
The Power of Evil

The homes of the citizens were burned down. Bodies littered everywhere. Whether it was the smoke from the fire that poisoned them, or the knife draw that came from the palace army. "Let me go!" scream a young man being forcibly brought into the palace by two palace guards. Blood is being drained from his temple. Also the bruising in his eyes made him a little foggy. When he got inside, he saw the king sitting on his throne smiling down at him. The palace guard made him kneel and looked up at the king on the throne. "I told you I would destroy the city in just one night," the King said. "You're is the stupidest king I've ever known. Is there a king who deliberately destroys his kingdom but you?" the man blurted sharply. "It's either you or me. Only the city you're leading is mine. It won't affect the state that I'm currently running." After that, the man was taken to the dungeon. There's already people from his town who are still alive. Even if there are only a few, at least any someone still alive. "You guys all right?" said the man when the guard left the prison. "Geoff, geoff, you still alive?" asked one of the residents.

MunCL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
127 Chs

3. Dazzling Eyes

Jerry froze to see the dorms in front of him. He can barely speak.

"What is this?" asked jerry listlessly.

The man she met on the street was a caretaker. Turns out, the guy was the guy who contacted jerry before the flight.

"Bring your belongings to go in," the man kindly said.

Jerry followed the man into the boarding house lazy and complained. "I shouldn't have to call this guy," he thought regretfully.

Jerry didn't listen to the man explain the house he was in. He stopped in front of the stairs, then looked up.

"Look at the steps. Does the inn still not use elevators these days?" his heart grumbles with an unreadable expression.

"Your room is on the top floor. You must be very comfortable there. The scenery is very nice," said Mr Bendetto, the matron. He gave me a room key with a hook that showed him his room number.

"Thank you, Mr. Ben." Jerry accepted the key with a fake smile.

After that, Mr. Bendetto left the boarding house. Jerry again sighed as he looked up at the ladder breaking on it.

Resigned to his resignation, jerry dragged the suitcase up the stairs. Not easy considering the weight of the bag on his back.

Those flats had four floors.


Jerry ended up on the top floor. Now, he has to find the same room as his key chain.


Jerry looked at the sizable window curtain. He can see the atmosphere outside from there. The palace stands not too far from the dormitory where it currently resides.

"So this is beautiful?" Jerry murmured with sparkling eyes. At first glance he remembered what Mr Bendetto had said as he handed him the room key.

First day through third, Jerry was busy tidying up his room. But, in fact, he didn't carry much.

"Today, looking for a job?" Jerry asked himself as he gazed at the one he had posted in his room. He thought that maybe it was from the previous occupant.

Jerry carried his empty bag. Then, quickly down the stairs. Having forgotten that he had come from the fourth floor, he didn't realize he was going down the stairs too fast. Until, she gasped for air on the ground floor.

"Who is built this building?"


Jerry walked down the street while passing his gaze to find the spot in the brochure in his hand. It was recorded on the date that the brochure was shortly made. He thought that the previous occupant had recently left his dormitory.

"Why is it so hard to find a place in a kingdom this small?" jerry mumbled with a sigh.


Suddenly jerry heard something not far from where he was standing.

"Aw!" shrieks a woman of the same age.

Jerry was fast approaching the woman. She was in a terrible disrepair as a result of hitting a bush on the side of the road.

"Are you okay?" asked jerry.

"Of course not," she said listlessly. He sat down on the ground and tried to clean the wounds on his feet and knees.

Jerry took pity on the woman. He wanted to help, but doubt dominated his mind every time he reached out. It was amid doubts that he saw a broken board beside her. That made him curious.

"What a wimp You fell playing with it?" jerry asked a little doubt.

The woman looked up to see jerry's face. "Who are you?" she asked after seeing jerry's performance. Jerry just shut up. "I just learned yesterday. Skating is hard at times," he continues occasionally seeing his own boards cut in half by crashing electric poles on the pavement.

"I'm jerry. I just moved here a few days ago," jerry responded.

"Oh, for crying out loud," she said with a faint smile.

In this realm, few people wear jaz suits and loafers. Most wear only shirt shirt and snikers, as the woman was wearing.

"Strange?" asked jerry astonished.

"Aren't you going to hold out your hand?" that woman answered.

Jerry was a little surprised by the woman in front of him. "Oh, sorry!" Nervously, he stretched out his hand.

The woman took Jerry's hand. Jerry can't even put out words. The woman's hand in front of him felt very soft. He even felt a warm tremor in his heart as he pulled the woman slowly. Without realizing it, the two of them looked into each other's eyes.

"I am going," she said after standing up straight and cleaning her clothes out of the dust that was still there. Then he just took off without waiting for a reply from jerry.

"Ahhh, I don't know her name yet," regretted jerry when that woman completely disappeared from her sight.

Jerry immediately went on. The goal now is to find a job. No time to think about the woman he just met.


After a few days of searching, jerry finally found a restaurant where he was going to apply for a job. It was the address in the brochure that he found.

"Drugi" restaurant

Jerry didn't know why he was interested in a brochure in his room. He just doesn't know what to do. He got a job search through his application, but nothing came back because none of the job seekers came from his home kingdom.

"Excuse me," jerry said politely.

"Welcome to our dining house. Please take a seat."

"Emmm, sorry. May I speak with the manager?" jerry asked.


"Me-ne - jer," jerry said more slowly.

"What kind of name is that?"

Seeing the look on his face, jerry realized that it's possible that the people in this realm don't know what the manager says. He reached into his bag and took a brochure from inside.

"I want to apply for a job. Here's a brochure," said jerry immediately handing the brochure to the waitress.

The waiter brought back a man they called the head chef, the one who took care of everything in the kitchen. The head chef determines what materials and menus will be served every single day.

"How can I help you?" asked a man in a black chef's uniform, signaling that he was a chef's head.

"Are there still vacancies?" jerry asked.

"What a coincidence. I'm in need of one more cook. Do you know how to cook?" asked the head chef.

Jerry shook his head and scratched his back. He was immediately invited by the head chef to take a look at the kitchen. They entered a real kitchen, which could be seen from a customer's desk. The diner wasn't that big, either. So the kitchen was the same.

Here came jerry before a piece of meat and a knife. The head chef told him to cut. Hesitantly, he tried to hold the knife in front of him. Then, start cutting carefully.

"You never hold a knife?" asked the head chef when he saw jerry nervously cutting. He can even see the sweat on Jerry's temple.

"Is it very visible?" Jerry's growing insecure.

Even the head chef ridiculed him. "What kind of piece is that?"

"Sorry, Chef," Jerry said with his head down and felt guilty.

"Sim, teach him. "We still have about an hour before it opens," asked the head chef to one of the young men wearing the white chef's uniform.

"Hi! Are you newbie, huh?" ask your driver's license politely as he hands you an apron.

"Yes," Jerry nodded with a friendly smile. Sim gave her a knife and a vegetable at once to see how capable the new cook would be in the house.

"You really walk in here without thinking what skills should you have?" Sim also began teaching Jerry from the basics of cutting.

To be continued....