
The Phoenix: Flames of Sanctity and Hellfire

In a world where individuals' status is determined by their inherent powers, we meet Aiden, a Giftless individual with an exceptional intellect. Despite his genius, Aiden lacks the ability to protect himself in this power-based society. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly awakens his latent Gift. Follow Aiden's remarkable journey as he rises through ranks, overcoming countless challenges, and striving to become the strongest. With his newfound power, he embarks on a mission to save humanity, becoming their ultimate savior. This is my first novel i hope you guys like it [THE COVER IS NOT MINE]

Evandar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


Guys i really need some power stones or feedback


Aiden named the puppy, and then he felt weakness wash over him. Panic struck as he realized he had forgotten about the repercussions of naming the creature. He couldn't fight the overwhelming fatigue, and he fainted.

|Aiden's Mindscape|

As Aiden's consciousness awakened, he found himself standing on the precipice of a surreal realm. This was no mere dreamscape; it was a realm of his own creation, a manifestation of his innermost thoughts and emotions. An ethereal landscape stretched before him, a fusion of fire and light that seemed to pulsate with energy.

The skies above were an iridescent canvas, a breathtaking tapestry of shifting colors. Hues of orange and crimson blended seamlessly with vibrant gold, casting a warm, comforting glow that extended far beyond the horizon. Wisps of fire and luminescent particles danced through the air like radiant fireflies, creating an otherworldly ambiance.

The ground beneath Aiden's feet was a mosaic of flickering flames and radiant patterns, every step he took sending ripples of energy through the vibrant tapestry. Lush vegetation emerged from the fiery ground, each plant seemingly forged from flames and adorned with delicate blooms that emitted a soft, radiant light.

In the distance, towering trees stood like sentinels, their trunks adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to writhe and twist like living creatures. Their branches reached upward, their leaves aglow with a celestial radiance that contrasted the fiery landscape. Ethereal rivers of flowing energy wound through the land, their currents guiding streams of shimmering light that illuminated the surroundings.

Amidst this mesmerizing landscape, a figure emerged—Aiden's own reflection, but different. This version of him was older, bearing a beard and a stern countenance. The man radiated an aura of wisdom and mystery, his eyes harboring secrets that transcended time.

Aiden's voice echoed through the mindscape, a mixture of curiosity and confusion. "You... you're me?"

The older Aiden smiled, his expression a blend of amusement and understanding. "In a way, yes. I am a facet of your potential, a glimpse into the path you may tread."

Aiden took a cautious step forward, his eyes locked onto the older version of himself. "Why are you here? What is this place?"

The elder Aiden's gaze shifted to the landscape around them, his voice taking on a contemplative tone. "This is your mindscape, a realm forged from the essence of your Gift—the Celestial Pyre Phoenix. It is a reflection of your duality—fire and light, chaos and order."

As he spoke, the skies above began to shift, transitioning from warm hues to cooler shades of blue and silver. The fiery landscape morphed into one of brilliant luminescence, where beams of light intertwined like threads of destiny.

The older Aiden continued, "Within this mindscape, you can uncover hidden truths, glimpse potential futures, and commune with aspects of yourself that you have yet to fully comprehend."

Aiden's thoughts raced, the revelations stirring a maelstrom of emotions within him. "So, you're here to guide me?"

The elder Aiden nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Guide, warn, and inspire. Our existence is bound by a shared fate, a journey that spans the dimensions of time. As you awaken new aspects of your Gift, your connection to this mindscape will deepen, granting you insights into your purpose and the challenges that lie ahead."

Aiden stared at his older self, a mixture of determination and uncertainty in his eyes. "And Noctis? How does he fit into all of this?"

A hint of a knowing smile tugged at the elder Aiden's lips. "Noctis is not merely a companion but a link—a connection that transcends the boundaries of your reality. The bond between you two is more profound than you realize, a force that can shape destinies."

As the conversation drew to a close, the mindscape began to shift once more. The fiery and luminous landscapes converged, merging in a breathtaking display of elemental harmony. Fire danced with light, and shadows coalesced with radiant energy, a symbol of Aiden's inner potential.

"Remember, Aiden, the threads of fate are as malleable as fire and as elusive as shadows. Embrace your duality, and let your heart guide you. And when the time comes, call upon your mindscape's power and say: 'The chapter ends,'" the elder Aiden advised.

With those words, the mindscape started to fade, the vibrant scenery dissolving into a cascade of shimmering particles. Aiden's consciousness was drawn back to reality, leaving behind the realm of fire and light—a place of introspection, revelation, and connection.


Gift: Thunderstrike Gauntlets

Rank: C

The Thunderstrike Gauntlets Gift bestows the ability to generate and manipulate electrical energy through the wearer's hands. This energy can be discharged as powerful lightning bolts, either in focused strikes or area-wide bursts. The gauntlets also provide enhanced physical strength, allowing the user to deliver electrified punches with increased force.