
The Predator Amongst The Prey

Satou Rui is a demon hiding among humanity, but a Satou Rui is different from most of the demons he is a demon who still has humanity. Meeting his troublesome partner Elsie, we'll follow them and thei journey and discover with him the real purpose of humanity.

jainse · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Bad Day



I screamed as a demon with crystal fingers was holding my father's head, fire was spreading fast and debris crashing down as my house burnt. I can't do anything, If I step inside it's like stepping inside a lion's den. If I have gone inside I would've been killed easily, a young child has no match for that burning hot fire. If I wasn't killed by the fire then I would've been killed by the demon.

Even on this day I still remembered what happened scenery from the slightest detail. It was a traumatic scene for a 10 year old.

Blood was gushing out of my father's neck and the demon was just standing there with his index finger stabbing my father's neck and slicing it.

My father was a good man.

The burning debris then fell down and in an instant the demon was gone, and until now no one has ever brought justice to my father's horrendous death.

I still remember that demon, it had a mark on it's shoulder and had this memorable crystal fingers. Even witnessing that event I never gave up, I tried and tried to bring justice to my father without avail so I tried to bring him the justice he needs.

I didn't care how long it would take, days, months, years or decades. I will find that demon and kill him.

But then again I have to face another problem, I'm ability-less, I can't be a demon hunter. I lost hope but when the government finally invented a weapon that can kill a demon, I eventually gained hope.

Police officers or regular civilians that have this weapon are now capable of taking down a demon by himself, it was an invention that changed my world. As I gained hope, I got into a police academy and graduated and tomorrow is my first day on the job at the Main Tokyo Police Station.

I'm really excited on many things, like what people am I going to meet and who am I going to be paired with, I hope he or she would be kind to me.

But then suddenly a noise was ringing in my head, it had this familiar tone. It's like a thing I always hear every morning. It's really getting annoying.

It's the alarm clock, as I opened my eyes I the sun ray shined in my eyes indicating that it was already morning time. When I looked at the clock it was 6:00 am and my job starts at 7:00 am and I have to really prepare my self for my first day.

I then stood up and looked at a mirror, a familiar sight was then formed in the reflection, me in pajamas and still had bed hair. I then sighed, when I saw the floor of my room, there were clothes lying around.

I really have a messy room and I don't really have people to come over, I don't really have that much friends so I rarely clean.

After waking up I then go to the kitchen and make breakfast and my lunch and then eat the breakfast that I prepared and then go to the bathroom.

After taking a nice bath and brushing my teeth I then proceed to dress up as professionally as I could. I wore a nice white button-down shirt and was wearing a tight skirt, I then tied my hair up to look more mature as I could but somehow I look more younger.

Anyway I then walked out of my apartment and used the stairs, my apartment isn't the best looking but it sure is comfy.

As I walked out of the building I got this feeling that someone is watching me, like a wolf targeting its prey. It felt like this someone or something is about to pounce me but I'm not afraid, if it's a human then my year's of training will not be in vain but if it's a demon then it would be a problem.

But anyway I continued to walk down and walked to the nearest train station, after that I got to the Police Station just in time.

When I entered I was amazed on how big the place was, there were a lot of people inside despite how early it is.

There were people who were handcuffed and were escorted by the police, and there was also a woman crying. From what I heard the woman's son was took in custody for robbing a grocery store so that they could have money and buy something to eat.

I really wanted to help her, I really do but as a police officer, I believe that a crime is a crime and her son should've looked for a job. But even so I hope the woman would be okay.

That wasn't my business, so the best thing I should do is don't dip my toes in that. I then continued and then I noticed a gloomy looking guy, he had long hair and has and unkempt beard, he was also wearing a trench coat, he looked like the alcoholic type guy. I don't know if he's a cop or whatever but I think it's really hard to become friends with that guy.

Looking closely he actually has a good facial structure and he has long eyelashes, his eyes are kinda dead but if he shave his beard and get a haircut, I'm 100% percent sure he'll look amazing.

