
The Playground of the World

JamieCahill · Fantasy
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The Playground of the World

Quick, M. Muse. Time's nigh pour son musique. Yank a red leg of Sir Stage's soldiers, tug his curtain curls, commence. Then silence. Then seaside waves of greeting, breathing Lightbulbboys Hello! Hello! Bullrushing, "Into your eyes we go!" Blinded.Blink! Eyes admiring, Awestruck Iris: "Wow!", says he, and she, and he and she all shout shouts of jubilee. Youthindulget skullkids "cúl" "cúl!" The seatedge Eagerness escapes and joins the bustling river of raving Rapture hovering o'er Happyheads.


Kill the chorus lights, as Heaven's rust-wretched gates gave't way.

Makeawayaway four the apostles Pious St. Peter and Paul, dog-walking Cerberus for the stars-of-show service! "Well, come now come now Heavenstown-people! Settle down and wellcome, to Limbo, Edenfjörd, Jardin de l'Unearthly Delights." Fluctuating to and fro fate, take a deep bereft of life left, inhail ex,-crete produce;














bellowt and bellow. Toddling pulpit ininfancy, freshfruitly ripent and redecorated for Sunday dînervisiteurs. Cushionpadded transats delicately arranged, make yourself come-forthable. Alterboys St. Push & Pull, Universal Forces flow true and true observateurs. Pushwater, Pullwine. Neatly tabletopset chalice and cup and cables consubstantially entwining all beings, somebilical chords at birth bundlt and bow-tied to breathe a sense of younity, knitted elegantly by granny's own arthritic hands, unbiblical strands weaving wired an eclective consciousness, the résille au sous-sol of all beings big bold and belittled. Where Rome and Jewels toy topple and torment, having been broken into existence from the rib of a shaking spear that pierced the hearts of euery queen victorieuse in succession to make a rightful claim, armed by arm-in-arm Meadbh and Murder Mary, to engrave two lovers gainst the passdown wall next to aboriginal artistry encasing blasphemur Copper Nickles' cellular system and oh the Angel Micháel's crude fixation on poor Saint Peat-Turf propped up ragandbones shivering devoured mouthways by Goya's Satan of the Siberian bogs.

Spharoahs borne tranquille and free

In suppermost cavernoose deapths

Of a chapel, une église, Saint Royaume

Above the beams and banisher seams

A city-nest built by a Balor-led band

Or soeysèd the belowbogbedman

Fliquoring wings their songs they sins and swoop and dieve from atop. A deadly drop of a freefolling form, cut ripe true beheaded from crop. The flailing wheat corpus in a chorus of christ amidst eyes it folls and flies, and cocked his ebb eye in upwords upheavel levelled out before beaten to ground. The shrieking sow of a wingswiperight-true air; demonstrating fair mastery over poor pish and pell. The swooping showcase of acroswallows batting bout to bewilder Beelzebub boys (of 3rd-bindwall-street av.) that eyed beeyened plasteredup passdown walls where only eyes and calls can permeate such cement, in their infinite repent for being born a beelzebaby they cast salivating-starved gazes 'cross cross a'the shivering snowcase of restless crystal-encased flutterings, a mistery delightful in never-ceasing case to raze praze and applause from all but faint Push and Paul, the fender-offers of the splendor-surging Beelzebub babes- birthed in heavenly deraergnmgent and so cast away to 'Babylon: Bindthewalls'- "shoe shoeaway away with thee bubbabybeasts" a booming bark wood deman and in coman be bown down to in a knee-buckling manner and return to the backstreets of Christchapal Manor repentent and condamnt yayagain, anagain to stalkt salvation that formeth in a dancing dove ensemble unfoldt in the uppermost cavernous deaths of the everreaching skysealing that cast to below a bellowing scent of a domestic sense that claustroconfined its victims in a househeld aura unsuitable for the state of things in the great haven of beings, (who; too doubled-over in prayer, to even shed care muttering "praymen, aymen, amen") in silent self-sermons in service to a sense fargreater than them.

To banish the bubs, the Beater and his Ball burnt over the bible, balancing bread and broket; The Fleeter and his Fall,

"Lament of God,

taketh mercy on us

taketh mercy on us

grant us peace,

be with you, with you, thyou thyou and you,

only save the world and my soul shall be healed."

And all will be revealt, Griever and his Grail, only grieve and your soul shall be healt, Hail Mary, to your halo-headed creed I plead mercy unto me, for me, my family, for he she they and them all who walkt, walketh or will walk the futurewinding, fleuri-boutonné gardenpaths, have mercy untoth we, euery last one you weave, I believe, believeth, in salvation pon sacrifice and so I ,lamblike, lament a desire to survive in your kindling fire; so foster me, Father, Mother, Guardian, with your grace taketh pitié unto me.

