
Rude Awakening

Locus woke up in what appeared to be a dark room nearly pitch black, he sat up, his head was pounding "Ugh what happened" He grunted as he stood, after a moment he began walking towards a mirror to look at himself. "What a mess" he muttered as he wiped the dirt off of his face, he walked outside and was immediately blinded by the sun. When his vision cleared he looked around. Towering far away from him was a large tower like building with a bright shining light coming out of the top "Well, you finally woke up" Locus heard a voice from the right, he turned quickly to see a well defined muscular man around 5 '3 with golden red hair and  blue eyes sitting under a tree "Who are you" Locus asked hesitantly "The name's Felix, nice to officially meet you, I found you bleeding out right outside the tower over there.  You're lucky I found you when I did," Felix said with a friendly smile, Locus could feel a strange sinister energy coming off of the strange man "Uhhh… thanks, but I need to get into that tower!" Locus said "Why would you want to go into that tower?" Felix asked "Because my sister went in there a year ago and never came back, I want to find her even if it's just her dead body" Locus lied, hoping that the man wouldn't call his bluff.

    "Oh, dramatic backstory, nice i like it" Felix said sarcastically "Ok, but serious time" he continued "You have to be chosen to enter that tower, there's no way you can just waltz right in like you own the place" he finished. Locus looked at Felix, taken aback by his knowledge of the tower, his eyes settled on the man's clothes "Black and orange, interesting color mixture" he said straightening "This coming from mr. blue and black" Felix retorted, Locus began walking towards the tower "My name's Locus by the way" he said as he walked. Felix walked up behind him with a smug look on his face. "What did I say, it won't open" Felix said with pride, obvious in his voice. The door slowly opened and Locus walked inside. Felix ran in after him only to be confronted by a massive headache. he heard voices praising him, welcoming him back. "You okay?" Locus asked snapping Felix back to reality "Yeah I'm fine, just some voices calling me a guardian or something like that" Felix responded cooly. "The prodigy has arrived" a strange voice said "a guardian and young prodigy" it spoke again, it's voice caused Locus' ears to ring but Felix looked around "Stop! stop!" he yelled at the dark void before him "Stop the voices" he screamed again. the voice responded in a raspy voice "not yet guardian, you must learn to control what you cannot understand" it chuckled. Suddenly, a loud clap was heard, and the voice vanished. floating down from the ceiling they saw a white glowing human shaped figure. 

They watched as the glowing white figure came closer to them, the white figure touched down on the floor "Welcome to the tower's testing floor room whatever you wanna call it" the man said "My name is White and I am the guardian of the testing floor, please come closer" he said with a friendly smile. Locus was the first to step closer "What do you mean, testing floor?" Locus asks "Well in order to enter the actual tower you have to pass a test that i design based on your hidden power" he continued "I can tell you have no idea how to use your power Locus, but i sense your power is very immense" he said with another smile "And here is your test" White pointed to his right, a room appears, it starts to light up "I-I-Is t-t-that a dragon!?" Locus asked attempting to not freak out "Yes it is, I told you, your power is immense but I do understand you can't use it yet, so good luck" White finished, giving a thumbs up and flashing a wicked smile. Locus disappeared suddenly, then reappeared suddenly in the room with the dragon which looked at him blankly "This is a joke right?" Locus took a step back in fear. The dragon swiped it's clawed foot at Locus' side and looked at the guardian "This has to be a joke guardian, you know he can't use his powers" the dragon muttered slowly. Locus stood again, he began feeling a numbness in his hands and, acting on his instincts, he opened his hand in the direction of the dragon and muttered "Increase" when he closed his hand the dragon began convulsing. Suddenly he reappeared next to the White "Well I didn't expect that to be your power, that's very unique" the guardian said with an even bigger smile than before, his eyes suddenly widened "Oh right, i almost forgot, you passed and as for you" he pointed at Felix "you've already been here before, do you desire to retake the test?" Oh and Locus I feel that you have even more power stored inside of you so keep training." 


