
The player: Radford Brothers

Jacob Radford or known as Jake is a rich comfortable playboy who sleeps with a different girl every night. He has a good job and he loves his life. He doesn't seem to want anything else in his life and this is the best time of his life. He meets his match on one night and he can't seem to forget this girl. He likes the girl and she can't get out of his head. But he doesn't remember her name or know anything about her. He doesn't know how to find her or if he was willing to fall in love with a woman. Even if he finds this woman can she love him? Can he love her? Can he let go of his old habits and accept love at last?

Denis_Daniel_0512 · Urban
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12 Chs


I decided to go against my better judgment. There was no way I was going to run away, hence my stubbornness. So I started my car and headed to the bar. Normally, I'm the talk guy. Actually, my talking is the one thing that fills my pockets. I always knew I could get anywhere or out of anything by talking. So it was strange for me when I found myself not knowing what I would say to her once I met her.

I comforted myself by thinking I didn't need to know what to say to her before I met her. Maybe I would know the moment I met her, as I often did when I met new girls. But she was not a new girl and I'd already used my charms the first time.

And as I already said I never went after the same girl twice. This was going to be a peculiar day. I hadn't faced a mind frustrating situation in a very long time. The last time was when Rad and I decided to leave home about fifteen, seventeen years ago.

As I was approaching the bar I felt a little nervous. And I never feel nervous. Hell, I didn't feel nervous on my job interview though I knew without it I would be on the street with nothing. At the lot I parked and waited a minute. I checked my shirt, took off my tie that I forgot to take off when I left the office. I unbuttoned top two buttons of the shirt and straightened my hair a little. Normally I would do this when I was getting ready to pick up a girl but today I was extra careful. I wanted her to be hypnotized by my looks.

After I was convinced I was presentable enough I went inside the bar and as usual it was parked. I moved among the people looking around carefully just in case I would spot her somewhere.

I was hoping she would be alone like the other day and not with her boyfriend or one of the band guys. But today the music wasn't the same. It sounded different from the one I heard the day before. This band played one of those loud noise rock music while the other one played soft and a little less upbeat.

Ever since the bar was opened I could count the number of times I ever looked at the stage, which wasn't very big but it was suitable. I just never seen the importance of doing so, it's not like I was a fan of any band that played.

But today I wiggled my way through the crowd to get up front. When I got close enough there was a bunch of guys with long hair and a little too much tattoos on their bodies. The girl wasn't there, and she wasn't among the audiences. The four guys were really into their music with all the yelling and screaming that went on. The lead singer in particular was really giving it all with swinging the mic stand all over the place and moving his head back and forth. The drummer however was amazing, he seemed at home, in control. Two guys were playing electric guitars and I thought it won't take long until the strings snapped with how they played them.

After a while of standing there feeling completely out of place since everyone was jumping and yelling along with the band. And I was just standing there trying to hear what they were saying or rather singing. I eventually gave up, I couldn't understand a thing and all the pushing I got from the excited fans was making me nauseous.

I found my way back to the counter and took a seat on one of the bar stools. It was obvious she wasn't there and neither was the band. And I didn't want to think what that meant. Because reaching that conclusion was going to complicate things, and I never liked complicated.

"Hey bro. You like the band?" Rad sneaked at me from behind with a humongous grin on his face. I wasn't surprised because he knew I wasn't that much into music, specifically the kind you don't hear a thing they say.

"Me? What makes you think that?" I couldn't hide the annoyance in my voice.

"Whoa, someone's on edge today." He raised his hands and went behind the counter and mixed my drink.

"Yah, just got something on my mind. Sorry, and I'm not a fan. I was just looking for someone."

He raised his left eyebrow, something I couldn't do but he could, and he always did that when he was intrigued, "you were looking for someone," he paused and put everything down ready for the whole story.


"Well, I'm waiting to hear the rest," he leaned forward and I instantly regretted telling him.

He knew I was never a romantic and I always laughed at him for waiting for the one. Because I always thought that was ridiculous. I always told him life is fun without commitment and ever since we were teenagers I never allowed myself to get attached to anyone other than him.

Him hearing me looking for someone and somehow he figured it was a girl. Made him curious and I wasn't going to tell him anything. Besides, I was trying to figure it out myself.

"There is no the rest." I took my drink and took a sip.

"Hey, you came," Kate coming from serving her table and taking more orders greeted me.

"Hey," I replied with a smile, Rad shot me a look. He was always protective of her.

She smiled back at me and left again and I watched Rad longingly staring at her. It was pathetic and adorable how he never got the courage to tell her how he felt.

"By the way, how is it going with you and Kate?"

"Great, amazing assistant and works hard, it's incredible to have her around."

"Right, when are you going to tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"Don't give me that crap. You know what I'm talking about." He was my little brother and I never liked it when he played clever with me.

"Fine, I'm working on it. Not everyone can pick a girl on the go like you. Besides, you know that's not who I am, I respect women."

"You think I don't respect women …" he cut me short,

"I didn't say that."

"That's exactly what you meant."

"Look, I don't want to argue with you, forget I said anything." He turned and headed to the far end of the counter to help the other guy with the orders.

"Just remember the chance won't always be there," I yelled after him and he just waved it off.

With no interest to look for a girl to go with tonight I was left with my thoughts. I thought of asking Kate about the band and the girl if she knew her, but decided not to.

I knew she would tell Rad about it. They never kept secrets from each other no wonder they worked so well together. If only they had the courage to tell each other how they feel.

If I asked her about the band and I'd already told Rad I was looking for someone. They were going to connect the dots together and I would never hear the end of it. I didn't want my little brother to help me with my hunt. Or embarrass me about my new found soft spot over love. I just had to find her myself even if it wasn't that easy.