
One shot

A girl was playing at a play ground,when a boy approaches her and said he wanted to play with her,they both get along fine.weeks past by and the boy started to compliment the girl,at first the girl was not affected by the sweet nothings of the boy but she was affected one day,She quickly notice every little thing the boy did and everything was meaningful to her,She would try to impress the boy and always trust him and then she fall for him.One day the girl decided to tell the boy her feelings,She told her self "I can do this!" and she waited for the boy to arrive at the play ground they talked and girl finally said what she always wanted to say and with her deep feelings she said "I... have been liking you for the past 5 years",The boy was suprise but he said "Sorry but I can't accept your feelings but we can still be friends" said the boy and the girl accepted it but when the boy left she cried like rain.The boy knew that the girl like her so he made her do his homework and projects,she was blinded by love and she didn't care if the boy was just using her;she was happy that they still spend time together.Three months passed and the boy became cold like an ice,he no longer talked to her with a happy tone.One night the girl found out that the boy was smilling at someone's company,she just fell on her knees her eyes was raining.The boy approach the girl after a year he said "We broke up.." and the girl said Good for her she finally ended the game and the girl walk away leaving behind an empty play ground.