
The Pleasure Lord

Alex, a reincarnated individual from a military family, finds himself transported to a medieval cultivation world after a fatal electric shock. Armed with his intelligence and ambition, he navigates the challenges of this new realm, honing his combat skills and delving into ancient secrets. Alex forges alliances, confronts his past, and strives to leave his mark on the cultivation world. Follow his enthralling journey filled with battles, self-discovery, and the boundless potential of an ambitious soul in an unfamiliar world. ------------------------------------------- Support the Author on: https://www.patreon.com/rollingpandaa (You can read my other novel here) https://ko-fi.com/rollingpandaa https://paypal.me/Rollingpandaa ------------------------------------------- 2 chapters per day Bonus Chapters as per power stones donated by the end of the week. Vote with power stones. Give reviews. Suggestions and encouragement in the comment box. Happy reading. Tags: Weak to Strong, Comedy, Reincarnated, Shameless, R18 Discord-->Rollingpandaa#8813 Discord group--https://discord.gg/8Xbe3qJ

Rollingpandaa · Eastern
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394 Chs

I know what's in it!

In the Main Hall of Mordarake family manor which was previously called by Dorbank's family name.

Master Clayton, Donald, Jack, and Alex were sitting down on chairs with a long square table in between them. 

The ladies were busy in the kitchen making dinner for everyone to celebrate today's victory. There were puppets available as maids and servants and also chefs to cook dinner for them but Julie and Meg were adamant about cooking the dishes themselves for today.

Anna, Meg, and Julie were experienced in making dishes as delicious as Alex's but Selena had just recently started learning to cook as all the work in her home was done by servants before. So she was helping out the other three while also learning from them.

Selena would even sometimes ask particularly about what Alex likes to eat or what he dislikes.