
The work of a princess

You never know the dangers of lectures but to Marrybelle it was the most scariest thing on earth. "No I don't want to go!" Shouted Marrybelle as she was be dragged across the red carpet to her lessons.

Marrybelle is a princess of the west she was suppose to marry the prince of the east. But Marrybelle did not want to and did not want to marry at all! Her mother was the one who suggested to marry(since her mother is a strict queen she wanted everything to be perfect including her daughter)

"Ok princess Marrybelle I will let you get on with your lessons if you need anything just call!" Said Zoey a little too sweetly for Marrybelle's taste.

Zoey gave one last smile and closed the door with a "click". Before Marrybelle knew what just happened Froggo told her to sit down.

She knew exactly what happened and was not happy. "Ok Marrybelle as I get the book please take out the notes that you wrote last week.

This was Froggo's second time teaching the princess. Marrybelle didn't like all the work but her mother was watching everything she does like a sharp eagle.

You see the first time Froggo taught Marrybelle, she was so bored she wanted to escape. And so she did. She created a diversion and ran. It took an hour for the gaurds to find her and when they did her mother was not happy.

"Here's the book Marrybelle all you have to read-" he stopped to think. "All the pages!" Marrybelle was in shock the book was the most thickest book she ever seen! Reading all the pages would take forever. "Now Marrybelle tik tok we don't have forever start working." Said Froggo impatiently.

So she got to work. An hour has passed and she grew weary. Every time she asked for a break Froggo ignored her and lectured school is a privilege for you.

This time she was done with the class and very done with the book. She packed it in the pouch that could store anything, which was a treasure to her.(because her older sister gave it to her before she left. Now nobody knows where she is.)

As she was packing up she heard the door click again and wondered why. As the class does not end in another 30 minutes.

The door opened and a red carpet rolled through the doorway. Marrybelle knew who it was and was not happy.

"Marrybelle dear what a sight! You must get cleaned up" and waved her hand to let the maids know get going and fix Marrybelle

As the maids were fixing her up. "Marrybelle" she said in a soft soothing voice. " I know lectures and work are hard so I decided to send you to the school where Will goes to!" She exclaimed

Oh no is all Marrybelle could think of. Will was one of her nemesis and they never quite get along. But when the queen was near Will, will act like a good respectful boy.

But Marrybelle could tell her that so she just nodded. And said "that's great I always wanted to go to a normal school". It was true at least going to a normal school.

Ever since she was a child she never had many friends cooped up in the castle but this was a dream come true.

"Oh dear you must've miss heard me!" The queen had a little smirk on her mouth. " this is a school for people who are going to serve in the palace. So only for the rich" she said it like it was nothing.

Marrybelle was not amused and was only desperate to get out of Froggo's lesson's to say. " that is wonderful!"

"That is great! We already got everything planned" the queen gushes and his away her disappointment and surprise on the answer she was given.

"Now let's get going we don't want Will to be late for school and keep him waiting!" Said the queen while she grasped Marrybelle's hand tightly.

She gave a menacing stare that said if you mess up you will be in big trouble. So they went and the queen added with her menacing glare "Mrs.Portex'a school is very famous if you are late, get Will late, or mess up you will not-" she stopped.