
The Phoenix's Genesis: Rise of the Emperor

Song-Ji, a brilliant engineering prodigy, teetered on the edge of academic exhaustion as he fought to maintain his respectable 3.2 GPA. Burdened by the relentless workload, he resorted to countless sleepless nights, desperately clinging to the fragile thread of his university life. Little did he know that a single fateful night would reshape his destiny forever. Drenched from the relentless rainstorm after another grueling all-nighter, Song-Ji raced through the shadowed streets, yearning for the solace of his dorm. But destiny had other plans. In the blink of an eye, a horrifying accident struck, leaving him shattered and almost crippled. Amidst the bleakness of his future, Song-Ji made a defiant choice—to seize control of his own fate. Awakened to an unfamiliar world, he found himself trapped within the fragile shell of a newborn, devoid of inkling as to where he ended up. Embark on an extraordinary journey as we unravel the enigmas of this foreign realm alongside Song-Ji. Together, we'll chart a course towards unrivaled greatness, forging an empire that will echo through the annals of history. Prepare to witness the epic saga of resilience, discovery, and the birth of an empire, as an indomitable spirit rises from the ashes to shape the world like never before.

Ihavenoclue · Fantasy
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64 Chs

War Pt 3.

*A day earlier*

The terrain outside the walls of Iztil stretches across a vast plot of land and at first glance, a portion of the land appears relatively flat and even, however, as you go further away from the city, the terrain gradually starts to slope. Prince Cedric stood on the hill observing the city he wished to crush, but he noticed something peculiar, something that meant that he had to alter the plans he had made up until this point

He was told his tent was ready and upon entering he ordered Lucius to find persons to deliver a message to the leader of the enemy forces and to call the commanders in for a meeting. After Lucius relayed Prince Cedric's orders to the commanders, they all gathered in Prince Cedric's tent waiting to hear the reason for their being summoned.

"I gathered you all here because I made an important discovery about the main city gate," Prince Cedric addressed the group. "I tried to extend my aura sense beyond the gate, but it was being blocked which means the gate is made from Aetherium, a metal that blocks aura and weakens magic. This poses a challenge to our current plans."

Seraphina nodded in understanding. "What's your countermeasure, Your Highness?"

Cedric took a moment to explain. "I've devised a plan, but it's somewhat improvised. I've sent two men to request an audience with the city lord. When they exit, the gate will be open for only a minute. We must act swiftly during that window of opportunity. Time is of the essence, as my son's safety is at stake. We cannot afford to prolong this battle."

After explaining the gravity of the situation, he issued them new orders and dismissed them all but Commander Seraphina Coaltan, the head of the mage unit,

The tone of Prince Cedric's voice turned cold as he spoke "I have a separate task for you Commander Coaltan"

*Present Day*

As Phillip's horse trotted his mind was absent, only thinking about what had transpired, what that man had done to his brother-in-law, the emotion he was experiencing was only pain, pain at the thought of what he'll tell his sister and the pain of having to carry only his head that was currently hanging from a satchel attached to the saddle of his horse, he could feel it brushing against his leg every time his horse galloped which only served to amplify the pain and remind him that this was his fault.

As he approached the gate, he was still in a daze. Standing before the massive structure, reaching a towering height of 20 feet, he couldn't help but feel intimidated. He stood there, his gaze fixed upon the imposing gate, eagerly waiting for the guards to summon the strength to pull it open, meanwhile on the guard tower positioned near the main entrance to the city, the men noticed a person approaching the top of the hill in the distance, they immediately were on guard, summoning their aura's but they relaxed when they noticed it was only one person who was quite far away.

The guards then unlocked the latches of the gate causing a loud clang, the system of pulleys and chains used to open the massive gate was operated by 4 persons, two on separate sides of the gate, and as they heard the clang they went to work in opening the gate, as it was partially opened, the air suddenly felt cooler, as if all humidity was escaping the air, the guards nestled atop the walls felt it too, mistaking it for the draft caused by the opening of the gates but then suddenly

"ATTACK!!" a panicked guard screamed.

The guard alerted everyone to the danger but it was too late.


As everyone was dismissed from the Prince's tent I attempted to follow, but I was quickly stopped by Prince Cedric,

"I have a separate task for you Commander Coaltan," he said coldly

"How may I help Your Highness" I replied with a hint of nervousness

"What's your strongest Fire spell?" He asked

"An upper 6th tier spell called Pyroclasmic Inferno"

"Upper 6th tier, I think that may be enough, as the gates open tomorrow, I want those Capatians to feel the might of that spell"

"As you wish Your Highness"

"Thank you, You're dismissed"

I bowed and left the room and headed toward my tent.

The day arrived and I got dressed in uniform, it was a lightweight tunic made of enchanted fabric colored in indigo. The tunic extended to my mid-thigh, allowing for ease of movement during combat. Over the tunic, I wore a fitted leather cuirass with silver patterns that traced the contours of my torso. The cuirass provided essential defense without hindering agility. I then put on my forearm-length leather gloves and a deep violet flowing cloak and finally knee-high boots made of durable leather.

I then headed to Prince Cedric's tent and upon arriving I met him and Lucius who greeted me with a good morning and updated me on the current situation.

"The two men have already entered the city and they should be returning about fifteen minutes, the army is prepped and ready, you're deputy commanders made sure the members of your unit were properly distributed."

Lucius concluded his report then the prince turned to me and said "I think you should get going"

I bowed and then left the tent and made my way to my horse, I arrived and mounted the horse and gently tapped her golden brown body with my legs and we made our way to the top of the hill but before ascending the slope I got off my horse and tied her to a nearby tree and made my way up the hill on foot, I walked up the hill and focused my physical senses to hear when the gate was being opened.


"Looks like I made it right on time"

I then steeled my focus and gathered mana from my mana core and channeled it into my hands, I then envisioned all the heat leaving the air around me and gathering in my palms, I then gathered the surrounding mana to amplify the strength of the spell causing my hands to glow with a radiant crimson hue. I extended my arms towards the massive city gate, feeling the raw energy surge through me.

"Pyroclasmic Inferno"

A surge of fiery energy erupted from my palms. The air crackled with heat as a searing ball of flames engulfed in a swirling vortex, the intensity of the spell grew with each passing second, flames spiraling and intensifying within the sphere.

With a swift motion, I launched the blazing inferno toward the gate. The spell rocketed forward faster than the speed of light, leaving behind a blazing trail of destruction. The ground trembled beneath the sheer force as the fiery projectile hurtled toward its target.

The impact of Seraphina's devastating spell carried a distinctive mixture of deep rumbling and sharp crackling, It was as if the heavens themselves had unleashed their fury. The sound echoed across the surrounding landscape, reaching the ears of all who stood witness to the spectacle. It was a deafening explosion whose power seemed to shake the very foundations of the earth. The concussive force of the spell's impact caused a shockwave to ripple outward, shaking the ground and rattling nearby structures.

Seraphina stood, panting, her eyes fixed on the smoldering remains of the gate, signaling that her spell had done its job

As the reverberations subsided, a rumbling sound could be heard, and soon after, soldiers were seen coming out of the nearby forests, shields in hand as they marched in a rectangular pattern, each containing about five hundred soldiers, perfectly executing the testudo formation. Fifteen thousand soldiers marched in these formations toward the west and east gates and the now crumbling main gate.