
The Pleasure Lord

Alex, a reincarnated individual from a military family, finds himself transported to a medieval cultivation world after a fatal electric shock. Armed with his intelligence and ambition, he navigates the challenges of this new realm, honing his combat skills and delving into ancient secrets. Alex forges alliances, confronts his past, and strives to leave his mark on the cultivation world. Follow his enthralling journey filled with battles, self-discovery, and the boundless potential of an ambitious soul in an unfamiliar world. ------------------------------------------- Support the Author on: https://www.patreon.com/rollingpandaa (You can read my other novel here) https://ko-fi.com/rollingpandaa https://paypal.me/Rollingpandaa ------------------------------------------- 2 chapters per day Bonus Chapters as per power stones donated by the end of the week. Vote with power stones. Give reviews. Suggestions and encouragement in the comment box. Happy reading. Tags: Weak to Strong, Comedy, Reincarnated, Shameless, R18 Discord-->Rollingpandaa#8813 Discord group--https://discord.gg/8Xbe3qJ

Rollingpandaa · Eastern
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394 Chs

The Past II

The second prince, Clayton Novaria with a heavy heart somehow managed escape from there with some of his aides through a secret tunnel going all the way out of the capital city.

He had to stay hidden because he feared some people might be out there to pursue him.

For some days, Clayton stayed in a desert cave while his aides had gone out to check on the situation of the Novaria kingdom after they escaped. 

Unfortunately, the news that they brought back was devastating for Clayton. Both his brother and father with their loyal guards died fighting the enemies in front of the palace that day.

The Novaria army stationed inside the capital city did not provide their king with any assistance as they should have.

It was because Clayton's third uncle had control over the army of Novaria as it was given to him by his brother that is Clayton's father as he trusted him then very much.