
The Player's Ascent

The fantastical and deadly world of a fantasy novel is bleeding into reality. Across the globe, people are vanishing without a trace, abducted by extraterrestrials to partake in a merciless game of survival, a brutal contest where only the strong survive and the weak perish. Yet no one knows about it. No one except for James. In the novel, he is merely a minor character destined to die early. Unwilling to accept such a fate, he is determined to change his fate no matter what. But will his determination and desperation prove enough? Read on to find out.

LMHNovels · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The First Trial

Unlocking a class would grant a player active or passive skills. 

In some cases, it would grant both. It totally depends on the rank of the class he would choose to unlock. 

Low-ranked classes only grant passive skills; they are cheaper to unlock as compared to higher-ranked classes that grant active or passive skills or both active and passive skills.

Unlocking spells and skills related to one's class grants an immediate boost in strength.

Players can level up their class by using strengthening orbs, which can be earned by killing anything living in the land of trials. 

Every time players level up their class, they would obtain 1 skill point and 1 stat point.

Skill points can be used to upgrade skills and spells and make them stronger, while stat points can be used to improve his capabilities such as hand-to-eye coordination, reaction speed, raw strength and speed, vitality, and stamina.

It wasn't mentioned in the information he had received from the administrator, but the system itself granted him a unique ability.

As it was fused with his soul, all the power he obtained from it would also fuse with his soul. If he transferred his soul into another body, he wouldn't need to start from scratch. 

This was discovered by a mad scientist that was said to have caused great mayhem in the land of trials. 

The reason behind it was also spectacular.

In the Land of Trials, there were many races that were born stronger and more capable than the race the mad scientist was from. Their starting point was much higher than his. He believed it to be an unfair advantage and decided to level the playing field.

He conducted gut-wrenching experiments and did all sorts of vile and evil things to derive a method that could be used to possess the body of any race. 

He disappeared thereafter.

No one knew what became of him, but some believed he had broken some taboo of the Land of Trials and was thus punished for it and erased from existence. 

However, his method was left behind somewhere in the Land of Trials. 

Legends whispered in the Land of Trials have it that whoever gets it will gain the privilege of possessing any race and have a profound experience. 

However, there was no telling where it could be.

Up to the point James has read it, the main character of the novel Tales of My Regression doesn't find it either. 

As a result, he was as ignorant of its location as any other player.

"Status," James uttered.

Immediately, a semi-transparent screen opened in front of him.

Name: James

Age: Eighteen years and six months old

Class: None

Passives: None

Actives: None

Mana Vessel: Nonexistent.

Trial Points: 0

Vitality: 6

Strength: 7.5

Stamina: 9

Agility: 7

Mana: 0

Vitality represented the amount of health he had. If it dropped to zero, he would die.

Strength represented the amount of force he could exert from his body. The average strength stat of grown-ups was five. As his strength was 2.5 points higher than that, he was one and a half times stronger than an ordinary earthling.

Stamina defined how much he could endure and for how long. Once it was reduced to zero, he would be knocked out cold.

Agility illustrated his reflexes, hand-to-eye coordination, and raw speed. The greater it was, the greater his chance of dodging death!

When James was done reading his stats and wished for it to close, the semi-transparent screen disappeared.

"Impressive," the administrator nodded at James with a rare look of approval.

James looked toward the administrator and asked, "What is impressive?"

"Usually, a player who experiences my memory transfer skill for the first time writhes on the floor like a worm for a while, but you withstood it while remaining on your feet. You are not a simple human. Your soul is definitely stronger than all the Earthlings I have come across before. It's comparable to races that pride themselves on having strong souls," the administrator replied.

'I am that impressive?'

James was surprised to learn that his soul was stronger than an average individual from Earth.

He wondered what the reason behind his uniqueness could be. As far as he could remember, no one in his family had ever displayed supernatural strength or abilities. It couldn't be hereditary.

'Maybe my uniqueness is somehow related to dad. He is not simple. If the novel is right about everything, then he is from an organization every nation dreads to offend. Such a person can definitely cause changes to my soul,' James thought to himself.

Just then, the administrator spoke again

"With the explanation out of the way, let's have you experience a taste of the Land of Trials."

The administrator said, "The first trial is the same for every player. It is called 'The Puppet Challenge.' In this trial, there are four types of puppets you can fight. Each type of puppet has its own strengths and weaknesses. Take, for example, the strength and speed type puppets. The Strength-type puppet can exert a force two times greater than an average Earthling, but the rest of its stats are equal to the base stats of an average race. The Speed-type puppet is 2 times faster than an average Earthling, and the rest of its stats are fixed at 5.

"You get to choose which puppet you want to fight. You can fight any one of them or all of them at the same time. Your rewards will be calculated based on the number of puppets you defeat in this trial. If you choose to fight only one puppet and defeat it, you will get the lowest reward a player can earn in this trial. However, if you choose to fight all of them, you will get 100 trial points, which is three times the reward for completing this trial on easy mode."

"Make your choice. You have three minutes."

Mc will be tackling the first trial in the next chapter. Look forward to it!

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