Imagining what the guy would look like, it seemed that I was walking a little slowly that I accidentally bumped into somebody, I only saw his chest but it feels like this person is tall and has tons of muscles.

"It's Katsuragi-san!" shouted a person, I then remembered that someone with the same last name.

I looked up to see a man smiling like a father, he had grey hair and has a beard with the same color, he also had a scar running from one cheek to the other but even so he still looks like a person you can look up to. A person that can protect you, he kind of reminds me of my father.

" Hinata Elsie-chan, good morning."

He said with a beaming face, and I wondered how he remembered my name. He was there when I was interviewed so he might've remembered me,but that's pretty unlikely.

"Good morning, Chief Katsuragi-san!"

I bowed, I didn't noticed until now but the people around me even including the people who are handcuffed looked so excited, I mean who wouldn't be, Katsuragi-san is one of the most powerful people on the entire world despite his ability being a secret, and he's nice too.

"Please follow me Elsie-chan." He said turning around and started to walk. As we were marching down a hallway, I caught glimpses inside the things that are happening behind the doors. It wasn't really busy but it still had that office vibes that are getting me really hyped.

"You know I was supposed to put you in patrol but since you have excellent detective skills might as well put you here."

The silence was broken of by the old man and stopped in front of the room where a sign said "Investigation Unit" and as I entered the room I immediately spotted that guy I saw earlier, apparently he is a detective, a good one that is.

"People could be jealous kid, so be careful. And by the way I'll introduce you to your partner later, I have something to attend to, so for now go meet your co workers."

He turned and waved, I then thanked him and went inside,


I noticed that the man I saw earlier was using earphones, probably watching some videos that adults like, I don't think it's a funny video since he isn't really laughing or smiling but he does looked relaxed.

"Oh? Are you the newbie?"

said a woman who was about in the mid 30's with blonde hair, she looked like a foreigner.

"The name is Cassandra Bailes," she announced confidently.

"And I'm the one in charge here." Pointing to her self, I don't know why but it felt like she was the type of woman who are strict and I hope she goes easy on me.

"Good Morning, Senpai! My name is Hinata Elise and Please take care of me!" I yelled that almost all the people in the room looked in my direction except for the gloomy looking guy.

"Follow me!" said the woman. As I followed her towards the direction of the guy earlier, I became curious on what the guy is watching and as I was walking closer I was surprised on what I saw.

A mature man watching kinetic sand being cut is not something I could see everyday. No wonder he was relaxed.

"This right here is Ivon, and~" As Bailes-san was introducing me to everyone I got distracted by the man, he looked so familiar as if I met him before, as my mind wandered, Cassandra snapped her fingers in front of me,

"Hey, are you listening?"

"Yes, maam."

"This is Ivon, that guy is Jeric, and that guy is Hank."

She said pointing at the other people in there there were about 15 people inside and for some reasons she only mentioned three, but I realized that I haven't got the rotten eyed guy's name. I then asked,

"Who's he?" I pointed.

"That's Satou Rui, he's not really that important." Satou,huh? I'm somehow interested by this fellow.

"Anyways you should make tea." She said. I can't really say no becauseause she is in charge so I just agreed.

After making the tea, I then added the teapots and the teacups to a cart which was very convenient. I then gave everyone tea and I then got into a realization that these people didn't really have anything to do.

Pretty sure there is a reason for that but I didn't really mind, I just hope that I get paired with a hardworking partner.

And then I placed one for Satou-san, which he immediately gulped down without thinking, there could be poison there you know, he didn't even thank me, how rude. Anyways I placed a cup of tea down on Blaire-san's table, she was smoking and were just on her phone texting somebody, she didn't notice that I was placing tea that she accidentally bumped her hand and spilled it all, and that was when my day came crashing down.

"You! You did that on purpose!" she said blaming me for her mistake.

"No, you actually bumped your hand and-" I said as politely I could but she cuts me off,

"ENOUGH! Clean this mess." She shouted which I just responded by politely bowing down and cleaning it, after that she then sent me to do more chores.

