
Introduction pt. 2

As usual, taking four subway trains, walking two miles to the supermarket to buy my breakfast and lunch tomorrow and my dinner for today, walk three more miles to get home safely. But I don't think my home is anything near safe. I unlock the front door and as I walk in, my father is waiting for me with a very dark aura that can't be decribed. I began to shiver with a cold sweat as Father soon starts walking towards me. He stops in front of me able enought to grasp on strands of my hair and drag me to his office. the pain was so strong that I had to scream and beg for him to stop, "NO! STOP! PLEASE STOP!.". That didn't work at all as I felt Father's hands getting heavier and my head hurting even more. My father's force has gotten even stronger as he threw me against the wall. I caught a few breathes before blood started gushing out of my mouth while father is punching me continuously. after a few beatings as the speed of my breath began to get slower and slower. Father stops and whispers in my ear, "I just want to let you know that you will never get to your dreams and freedom as long as you are in this house. Of course, unless you just die for all I care.". Afterwards, father heads to his office door and face me just to scream, "NOW GET YOUR ASS UP AND GET CLEAN, YOUR MOM IS COMING WITH YOUR LITTLE BROTHER AND WE ARE HAVING SPECIAL GUESTS! SO, DON'T MESS THIS UP FOR US!". I gather just enough strengh to climb up the stairs and get to my room just in time before I faint. Some time passed by when I woke up and I realized that I have to get clean, so I head to my restroom when I hear the front door open and Mother yells," WE'RE HOME!". I soon begin to clean in a very quickly manner, a knock on the door passed my whole room, but I couldn't hear and the door open. I still couldn't hear that as my bother comes quietly in my room and in the restroom. Just finishing putting my clothes on, i'm in shock as I feel a pair of hands slithering around my waist. I turn around and get pushed back as my brother rub my body heading downward. I stop him just in time to break loose and run down stairs to the living room. Father and Mother is sitting on the living room couch as brother comes down to join them. I sit in an individual sofa next to the couch while my family is having a conversation. As the house gets awkward, the bell ring and brother says he will get it. Mother and father stares at me and I tell them, "I.....I know...don't ruin this for the family."and I let a raspy but silent sigh come from my mouth as I finish. Brother opens the door and another family come in the living room with smiles on all of their faces except for one, their son probably my age. I can tell that he doesn't want to be here, but we soon exchange eye contact. I get anxious and lower my head, Mother and Father stands up to greet them, so I do the same I greet everyone with my fakest smile ever and when I get to their son. instead of hand shaking he gives me a strong hug and whispers in my ear, "I know your pain and I will help you out. You are *special*. So just trust me.".

What will happen next and how will Twilight react to his words?