
Flash-Backs pt. 2

Now that I think about it, we don't have ears or a tail. We just have these weird powers. But enough about me, back to Blade. As he's getting images of my past, he starts shaking and i'm getting more worried so I add more power into getting myself to blade. His parents clears me a way as I get on my knees and lifts blade's head in my lap, then all of a sudden, there's red. It's like I can see Blades body as an x-ray, his heart, lungs, liver, etc. I can see it all. I didn't know I could see through people, I thought it was only objects.... Now, I can see his brain, too and I start to get the feeling that that's where the pains coming from. So I tell blades parents That somethings wrong while they begin to help.

After about 3 minutes he starts shifting, like you can see after images every time he moves. Now i'm more worried about him. I soon start to pray for his safety,... Then the unexpected happened.

My body started getting hotter and brightening starting from my stomach. I don't know what's going on with me but, out of nowhere I end up in the air, defying gravity. Blade is below me.