The Weaver and his Wheel, winding waterways, upon his word, his word worthy of worship.

The Believer in us All, jesus-like we fall aureule-borne into merciful mère-Mary's palms, the capall and peat, Joseph, livestock laxt inhay, Gabriel starlit sidebysided Golden Frank myrrhmuring away, the mangerplace, crib (built of bones and a rib), or a cradle lulled leaning leftward-bound, beneath a northeye sun leaking light that spillt on the Son, it loopt like a ladle and lavisht the cradle till the aureule was neatly spun, silk and silver it sunk and sung till at rest crownt his round skull. Liven up little love leaking light like a hole-punctured dove in a neat little nest with a bone in his breast reaching rest in a palace up above. His wailing words and weaving worlds wintert down to a whisper in the wind, by a wide war-waging wolvepack plea howling hopes up a rope that's free-fraying and swaying, coughing keeling wretching and reeling, in and out in a shout thinning out spinning bouts inout inout in in and-

-How a babe's mind soon grasps causality after the ungrasping of it's fist round an object, how a meteorite flares fireworking through the atmosphere newlybound to the gravitational pull of Earth's entirety of mass, how a metallic mass of human ingenuity falls 7.66km/s continuously tward the Earth in orbit 408km tall making full orbit euery 92.68 minutes, 15.49 orbits every 24 hours, 108.43 euery 7 days, 480.19 every 31 days, 5,653.85 euery 365 days (5669.34 on a leap year), how 27,215kg castiron anchors lull o'erboat and tapdance their feet of clay on the seabedstage'f prehistoric fossilizet microorganisms 3.42 billion years young uncovert in the graves of hydrothermal vents that collectively endevoured to divide thus performing mitosis and gradually leauing bind a theoretical LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) by comparison of contemporary genomes yet for which no fossil evidence exists to prove her birth only us to prove her de'inite existence. These fetal phenomena seemingly grew legs and in prestoric imperialism is speculated that microbial magistrates of Atlantis occupied unnamet territory as early as 3.48 billion years ago 'thin a Trojan geyserite fount in what we now know as Pilbara Craton of Western Australia but to them no such distinctions could be drawn. Seconds, days, months, 500 orso million years later, in urban sprawl, oxygen-pumping pre-fungi (the would-be craftsmen of our oxygenatet atmosphere, three cheers for fungi!) rose from restingplace and declaret their existence as fungus of the Ediacaran period now encaset 'thin the Doushantuo Formation and thus engrave't'self on the passdown wall of washaway time to wash









from point A (origin) to an in-constant-motion point B, the length of |AB| being the total length of time (T) spent engravet in the empty boundaries of the universe (U). Thus to place an object in time is to place it as a point (C) on |AB|, (where A is the origin of the U) giving't physical properties measuret in dimensions space (x,z) and time (y), where presentday is point (x, 0, z) with the past: t < 0 and future: t > 0.-

The threadbaren intestinal strand spat, undocking the damnable dangler, the Reacher and his Rod banisht the bait sending the marineman off't'see Mariana and her brothers Sodom and Gamorrah, two Beelzebubs shunned away behinde coral curtains of conscience. Downward oesophagusly, peristalsisly dancing a marching movement. The unfolding of gastric colour till it blur'd in a burning bile and the eyes give up, the breathing (in) ecosystem of Royal grammas (out) poiset in pepsin, angelfish (in) their fluttering divinity blessing boats (out) of pirate parrotfish and fluerescing flowerhorn cichlids. (In) To bear witnesse, a universe alive't (out) glowing ballerinas, regal tangs, MJR. Ursa (in) bursting her buckles, candy basslets, gilled gaulbladder supernovae, (out) discus dancers, coral beauties and pulsars past pancreas (in) orchestral coelescence, the oceanghosts. (Out). All partaking in the cyclical foodchain performance, birth and rebirth (in) codburning eggs tomorrow, species shelfhigh packt sardines (out) in candyjars after clipping their claws beside custard rhubarbs and appledrops. (In) Generations flickering fading in, (out), by the ticking of a lighthouse beam ceaselessly spinning. (In) Colosseums'f floura, bleeding neons'f greens blues, spanning eons'f (out) present nowness, speckled with galaxy cloysters like refracted light shattert, suffering. (In) a dust bowl blue greenish, pollution oozet (out) of vena cava superior & inferior, (in) pulmonary artery and aorta ducts of conveyor copper-infuset tunica adventitia, (out) media and intima extraditing substance A through plasmal passageways (in)'t Earth's largest landfill spanning 71% of surface mass. (Out) An interwoven being of collective components bridging the (in) gap of man and nature as bones and organohalogen compounds compound (out) and become whole. Radioisotopes and radioactive bodies' (in) populations continue't rise and totals approximately 84,000 terabecquerels (TBq), (out) a unit of radioactivity equal to 10^12 atomic disintegrations per second or 27.027 curies (in) ((Ci) originally definet as the radioactivity of one gram of pure radium). (Out) The rebirth of Lazarus Marie Curie (in) 27 times over, (out) Púca Queen of the Oceanfloor (in) Fauna and phosphourescent glow (out) infuset in newlybirtht sealzesubs. (In) "It's alive!" Resurrecting Mary Shellfish (out) of the Gastropod family proclaimth (in) admiration of their Frankenstein. (Out) Alas, it's alive!- (in) and (out) now (in) what? (Out)

