
The Powerful Dragon Witch

Nineteen-year-old Winona Bravegard hid in a cave of Dasos for seven years because she was both wanted by the Mage King and the Dragon King because of her precious heart that can turn anyone into an immortal. Her mother shielded her from the Dragon King's wrath. At the same time, her father offered his life for her when she unintentionally used her superpower during the dragon kingdom's yearly tournament. The Dragon King kept her mother in Dracousia Kingdom's tower as bait for Winona. Kaiden Drakonar is the Crown Prince of the Dracousia Kingdom, he is the most powerful dragon ever born that surpassed the power of his forefathers, but his father will only turn over his crown to his son if he captures the Dragon Witch. She is the menace to their kingdom because she is the real heir of the dragon world, and she possessed the superpower of the four elements because of her dragon and witch blood that runs on her veins. ”Son, you need to deliver to me the heart of the Dragon Witch, and that is the only way I can proclaim you as the new king of the Dragon Realm.” He set on a journey to find the Dragon Witch, and he disguised himself as an ordinary human hunter who passed by on the forest of Dasos, where he meets a beautiful young maiden, Winona, under the name of Ana, and he fell in love with her. Winona didn’t know she was in love with the person hunting for her heart, while Kaiden didn’t realize she fell in love with the Dragon Witch. She got an opportunity to save her mother when the Dragon King passed a decree calling all-female dragon shifter to join the competition to be chosen as the Crown Princess of the Dragon Realm because the king wants to find the perfect mate for Prince Kaiden. But entering this tournament is more complicated than she thought. What will happen to their love story once she finds out that Kaiden is the Crown Prince of the Dragon World? Can she forgive him for aiming for her actual beating heart as an offering to the Dragon King who killed her father? Can Kaiden kill Winona once he learns she is the Dragon Witch and offers her heart to his father, or is he willing to betray his father and fight beside Winona? As the battle between the two kingdoms intensified, which side will Winona choose? Will she use her superpower to side with the mages who abandoned her witch mother, or is she going to choose the kingdom of his father and reign as the new Queen and forget that once upon a time, she fell in love? (Warning: Has mature content on the later part of the story.)

sirenbeauty · Fantasy
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180 Chs

I Am Not Afraid

Winona's POV

I wake up early morning because I want to train with Lizardo and because I want to be ready early for my date with the human hunter who made me feel special. I felt so guilty for not telling Lizardo about him, but I won't risk my chance of having my first love; what am I thinking? Why am I even thinking about love when he only wants to be friends with me. I am already ready to have our morning training but I find him sitting on his stone chair, and I cock my head at him. When he noticed me watching him intently, he motioned me to sit down, and I suddenly felt nervous because I was afraid if he knew I met a human boy yesterday afternoon.

"Don't we have to train now?" I asked.

"Of course, we will have our training after I am going to tell you something important." He said, and he is studying my face.

"What?" I asked because I can tell something is going on.

"Winona, listen to me. Since you shifted, you have nothing in your mind but to go to the Dracousia Kingdom to save your mother. I understand your goal, Win, but there are so many things you need to consider."He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Winona, no matter how powerful you are, you are still inexperienced. During the tournament seven years ago, you showed everyone that you have superpowers; you can control the four elements. I get that, but the reality is, the dragons are powerful too, Winona, especially the red dragons, and they are getting stronger because King Alexandrix recruited mages, wizards, and witches from Thesirea. And all of them are powerful." Lizardo said.

"And why should I be afraid of them, Lizardo?" I asked.

"Because King Alexandrix is preparing for the day that you will come, and I think even when you were only twelve years old, your mother informed you that the son of King Alexandrix is a powerful red dragon shifter." He continues.

"Yes, but I haven't seen his power yet." I replied.

"Yeah, but I did, and I have seen how powerful he was." He said and looked at me in the eyes.

"The thing is, King Alexandrix is now ready to turn over the crown to the Crown Prince of Dracousia." He said.

"And why are you telling me all about this now? Isn't it a good thing or a bad thing? Look, Lizardo, you train me from dawn to dusk because of one purpose, to save my mom, and I will do everything I can to see her again. I am imprisoned here for nothing, Lizardo if I can't save my mother, and I need to see my mom." I said, and I realized how much I miss her beautiful face and her sweet smile.

"I know, Winona, but from what I gathered, the King challenged his son to bring your heart to him, and the Crown Prince of Dracousia made a promise to his father in front of the councilmen that he will offer your beating heart to his father in a platter." He said, and I felt so horrified. I can't imagine what he is going to do with my heart.

