
The Predators Contracted Fiancé

Luna_Sergeyev · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 7

Elisha didn't know if she should be embarrassed to see the blood smearing on the marble tub floor or to see the baton-like big penis in Lucerne's hand.

Thud, thud. There was a lascivious sound coming from his grip.

'Now is this person… … . masturbating over a dead body?'


That was Elisha's big misunderstanding.

The corpse was not even in Lucerne's gaze. He was masturbating, thinking of Elisha. However, that very person walked into the room without a sound.

Lucerne didn't even bat an eye at this absurd situation. Instead, he was rather displeased. He thought someone was playing a prank on him.

"What kind of plan is this?"

Lucerne muttered after seeing Elisha. He was not embarrassed at all .

Elisha was dressed in torn pajamas with Lucerne's cloak on her shoulders.

Her underwear inside her skirt could be seen from top to bottom. Lucerne rubbed the cigarette against the wall. In his gown, he swept his head and stepped toward Elisha.

"Excuse me, I… … ."

She froze like a herbivore, looking at Lucerne.

'It's that maid.'

"… …"

"What is going on here?"

Lucerne's eyes shined with contempt.

"I'm… … .. ."

Elisha's lips were sweet.



Lucerne grabbed Elisha's neck and pushed it against the wall. His hand was so big that even Elisha's lower jaw fell into Lucerne's grasp . The white throat trembled in Lucerne's huge hand.

"You thought I'm passionate about you, so you're sneaking into my room tonight—did Carola make you do it—or Jacob?"

"That's not it… … , I'm… … ."

"I guess they are good at training their spies now–how did you come in without a sound? Or is this a feint retreat with that bastard?"

Lucerne's eyes dangled over Elisha's whole body.

"Hey. If you want to take it off, take it all off until the end."

Lucerne released Elisha's body. A crimson cloak slid down over her shoulder. Lucerne's face was filled with contempt and lust. Elisha's whole body trembled.

"I- I'm Elisha."

Elisha just barely said it.

"It's not like I'm your lower body, so why do I need to know your name?"

Lucerne spoke in a soft tone, but his red eyes sneered.

Elisha bit her lip and shut her mouth.

"Where did you get such believable acting skills? You look like you're terrified,"

Lucerne muttered.

Elisha tried to calm down, and she quietly closed her lips. Her appearance further stimulated Lucerne's appetite.

"I didn't come here because someone ordered me to."

Elisha clung to the wall and said,

"I have something to tell you. Very important, something like… … ."


"Making a deal."

Lucerne glanced at Elisha.

"In this outfit?"

"It's important— well. Are you going to fuck me?"

Gasp, Elisha held her breath.

"You've been looking like this, but how can your words be different."

Lucerne's big hand raised her chin. Elisha did not avoid his gaze even though her eyes were trembling. Lucerne couldn't understand himself.

'Now I see this is a problem with the eyes,'

Her eyes were the problem. Her beautiful eyes caused an unexpected attraction. This woman had the rare talent of arousing his lust.

'I don't think that is the case.'

'When you get excited about a woman, you are rebelling against God. You, bring the whip.'

Simultaneously, his unpleasant memories struck again; Lucerne cast his eyes on Elisha's swelling bosom. A look full of suspicion and lust rested on her chest, which was lifted up by her remaining bustier.

Elisha bit her lips.

"I have brought information that will ensure the General will never lose. I didn't come for Jacob or Carola, but rather I came to side with the general."

"Convince me. I'll give you 30 seconds,"

Lucerne said indifferently. His eyes were as if he would throw away all her clothes immediately.

"I want to help you kill Jacob in numerous ways."

Elisha looked like she was breathing hard.

"Did Jacob order you to say that? Of all the spies he's sent, you're the worst."

After hearing that, Lucerne's lower body began to stand again. Lucerne was now looking at Elisha's exposed immaculate thighs.

"This time, the plan was set up properly. But… … ."

Lucerne's hand rolled up Elisha's pajamas. The girdle was so thin that even the colour of her body seemed to be seen through under the subtle light.

"You've wasted time wearing something like this while playing a badger game, and this is the poorest temptation I've ever seen."

Elisha's feet turned red. Her underwear was stretched, stained, and worn down.

"I know, I'm here on my own, so I'm trying to find a way to live… … ."

"Does your life serve a purpose for me?"

Lucerne grinned.

"Yes, I guess I do have some things I need to have washed."

"I have a proposal."

"I don't do those sort of deals with a woman's body. Why should I when I can just have it?"

Lucerne's passion slowly began to cool off. He looked at her. How do I do this; should I tear her apart completely? Between desire to kill and mercy, he struggled for a moment.

At that time, Elisha grabbed Lucerne's arm.

"I … … ,"


"I know how to make you the head of the family."

