
The Phoenix Princess

*UNEXPECTED Everyone believes that only Lijuan can make han prosperous due to her fortune. This makes her a target for all six states which aspire for power. But Wang Genji wakes up after an eclipse and finds herself in the body of Lijuan causing her to become a tool in the fight for power. In a world with no one to trust, Genji finds herself changing history while trying to overcome great difficulties.

Chillaxzy168 · History
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230 Chs



"Greetings Empress" A servant said and passed.

I never believed I would become an empress. Two years ago after we escaped from Danji, I had finally been able to make Fengwu see reason. He had to change. When we arrived at Chu state, we had met Danji's sister planning to be coronated. When we attacked the palace that night, we had been able to save most of the Consorts. Who would have ever expected the Empress to try and kill Fengwu?

But Fengwu had it coming. He had never treated her nicely. Unfortunately, she died that night. Not only her but Wencheng who had committed suicide when he saw the empress's lifeless body. Danji's sister had escaped.