
The Phoenix's Genesis: Rise of the Emperor

Song-Ji, a brilliant engineering prodigy, teetered on the edge of academic exhaustion as he fought to maintain his respectable 3.2 GPA. Burdened by the relentless workload, he resorted to countless sleepless nights, desperately clinging to the fragile thread of his university life. Little did he know that a single fateful night would reshape his destiny forever. Drenched from the relentless rainstorm after another grueling all-nighter, Song-Ji raced through the shadowed streets, yearning for the solace of his dorm. But destiny had other plans. In the blink of an eye, a horrifying accident struck, leaving him shattered and almost crippled. Amidst the bleakness of his future, Song-Ji made a defiant choice—to seize control of his own fate. Awakened to an unfamiliar world, he found himself trapped within the fragile shell of a newborn, devoid of inkling as to where he ended up. Embark on an extraordinary journey as we unravel the enigmas of this foreign realm alongside Song-Ji. Together, we'll chart a course towards unrivaled greatness, forging an empire that will echo through the annals of history. Prepare to witness the epic saga of resilience, discovery, and the birth of an empire, as an indomitable spirit rises from the ashes to shape the world like never before.

Ihavenoclue · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Learning About Magic

I sat in the library, surrounded by texts filled with the knowledge of magic. Delving deeper into the books, I stumbled upon revelations and theories that improved my understanding.

'Damn, I missed out on so much, that stupid law needs to be changed' I thought as I flipped through pages, memorizing everything I had read.

My eyes widened as learned about the classification of magic power levels known as Kosmos. Each Kosmos represented a significant advancement in magical abilities and mastery. I absorbed the descriptions of each level, from the basic elemental control of the 1st Kosmos to the near-omnipotent reality-shaping abilities of the 9th Kosmos and the different stages of each level.

The 1st kosmos to 5th Kosmos had three stages, while the 6th to 9th kosmos had 5 stages:

1st Kosmos:

-Awakening Stage

-Intermediary Stage

-Completion Stage

2nd Kosmos:

-Blossoming Stage

-Evolving Stage

-Transcendent Stage

3rd Kosmos:

-Radiant Stage

-Empyreal Stage

-Heavenly Stage

4th Kosmos:

-Elemental Stage

-Ethereal Stage

-Harmonic Stage

5th Kosmos:

-Luminary Stage

-Rhulic Stage

-Sovereign Stage

6th Kosmos:

-Astral Stage

-Stellar Stage

-Nebulous Stage

-Celestial Stage

-Ascendant Stage

7th Kosmos:

-Luminous Stage

-Elysian Stage

-Arch Stage

-Orderic Stage

-Transcendent Stage

8th Kosmos:

-Seraphic Stage

-Absolute Stage

-Ethereal Stage

-Dominion Stage

-Sublime Stage

9th Kosmos:

-Eternal Stage

-Divine Stage

-Valhich Stage

-Omnipotent Stage

-Perfect Stage

It fascinated and bewildered me—a spectrum of power and skill.

But as I continued my research, I noticed discrepancies between what I read and my own experiences. One book mentioned that wordless casting required reaching the 2nd Kosmos, yet I unknowingly achieved it during my experiments.

'Maybe these books aren't entirely accurate,' I thought as I read. 'I haven't reached the second Kosmos yet, or have I?' I sighed, realizing the importance of understanding the true extent of my power. I needed to know the depths of my potential.

Determined to understand it, I shifted my focus to mana capacity and magic mastery. I meticulously searched for a book that could teach me to sense my mana capacity, hoping to uncover the truth about my magical potential.

Finally, I discovered a hidden gem—an ancient text that held the key to sensing and understanding one's mana capacity. Excitement coursed through me as I absorbed the instructions before me. The book described a meditative practice, where one had to quiet their mind and attune themselves to the flow of mana within their bodies.

I followed the instructions diligently, closing my eyes and allowing my breathing to steady. I delved deep into the recesses of my consciousness, focusing on the pulsating energy coursing through my being. With each passing moment, my connection to mana grew stronger, and I began to sense my mana capacity.

As I delved further, a staggering realization hit me. My mana capacity was monstrously large, far exceeding my expectations. It felt as if I was gazing upon the combined might of every ocean in the world, a vast reservoir of untapped potential. And yet, when I checked my mana mastery, I was only at the 1st Kosmos. It was as if I had access to an entire ocean, but I could only use one droplet of water at a time.

My mind buzzed with questions and possibilities. How could my mana capacity be so vast, even at my current level? Was it a by-product of my reincarnation, an advantage bestowed upon me? These questions lingered, and I knew I had to make the most of this advantage, to hone my skills and push my limits further.

In my pursuit of growth, my attention turned to the Mana Breathing Technique. The book I found detailed the practice's importance in enhancing one's capacity to channel and control mana. It described the process of consciously regulating the breath, aligning it with the ebb and flow of mana within the body.

Seizing the opportunity to develop my skills, I sought out the librarian for the book on the Mana Breathing Technique. She directed me to a section where I found a weathered tome with yellowed pages. Eagerly, I opened the dusty old book, impatiently searching for the instructions after finally stumbling upon the page I started reading every word memorizing as I went along.

'The mental capacity of this body compared to my last one is so much better' I thought as I read.

According to the book, the practice of Mana Breathing involved immersing yourself in a quiet and secluded space so I followed the instructions, sitting in a comfortable position and closing my eyes. With each breath, I visualized drawing in pure mana from the surrounding environment, envisioning my lungs filling with vibrant energy.

As I exhaled, I released any impurities or stagnant mana, resulting in the purifying of my inner channels. The book emphasized the importance of maintaining a rhythmic and harmonious breathing pattern, synchronizing it with the natural flow of mana. Through consistent practice, the technique would gradually increase my capacity to channel mana, however, I found myself not wanting to wait for such a time, instead, I wish it would improve faster, but such cheats weren't available thus I had no choice but to continue.

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