It wasn't even the type where I could take a rest for even a minute, no, every time I came back to report that I'm finish, she would then send me to do another, it wasn't even chores that I have to do I'm pretty sure she's just sending me to do all her dirty work.

I even had to buy her groceries, but I never complained because I thought that this was my punishment for messing up, then there was this one chore were I was supposed to get some important papers, it was really heavy and I was having a hard time. When I was finally at the door someone bumped into me, it's really foolish of me to bump into someone twice in the same day, but that I was ready to give up. I had tears on my eyes and on my head I was thinking that it would have been better if I was on patrol, why did the Chief put me here, I then picked the papers up.

A man with a kind heart handed some pieces and when I turned around to see who it was, the man was already gone, I really don't know who that man was but what I do know is that I'm going to get scolded again.

There I was tears in my eyes getting screamed at. Nobody is even looking at this direction, I just hope the chief would come in and fire her. I really can't take it any more. As I opened my mouth, Satou-san suddenly yelled.

"Can you shut the fuck up, you annoying ass whore!"

This made the entire room shocked even I was baffled, Blaire-san stopped talking and the whole room was quiet, but there were still people who found that outburst funny and made a short laugh.

Satou-san then proceeded to watch his video just like nothing happened, I then bowed and sat down to my assigned seat which was behind the door, I wanted to cry but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to.

Life really is hard and unfair.

My past self was really optimistic on how I viewed things in life, I thought that people here are going to be my friends just like that but the opposite happened. Well I never had people who I can really call a friend, but it would be nice to have one.

But now I had to face the truth, the world sucks and the people living in it sucks more.

As I was sitting there defeated, I only now realized on how quiet the place is. It was so quiet that you can hear the clock ticking as the time passes by, you can even hear the mouse clicking and hear people who are smoking.

This was the life I wanted and I have to accept it, I worked hard for it after all. After calming my mind, I got out a piece of paper and a pencil then I started to draw.

I didn't know what to draw so I looked around, while looking around I noticed that in front of me was Satou-san's desk, we were distant but it felt like we were in front of each other.

I probably looked like a creep but I really find Satou-san attractive, what am I saying.

As I identified every features he had from the shape of the beard, his eyes, mouth, ears and his whole aura, I then came to a conclusion that I wanted to draw Satou-san.

His bad-boy vibe really stand out, so I decided to add earrings and made his hair shorter.

What am I doing.

I don't really know.

I then crumpled up the piece of paper I drew into and threw it on the garbage bin, I didn't really know what is happening to me but every time I think about him, I grow more curious than before. I can't really explain this feelings, I know I just met him that even I think that this is weird.

I don't think it's affection or anything, I'm just curious that's all. I think.

As my mind wandered I realized I was getting a little hungry so I got my lunch out and decided to eat, since there was nothing to do you were allowed to eat in the offices, this rule was approved by the one and only Chief Katsuragi-san, that's why people love him, he's kind and considerate.

But as I opened my bento box, it suddenly came flying to my face, I was then covered in soy sauce and rice. I then looked up to figure out who did it, and unsurprisingly I was faced with Blaire-san.

"Sorry, my hands slipped." She said while holding out a peace sign with his fingers, I didn't really know what to do but I just replied with it's ok, and cleaned it up.

I then ran into the restroom.

The smell of soy sauce in my body was not something I really wanted, it was not the best feeling and on my favorite shirt too. I don't know how to get this out.

I then entered a stall and before I knew it streams of tears came down running on my face.

It's okay to cry when you are alone.

And minutes later I was called into the chief's office.

Next Chapter: Partners

Japanese terms that I used:

San- a term used for addressing people, its basically the term mr. or mrs..

Chan- a term used for adressing small children or young girls, in Chief Katsuragi's case he addresses every women in the building with a chan except some people who are near his age.

Bento Box- basically a lunch box.

jainsecreators' thoughts