
The popular guy and the average girl

People say one-sided love is pure and it’s right from the core of the heart. But do you know, Pain is the second word for one-sided love?

Sonia_Louriyam ¡ Realistic
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Was it worth it?

I shut my eyes closed and prayed with all my will

Please receive my call, Please receive my call, Please re-


Damn it

His voice sounded way too close and smooth but with an amused under tone that gave me goosebumps. I knew this was bound to happen.

"Hello..!! How's been everything lately?" I quietly mumbled hoping for him to continue further conversation

I always believe- Sometimes the thing that we longed for had always been right

"Fine" was his response

Recovering my even breaths and normal heartbeat, I eyed him carefully and softly cleared my throat not wanting to stop our conversation real quick.

I was trembling like crazy but managed to somehow not drop my gaze. I realised he'd change this past months. I got to admit he did look great. His short hair messed in a way that drives girls crazy. My cheeks blushed, heart throbbed and body's shivered yet I focused my gazed in his eyes, ignoring the fact that I looked stupid.

Anxiety clenched my guts. This couldn't end well. It never does with Felix.

I was practically hyperventilating and he lifted one brow at me

"What- What are you doing?" I asked confused

I leer at him but he was off guard. How can someone be so perfect? Was he for real? I clenched my fists cause it seems so. He was slouching in the bed, lazily playing with his dog

"Listen", I signed, carefully massaging my skull to numb the throbbing I felt here

A shaky breath escaped my lips "You Know I Love You, Right ?" I hissed as I adjust the blanket, completely aware of his nearness and stare on me.

"YES", he be all smiles in disbelief, something unreadable crossed his eyes, but then stopped after some seconds

Finally managing to calm my pounding heartbeat from that rush of adrenaline, I shook my head realising how ridiculous this whole situation was

"How are you doing?" he asked quietly, in a time that all but guarded me further. Since when did he care? Well, he obviously didn't, so why pretend to?

Continued talking on the phone until we felt sleepy. He bid me goodnight and hung up.