

The man is mysterious and he have me feeling a sense to familiarize ourselves together. He had sun burned skin and pale eyes with red-ish green-ish hair that can mesmerize people. The man that look like me has the same face shape, but a little more muscular. Same body as me, but a whole lot more of manliness. Blade's eyes start to shift to the back of his head and i'm in a hurry to get up but Blade's father stops me and tells me," It's alright, he's getting the picture of your description in his head. He can see your history through your eyes, that's why you are connected. He is your destined partner, your mate." Now I know why I feel the way I feel towards Blade. Because he's my fated mate. I read something about this in the books I get from my school's Library. It talked about these three species called the Alpha, Beta, and Omega. So if my guess is right, im an omega and Blade's an alpha and we have bonded. Now i'm pregnant by my mate. But I don't remember going into heat. What is a "heat" you wonder? A heat is something omegas have every month like how women have their periods. Alphas can't resist the smell of an omega's heat. So, does that mean that I came out of my dad's belly? And now i'm having all of these cute little munchkins.(Uwu, Uwu).....