
Chapter 3

"The life....it's that think that you can not predict, what next is going...you can only wait for the time that you will know , what your destiny is written or life you will face ....."


Day 1 after marriage......

In Alesa life, is totally in mess...she just think how is live her life but that day, make her whole life like a dream. She just want to get up from this horrible dream. Which dream that make her whole life change and give her a new world. In that world, she don't know what to do next. Just forget about her self and accept what is going on or choose a different way to get out from this life. Alesa can't think in any way to get out. She just say " let's go with the flow" after that I will get out from there when there is a time. First I need to grain his trust that he can let me go to the college because I can't give up on my study. My study is like my life so i can not leave it. She is thinking about all this and it become a new morning. Before that her every morning was like she is a free bird, who can go wherever she want to go and do whatever wants to do. But now it feels like that this ray of sun is also killing her and make her remember that she is not like before. Crying from all night to morning, her eyes were looking like fluffy and got swelling. She wakeup from bed and directly went to washroom. While that time Chris was knocking the Alesa room but she didn't respond and Chris was shocked and thought that Alesa did something to her. His mind were going to negatively then he suddenly call his Butler to get a spare key of her . In otherside Alesa get out from washroom while wearing a bathrobe. Chirs suddenly open the door and get inside and then Alesa screaming and Chris were shocked after seeing her. He did not say anything nor he move from there. Alesa shout on him and said get out from there. Chris was shocked, he just turn around and run from there how much he can run.

Chirs thought ' what was that...what was i see now.....ahhhhh....how I'm going to face her from on. It's so embarrassing and i can't even face my self. But what she think about? Did she think that I'm a pervert who want her....*surprised* no ..no...i have to make clear all misunderstanding.'

While Alesa was so embarrassed that she don't want to see herself in the mirror. She just thinking that how she is going to face everyone here. Because when Chris opened the door butler was also there and some female maids. Everyone get out after seeing her like this and embarassed. And Chirs was just seeing her like a pervert because of shock. Now, Alesa hurriedly get ready and lock her room and set on bed with hugging her legs and down her head on legs. This time, Alesa first show some reaction on her self from yesterday after the marriage.

"...... sometimes you don't know what you are doing, it's just shown from you, you can't even think or tell what was that...."

After sometime her personal maid get a breakfast for her in her room. She stand in front of door and knocked 'madam have your breakfast, please open the door '. Correct Chirs hire some personal maid for Alesa, to thought that she need them and he told them to take breakfast to her room. Because he know that what happened earlier she is not gonna to have a breakfast in dinning table and even not going to come out from room. Alesa only said just go from here i don't want to eat anything. Her maid Kira said madam please open the door otherwise master going to scold us. Please madam open the door and knocked loud door. Alesa lay on the bed and cover her from the blanket. Chris got angry from Alesa and went to her room and tell to the maid that now there is no use, you go down and I'll give her breakfast. Then Kira give the food table to Chris and went from there.

Chris take a deep breath and clam down. Then knocking the her room, Alesa it will be better if you open the door on your on otherwise i have another way also to open the door. I'll count on 3 only just open it. Now Chris was start counting and thought that how can he face her and deal her because of his actions. While there is no any movement on her, now Chris count 3 and open the door with spare key. Then he went in her room. Then he see Alesa and shocked.....

Alesa is covering her self and sleeping like a peaceful doll. Chirs take a deep breath and go near her and sit beside her in the bed. Chris was memorized by her beauty and cute face. He cares her face and hair and said ' why don't you see my love towards you, i love you from core of my heart. I can't live without you, you are my life my soul , without whose i can't even think about anything. If I'm a heart then you are that beat of that heart. I don't know what you did to me that wherever I go, i can only see you. When I first see you i thought that you are a angel who come from the heaven. You can't even think how much you are worth in my life.'

"...... Sometimes there is that kind of feeling that make you uneasy about them. You can't even think about of leaving them. You just bounded to them , your heart your life all belongs to that only one person. That is called a love....a love in which you can't do anything but fall in that trap. How much you want to get out from that trap , you can't do anything but mess more with in....that called a *POSSESSIVE LOVE*..or you can say that *MY LOVE FOR YOU * ....."