
The Player Who Can't Use a Bladed Weapon

Everyone who met the conditions became a player and they can use the blade art system. But someone is sleeping that time. And he can't use a bladed weapon!

Pabobo_Girl · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Futurelude #5 Golden Bladed Shield

When my brother's class ascended to the Light God's Paladin class, he was given the weapon, Golden Bladed Shield. But he is able to keep the wooden sword on his side.

This granted him the skill to be invincible for 3s if he uses the protection of the golden light. It can also stun the enemy hit and reached by it.

"I'm sorry, hyung. But I need to protect everyone."

<Converting the accumulated experience of the owner of the weapon. One Psychepon obtained. Would you like to give it a name?>

"Yes. Heaven's Gate"