "WHAT!?"

Chapter 4

Dylan saw a weird looking object hiding around a wall, he went closer to look. "Sabrina? Is that you?"

'Pew!' a fireball went flying towards Dylan's head!

"Shit! my body is too slow to react on time, I have to use my powers!" As Dylan thought to himself, his soul immediately started gathering up internal energy from nature itself, after that, a huge wall sprung out from under the earth. But that wall wasn't just an ordinary wall, if the Sensei was to see this, he would be so astonished that he would faint right on the spot!

That was because the wall was made out of all 7 elements, fire, water, wind, earth, lighting, and black matter! Normally, even avatars wouldn't use this amount of elements, there are mainly two reasons for that. The first one is because when an avatar uses all 7 elements at once, it creates more elements that wouldn't be of any help to him. The second reason is that it drains a huge amount of energy, so the more make, the more tired you will get.

Because of this, almost 90% of Dylan's life force has been drained, causing him to pass out. Life force is the amount of strength you have to perform techniques or jutsu. Depending amount of your life force, the number, and power of the jutsu you perform will differ. It is possible for you to improve your life force by practicing and collecting internal energy, but Dylan cultivation was weak because of his laziness, however, Dylan, compared to other people, is actually a genius, he just didn't practice hard enough.

"Dylan! Dylan is that you?!" Sabrina saw Dylan's shadow on the ground, she was scared stiff, she knew how bad Dylan's cultivation was, adding that to one of her strongest jutsu, there was no way he could be alive. Sabrina ran towards Dylan, she picked up his head and tried talking with him.

"Dylan! Answer me, are you there!?" She put her head on his chest and realized that he was still breathing. "Okay, good, he is alive." She picked him up and put him on her back while she started running. "I have to take him to a hospital before that damned spider finds me again." Sabrina was running at her top speed, which was around fifty Li at an hour.

**Meanwhile, outside the school.**

"Goddamnit! Where is the chief/leader? And why is he taking so long!?" Hazard was thinking to himself while trying to dodge the spider's webs. Hazard wasn't actually scared of the spider, that was because it's attacking strength was not on par with his, but his defense was scary strong! The spider relied on spitting his sticky webs all around the area, and whoever then he would eat whatever gets caught, he didn't have to worry about getting hit, since his defense was on another level.

Outside of the village's borders, there was a red shadow running towards the village, it's speed was so fast that you could only see a flash pass by you. The shadow reached the village's gates, he didn't wait for the guards since he knew they weren't there. He directly jumped over the 15 meter long gates without using anything other than physical strength!

The red flash of light kept going until it was reaching the outside of the school. When he arrived, he saw the spider and the kids fighting it. He was surprised there were no casualties and decided to give the kids a chance. He believed that the only way for you to truly improve is when you are in real danger.

The spider came running at Hazard once again, this time Hazard knew that making another wall would just be stupidity, he decided to make a wall of ice, then make a ramp and jump over the spider. As soon as he executed the technique, the spider came crashing toward the wall, this time, the spider decided to hit the wall and jump up to find Hazard's location using heights, however, when the spider crashed into the wall and made the jump, he couldn't see Hazard. One moment later, the spider felt a chilling sensation on his neck, it was Hazard's jutsu 'Eternal ice'! This jutsu was made by creating an ice dagger that would be stabbed into the opponent, then spread around the opponent's body to paralyze it!

"Ho-ho, this boy's got some skills, not bad for Dylan's friend!" The mysterious person exclaimed.

Since the spider couldn't move his head to look up Hazard jumped off its head and onto another roof while the spider was crashing towards the ground.

Bang! The spider smashed onto the floor, it was really mad now! It started rampaging and suddenly increased in size by 4 times, it was now twice as tall as the building Hazard was standing on top of, the spider suddenly raised one of its legs and tried to smash Hazard with it but...

'Poof!' The spider suddenly exploded and turned into nothingness. A man was standing right next to Hazard. That jutsu was called 'Black combustion', it was a mix of earth fire, and black matter, which resulted in a bomb that turns anything it explodes into smoke. It was a very famous technique yet extremely hard to perform, the only one in the village capable of using this move to destroy an object this size, and that was...

"Chief! You came!!"

** By the way, meters and Li are just units of measurement, for example, 1 Li is equal to 1 Kilometer. Plus Jutsu and technique is the same thing just in case you get confused about me using both of them.**