Alive in Eden's alcove Frankie ate Eve (with a heart-on-sleeve) bind bramble beath authumbnal lEaves liver and pancreatic fluids. Take this all of you and eat of it. The sowseason's fertility in the air ranga rounda rose-Eve corpse and carvt out a crevice of eternity, containing (but not limited to) several gallons of gushing crimson, the perpetual perpetrator Frankie Adams, larkspurs and snapdragon with textures of an oilpainting, a spasming hollyhock heart, collapst citrus peonies, hibiscus daylilies zinnias in a Van Goghian masterpiece.

F. Adams fingerfumblt, juggling an Atlas-load, whimpering "Hide me" "Cover me" "Shield me". He bolted touch to cheek, atop wetpaper face- so damp, so marshey,- grips a heartharp's strings so harshly, ts'part'f me, e'en let for chance embrace as blood is brought from vein and pumpt to artery, its part'f me. Touch here, firm, looser here, shovel in, hook, and-

Frankie Adams toreth flesh from neck to for'ead, a sidewar tug, and a devastatet face of human sorrow (of what remaint for nigh and not tomorrow) was torn off, tugged a tigerclaw grip before adrenoline had worn off.

-The movements of the universe, like dancer on an icerink- star within an eye's blink- reached below the oceanskin brink and found her downered, harp beating floundered.

Glacial sculpturework deformt and spillt their insidesouts. The redwhite cells batscreeched and platelets and plasma fused, formless. Ushert herehere and tsunamibounded about his passageways in urgency. The veins in cauldron, shrivelled and writhed and seethed in scalding. This was being alive. Nigh moments fore nerves numbed he claspt the tornface atop his leftside and the cold blood that'een lathered dalloped 'top-cheek temporarily cooled the surging tempest tumult. Franklimb the Fleeter wore his ragged tragedy on-face. Klimt's Kiss nurturet The Scream of Edvard Munch. Her talisman tornface diffuset to fill fully the forgotten heartpiece. Lowert lanternlight int entrenching well, like a pulsating aureole lit light, swelled the cavernous depth. His watered wings cut, fly in a jamjar beat around time's glass, wailing. A Kipling organ-performance of vocal accordianstrings that stretcht crippling and buckling and began wrapping them (from toe, to leg, waist, torso) roundaround like linkt chains. Before they reached Neck, the coiling choir, in a final rush of feeling, took pity and tore. Janusfaced, the redwater rusheth to pillage his eye met boiling tears and pon touch became the steam that consubstantially exists w'in him. The organs bestarted collapsing as nurturer Nero strummed his living lyre announcing makeawayaway four the greeting o the lightbulbboys who bring tithings of fertile death.

(The Study of Decomposition & Reincarnation of Nature)

Venerable vicious uproots twined

inere outare upown through and through

soiled sand of waterbearing/breaking womb. The brittle Eve remnants,

sapseeping bricklayers lather cell pon cell

sculpting epidermal pellisgarments,

the oaktree bark clotht in flesh.

Icarus fingers, driven by thusly created self

abranching ou'ward curling crooked,

back ahunching knotting roots to stay upstanding.

Old witches these willow trees sneer,

atiara'd in apical meristems

adistancing |AB| from their A (birth)

to B (newborn apical meristems, aureole-borne)

through axis 'y' they asunder to the Heavens

as depicted in the Nebra sky disc.

We, who God hath joined t'ether put asunder!

hither and thither! makeawayaway!

Excedere, effugium, aeternum.

Sears asunder from heaven to sculpt thyface

Ad palatium nostrum, venimus ut sumus, sicut dii veniunt.

Slain Eve in decomposit gowns turns nature

From duely opposed to mother rightful

And found new life shed of human shape.