It was Lucerne who reacted.

"In this world, such a thing is impossible."

Lucerne's mother was a low-born who ran away with his father, the youngest son of the Cartier's patriarch. In the end, both men and women who eloped returned as dead bodies. Even if Lucerne's mother was a ruined noblewoman, he could have used her status to his advantage, but since she was a poor commoner, there was no way.

A commoner's son could never be the Duke and head of the house.

"There is a way. I know a lot of secret information about this family. In particular, there is a lot I know about Jacob. Based on that information, I can advise you."

Lucerne looked bewildered, as if a monkey could suddenly speak to humans. With that expression, he looked at Elisha, but he did not ignore her. Was this Jacob's ploy? He wondered if he was capable of such a maneuver.

"And, I know information about your mother, about her situation at the time of her death."

Elisha gradually reclaimed her calmness as Lucerne became interested in her words.

"Please do whatever you want."

"… … .."

"If you want to degrade me, you can do that. But if you do not listen to me, you'll regret it. At the risk of my life, I swear it."

The embarrassment disappeared from Elisha's face, and a calm expression gradually returned. Elishalooked like a doll blinking quietly while having Lucerne under her control.

"How can I believe those words?"

Lucerne's red eyes were bright. Elisha closed her eyes tightly. And she took it slowly.

"My dear Ayres, from the time you were in the stomach until now, we have called you a tree. Because I am of a lowly and unspeakable rank. I had to hide your growth in the stomach. So my husband and I would say that the tree was growing. One rainy day, we were under the Ayres tree. And again, your birth name was Black Pearl. Because I dreamed of a black snake coming out like the black pearl… … ,"

Elisha trembled, and she spoke out the words to the end. Her face was calm, but she couldn't hide her tension, and tears struck her eyes. Lucerne blocked Elisha's mouth.


He came right up before Elisha and whispered.

"Who are you?"

His name was Black Pearl, and he was conceived beneath the Ayres tree. It was the words that his dead mother whispered to his ear in the hut where he had been hiding. It was a fact no one knew. Neither the Head nor Jacob. No one in the world knew this.

"Where the hell did you hear this?"

Tears fell from Elisha's eyes, which were blue like the sea. Lucerne's hand slowly slipped off her mouth.


'Jacob. Do you know what's the biggest reason you're called the Next Great Head?`

'That's because I'm the eldest grandson in this family.'

'A big reason was that that my sons died while arguing over the succession of the duchy and I lacked virtue. However, that is not the biggest reason. The reason is that I support you.'

He pushed his hand and pointed to Jacob. His gaze was staring at someone who wasn't here.

'It's because Lucerne's mother is a poor commoner. If it weren't for his mother, it would have been possible for him to be your rival. If you become the Duke, don't forget that fact.'

Jacob returned like an angry bull that night, his pride severely hurt. He summoned Elisha to vent his anger on her and finally stopped after picking trivial faults on her and slapping her cheeks.

Elisha waited for Jacob to calm down, bleeding around her mouth, and over her trembling shoulders, she saw Jacob smashing and throwing things. Elisha covered her ears and closed her eyes while sobbing.


Elisha's memory stayed with her.

That was right, the biggest reason why the Head succession was inclined most predominantly to Jacob was because of Lucerne's status. If Lucerne had equal status, the patriarch would have put Lucerne on the scale.

So when the hidden truth was revealed, Jacob collapsed. He crawled up to Carola on all fours.

'Lucerne could be Duke this way. The secret we learned today must never be known to the world. Ah, Carola. When this becomes known, both the Empire and grandfather will take his side. At least until I become Duke… … . I can't give up this position! You can have all the wealth in this world, but he must be an illegitimate child!'

'… … . .'

'Damn it, I know how many years he's been talking about! uh? '

Jacob spoke in fits. Carola comforted him.

'Look, my beloved. I burned all that information like this. No one knows the truth anymore. His only card is gone.'

'Oh my gosh. Oh, my God. This is a tremendous fact.'

The secret passage behind Elisha's 'Head' painting didn't just lead to Lucerne's room. It also led to Jacob's office.

After that, Elisha sometimes would enter the secret passageway and peek at various things on listless nights.

Elisha was hiding in her secret aisle, and she was studying in Jacob's office, and at that moment, Elisha had repeated what she had learned.

My dear Ayres… ...

Fortunately, Elisha had a good memory. She will remember this moment without fail, and if Jacob wanted to kill her, she would use it as her last resort.


"Don't you want to know more about your mother's death?"

Instead of answering, Lucerne picked up Elisha.

And he took Elisha to his bedroom. Restrained by his stiff arms, Elisha trembled like her captive doe. Lucerne threw Elisha on the bed.

"Take it off."

He ordered very briefly.