Felix nodded "No no, just send us to the filtering floor for now" he said, White nodded "Of course, you might want to brace yourselves first though" he instructed, Locus looked at him, a question forming in his mind but then almost instantly he felt as if his body broke everywhere and simultaneously it fixed itself "What was that!" he yelled as he opened his eyes and saw light and people "Oh look Locus, people" Felix laughed out and Locus looked at him curiously "HOW ARE YOU NOT DISORIENTED?" he yelled at him and Felix just looked at him, smiled and said simply "Not my first time" and started walking Locus shook his head in disbelief "Is that a sex joke!?" Locus quipped then proceeded to follow him. 

"Hey!" A voice boomed "Please pay attention people, I really don't want to have to repeat myself! Here's your objective for the first test! Find a team of 3 people, keep in mind that there are 300 of you, once you are in a team of 3 the next stage will have begun, no one will continue to the official first floor until there are only 100 total people left, if anyone decides to kill anyone after there's 100 they will be killed on sight on the next floor so good luck and don't mess up people!" The booming voice echoed all across the huge field Locus and Felix were sitting in, "Well, this is different" Felis began "Last time it was 200 people" he finished with a sinister grin on his face "Let's go find us a 3rd person and have some fun"  Felix instructed and walked off "Oh and before we start, I think you should take care of everyone Locus, you need to get a hold on your powers before I start doing anything" Felix said and looked back to see Locus nod. Felix watched a short girl with pink hair wearing "Can I please join you guys? My name's Alexa and I have the ability to manipulate people's minds!" The strange new girl begged "Fine, but only because you said please" Felix joked, Alexa looked taken aback "I'm joking, you seem like you could be useful, I'm Felix and this is Locus, I won't to reveal my power but his power" Pointing at Locus "His power is," Felix paused "I don't actually know" The smirk on his face faded. Locus looked Alexa up and down before answering "Red and black, Cute" Locus said. In response  Alexa blushed, trying to find words to say "Thanks, it's my fav colors" She said finally, trying to hide her blush. "I can control gravity, I guess, White seems to think I'll be able to do more later" Locus explained, Alexa's eyes lit up "That sounds super cool!"  She's like a child! Felix thought. They started walking towards a small tower in the middle of the field, a group of 3 came from around a small rock "Hey! you 3 better get ready for a good ass kicking" A masculine voice spoke up from the center of the group "Go ahead Locus these three are on you" Felix smirked and Locus stepped forward, his arms going numb again. "Ha, you think he can take all 3 of us, you must be crazy!" the man started laughing mid sentence, "Oh, I'm crazy, but he can take you three" Felix said with a bigger smirk, Locus flicked his hand upward and all 3 of them went flying up into the sky "What the fuck!" the man shouted as they flew up. "Let's go Locus, I have a feeling that they won't survive that" Felix paused doing math in his head "thousand foot drop" Felix finished and continued walking towards the tower. As they got closer to the tower Alexa wrapped her arm around Locus' arm "I think Ima stick with you from now on," she said, blushing. Locus began blushing as well.

Felix moved them against a wall and peeked around the corner. He saw 2 corpses and 3 people surrounding one cloaked figure "Oh jeez" he muttered "What?" Locus asked, unable to see "Those 3 are screwed" Felix responded, shaking his head "They face the greatest assassin to ever bless the tower" He grinned "Sounds like somebody's in love" Alexa teased, looking at the four people from behind the corner herself, Locus couldn't help but look too. "No way, one, there's only one for me and two, I'm not gay" Felix replied, Alexa looked at him, confused "That's a girl" Alexa corrected him "No it's not!" Felix replied, adamant that he was right "No way look at her again" Felix, attempting to prove himself correct, looked again, this time he saw 5 corpses and the cloaked figure standing tall above them "nobody move-" before he could finish Felix was interrupted "There are 120 people left… I repeat, there are 120 people left" the booming voice echoed across the field, "Let's go!" they heard a man yell and 3 people ran up to them with murderous intent in their eyes "Hello" The man said "You're in my way" Felix said impatiently and the 3 people started choking "What the hell?" Locus said "What are you doing?" he asked and Felix looked at him with a face of absolute enjoyment "I'm just removing the oxygen from around them," he replied with an innocent tone and the 3 dropped to the ground lifeless.

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