
The dream

In my dream I met with the same old man. I was freaking out at first thinking on why he was here and then just let it be. But then he started saying stuff that made me believe this is more than a dream.

Ferlin- "Hello again young Chris"

Me- "What are you doing in my dream Mr. Ferlin"

Ferlin- "Hahaha don't be so formal Chris I may be older than you but you can just call me Ferlin"

Me- "Okay Ferlin, but you still never answered my question"

Ferlin- "Well I guess I do owe you an explanation. You see I'm not from around here and wanted to get to know the people here better. I was also hoping to find a student."

Me- "A student?"

Ferlin- "Yes but not any student a special one, who meet the requirements that I have set"

Me- "what are the requirements?"

Ferlin- "That isn't important now because I found the perfect student and that student is you young Chris."

Me- "Me?"

Ferlin- "Yes you."

Me- "What are you teaching?"

Ferlin- "Teaching?... Oh yes. I see why you will think I was teaching something but no. I'm not teaching anything well actually its more of me giving you something and you know how to use it correctly."

Me- "But I said I didn't need anything."

Ferlin- "That is exactly how you meet the requirements that I need"

Me- "What?"

Ferlin- "What I'm giving you is something that will change your life as you know, it will give you powers that you have never imagined about but at a price"

Me- "What is the price"

Ferlin- "You will need to help people"

Me- "HUH?!?!"

Ferlin- "Yes you will need to help people. You may not know this now but a grave evil is coming and only the gift that I'm am going to give you will save everyone"

Me- "what do you mean"

Ferlin- "I mean that you will need to save not only the world but the whole universe one day."

Me- "WHAT?!?!"

Ferlin- "I will now bestoy you any power you want but it has to be one. It was the same when I first took up this mantle"

Me- "What do you mean"

Ferlin- "I mean I was once visited by a man once after saving someone exactly like you and he bestowed to me the power of my choosing. This is like a sub power that you get and can only use one on another person if that makes sense."

Me- "Ok but…"

Ferlin- "Don't question it just go with it. That is what I learned. So have you decided on the power you want to choose."

Me- "Can I have some time to decide on it"

Ferlin- "I can offer 3 minutes at most because in the outside world it is almost time for you to wake up. You will need to wake up in 7 minutes but it takes 4 to do the ritual"

Me- "Ok"

------2 minutes later----

Me- "I decided"

Ferlin- "Make sure your decision is thought through thoroughly. This is your only chance and there is no way to change it."

Me- "I am confident in my choice and I know I can make it work."

Ferlin -"Okay go to the glowing orb and place your hand on it. Think about what you want and make it known that the power you want is that one. I feel something off of you young chris I feel like you will be the next champion. I'm confident that you will make me proud. Now go to the glowing orb and do what you need to do"

Me- "Okay"

I walk toward the glowing orb and think about the power I want. I placed my hand on the orb and it glowed so bright that if I didn't close my eyes in time I would have been blinded which is weird since I'm in a dream. But what happened next I was not prepared for. The power went into my body and it felt like I kept getting hit by a bus over and over again. My brain felt like it was going to exployed. My blood felt like lava was coursing through it. I never felt so much pain in my life. I wanted to give up but held on and endured the pain the best that I can. When it finally finished I felt so relieved that. All the pain that I just endured disappeared. Then Ferlin came up to me.


Me- "Yes, but what just happened I never felt that pain before what was that."

Ferlin- "That was the power entering in you. Listen to me Chris I need you to meet me tomorrow in the park at 5."

Me- "Okay but you need to be there and approach me."

Ferlin- "Still thinking this is a dream huh. Well it doesn't matter now tell me, what power did you choose."

Me- "Oh right. I choose" *ring* *ring* *ring* "What is that"

Ferlin- "Oh look at the time just tell me at the park today remember at 5"

Me- "Okay"

    I then woke up and did my daily routine. I wanted to check out to see if the power I got actually worked but I didn't have a good time to check. I decided with myself that I will secretly see at school if I can do it. I'm still not entirely sure if it was just a dream or not but even if it was fake I couldn't stop myself from doing it cause even if it is fake then there was nothing to lose.