"What? That is ridiculous; why would King Alexandrix want my heart? Why can't he kill me without taking my heart?" I asked, and I am so bewildered.

"Because of a long-time prophecy. It was a long time ago that a fortune teller witch prophecied that someday a Golden Dragon Witch will be born, and her heart will make anyone immortal, you know, Winona, even though romantic relationships between dragon shifters and mages are prohibited. Still, many forcefully violate it because they want to have a robust child, but they never become successful; no witch got pregnant except your mother, maybe because she was a mighty witch." He said, and he looked at me with full of concerns on his face.

"Now, the crown prince of Dracousia Kingdom is on his quest to find you. So, what I am saying is I think you should delay your plan on getting into Dracousia besides we don't know how to let you in." He said.

"I am not afraid of him Lizardo, my only purpose in this life is to save my mom and avenge my father's death. He ordered the execution of my father because he was an ancient golden dragon. My father didn't commit a single sin except he was born as a golden dragon, and he fell in love with a witch. Who made that stupid rule anyway? That no dragon should marry a witch? " I asked.

"It was King Novaz, King Alexandrix father, because he was so afraid that someone will be born more potent than their clan." He answered.

"If they are not only greedy with power, my father could have been alive, and I thought his son was not interested with the crown, and now he is hunting for my heart?" I asked.

"Winona, you can't deny it. Everyone loves power. All over realms, a family feud happens because many want to rule the world with great power. Your grandfather, King Sullivan, lost his life because of King Novaz's greed." Lizardo said.

"Now, I want you to be careful, and if possible, stop going to the forest. Just stay here in the cave; you will never know the Prince will come and get you. Winona, the Crown Prince of Dracousia, is a very handsome man, and I am sure in one glance at him you will fall for his handsomeness." He said, and I laugh.

"It will never happen to me, Lizardo. I am very sure of that." I replied as I think about Kai, and I want to tell Lizard he doesn't need to worry about anything because I am already in love with a human boy.

"You don't realize what I mean, Winona. All I am asking you is to be careful, and he is now looking all over Thesirea. Who knows he will come to Dasos anytime." He said.

"Look, Lizardo, I appreciate your concern, but you don't need to worry about anything. My heart is safe from falling in love with him, and I am very sure the Crown Prince of Dracousia can never have my heart." I replied.

"And one more thing, Winona, now that you are in your full power, I think it is now time that you should know the truth. King Alexandrix killed your father in front of the dragons, not the executor of the palace." He said, and my knees felt so weak that I sat back down on the stone chair. My anger towards the Dragon King became more intense, and my desire to have my revenge become stronger.

"I think you need to learn the truth, and I am sorry for telling you about it just now. It would help if you didn't have your anger burning inside you, but I know sooner you will learn about it, and I want this information to motivate you in enhancing your witch power within you." He said, and I feel the tears of anger fall on my face.

"You need to practice to shift and change your dragon color, Winona because you can never get inside the palace having a golden color." He said.

"Yeah, I am on it, Lizardo, and you don't need to worry, I am trying my best to summon my witch magic; I am sorry if lately, I am enhancing my dragon power, I need to learn how to teleport because it is the easiest way to save my mom." I replied.

"I know, but I think you only need some practice because your father can teleport, so it is in your blood." He said, and I smiled at him.

"Thank you for being with me, Lizardo; I know I will be nothing without you. Thank you for being my parent all this time. You are like a father to me, Lizardo." I declared, and I can see his face softened.

"I know on the day I brought you here in this cave that I will be your mentor, teacher, and protector, Winona, and now I felt like you are my daughter too." He said, and I smiled widely at him.

"Thank you, how about your family? Are they still safe?" I asked, and he laughs.

"Yes, I am just glad my wife, son, and daughter got out from the palace after they learn I came with you, and you don't need to worry about them. We still see each other since they settle in Thesirea pretending to be mages without magic." He said, and my daughter and son will help us when it is your time to rescue your mother. For now, we should focus on your training. You can shift without difficulty, and it is one of the indications you are a powerful dragon shifter." He said, and he motioned for me to follow him to our training area inside the cave near the pond.

He starts my training for my strength, stamina, and mind power. I almost lost my focus because I can't stop thinking about the information I have learned from Lizardo that the Crown Prince of Dracousia is hunting for my heart. Could he do that to me? I know I am not afraid of him, but knowing that he is aiming for my actual beating heart is making me feel uneasy, and I am looking forward for the day that I will meet the Crown Prince of Dracousia Kingdom.