Of crooked haggard-spine fused

Of vertebrael marrowbark pews

Wreathed in braided poppyfields

Adam slewth fate w'life heartwields

Soft Eve soaked venom in bosompit

Posthumously seeped past worldsplit

Eve decayed unbinding clays that bound her bosom to the ground

E-v-e unfount her form in ways unknown till't madeaway with the crown and

E reclused in woodland heights awaiting ripetimes greeting fruits

v sought solace in the roots of truth and buried her beneath't in her search

Whilst e yearned returnt lost sight of birth sinking beath tides till she hit dirt

Loose unlocks let cascade Eve's form entwined through an interwoven webwaymaze

E alligned form and flow with woodland workings losing i finding birch and bark

v observed the wormchurningways how the soil shifts and sways

And unleashed her grasp pon the dark

Whilst e was swept till she learnt to swim in line with the currents o' the meadowlark

And mitosis technique of nucleiac magnifique found its way to E, v, and e

Boundless mystique ploughed the soil euery week till birthed E-E rea'y to reap

The fertilitique of natures weak, in exponential increase, o'erleaped extinctions feat

The eventulent accumulation of E-E, v-v and e-e microbials shifted the makeup of woodland, soil and water in respective relentment till an equidistant intersection between |EfirstEfinal|, |vfirstvfinal| and |efirstefinal| occurred and coagulated the microorganisms into a bonded molecule E-v-e, both bonds (-) containing sufficient energy for continual mitosis in E-v-e-E-v-e-E succession, in euy'direction creating a weblike matrix storing sufficient chromosomal data to maintain this form-nouveu.

When did this series of processes precisely occur?

When the Evecorpse's deconstruction surceased and in decomposition unhinged formface jacket from the hanger (the nucleic Nero making the decision) having insufficient energy required for replication of such form. Hence or otherwise, Emperor Neuro the Nucleus sought a form sufficient for survival and mitosal multiplication at an exponential rate in which allowing a mass of significant magnitude to deposit energy of notable extremity, such says the natural processes whereby we're governed.

What began as a consequence of such multiplication?

Aforementioned uproots began their twining to obtain a passive income of water required for photosynthesal workings. Thus allowing rapid growth of E-v-e in forms of apical meristems, leaving bind marrowbark spinal structures sufficient for stemsprouting, the slow construction of vegetation left behind it's Earth-fertilitique and sunk into that semi-permeable crevasse where the sky births and surceases simultaneously- that long stretch of thread, the trajectory of a toddlers first steps, along the horizon.

Did this multiplication continue?

In exponential increase it slowly crept 'tward infinity, from the baby's birth and crawling advancement slow, till the harnessing of flame let fly man's name and thus pushed himself up onto his knees. Catapulted by the wheel and other innovations the 2 turns to 4 then 8 and soforth.

What was the result of this multiplication of E-v-e cells?

A birth.

Was it beautiful?

As beautiful as one could possibly wish to deface it's concept of perfection with words, it's existence the very engravings of man, the Cave of La Pasiega with untold scenes of M.T. Wellcome nó Albrecht Dürer's Eve and Adams.

Il est belle nó beau,

To and fro - both - or no.

A birth of belle nó beau, a birth nouveau, of beaulle nó belleau- a birth, B.B,- Brigid nó Breeda, Born.Become, and tell not one of the origin, deep in these caves whence unshining sun made musique shew God's engraves .

Et tu est primogenitique, meristemnal apique, une plaque de l'homme, de song et de silence. Tu est mon petit Colombe, mon Columbus, et mon Combray. Sois libre, petit l'oiseau et chanter, un haut, l'arbre le plus haut, en face à l'obscurité, pour nous, for me et toujours.

Longtemps, riverrun, le Chanson de la Nativité, placental, petalled et longue. Quand the fire et the rose recite wedding woes- nó vows- alors deviens ceux qui t'ont donné naissance, ma Naissance Nouveau, belle nó beau.

A wailing pierced the pillar. Pile-ons and pigtails of a birth, carbon transfigured to diamond- Dhia exists in this moment, still- in the crash of waves at the lips of Moher, the Mother- the mère- in endurance of erosion, relaxed and took breath in the tempering of the weld.

What name did she bestow?

Blaise Baran Eveans, nó B. B. Eveans for short.

—To Be Continued—

Father's backyard ancient Arctic plain of grassblades sewn weaved and working, collectively emalgamating unity in motion, threading the soilwomb, with Sir. Pent's snakes and apple cider sellers, and bottleheads drain/drown-ing sweetness ripe and ruthless. The screaming softskulls youthless rosied cough upheave their long-lungs, that rattle jangling on keychaincurrents swaying wave-like dangling. Entwined from cell to tissue, organ, system to being, bone and all and blood that flies about flowfreeing. This breathing Eden cycles heliocentricly in all it's beauty of eccentricity through Nature's homeostatic fair and foul. Maggotmind is shined with light as loose as unlocks, and in a bone appetite leaches longlock ont applesights apricot and pomegranate seeds in beehest to circle back to queen'snest, spill nectar, fruitsblood at court and get detongued by a jestergeist adance at the joints being tugged tossed anon, and anon, on an'on t'beyond, pon our word t'anon and t'rust till Father sups banquet us, ribknives, femurforks, spoontusks, limb by limb t'beating hearts do sing, and somewhere silk and stars we dance anon.