
The Phoenix's Genesis: Rise of the Emperor

Song-Ji, a brilliant engineering prodigy, teetered on the edge of academic exhaustion as he fought to maintain his respectable 3.2 GPA. Burdened by the relentless workload, he resorted to countless sleepless nights, desperately clinging to the fragile thread of his university life. Little did he know that a single fateful night would reshape his destiny forever. Drenched from the relentless rainstorm after another grueling all-nighter, Song-Ji raced through the shadowed streets, yearning for the solace of his dorm. But destiny had other plans. In the blink of an eye, a horrifying accident struck, leaving him shattered and almost crippled. Amidst the bleakness of his future, Song-Ji made a defiant choice—to seize control of his own fate. Awakened to an unfamiliar world, he found himself trapped within the fragile shell of a newborn, devoid of inkling as to where he ended up. Embark on an extraordinary journey as we unravel the enigmas of this foreign realm alongside Song-Ji. Together, we'll chart a course towards unrivaled greatness, forging an empire that will echo through the annals of history. Prepare to witness the epic saga of resilience, discovery, and the birth of an empire, as an indomitable spirit rises from the ashes to shape the world like never before.

Ihavenoclue · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Swiftly, Lucius raced through the halls of the palace, his determined strides matched by the violent gusts of wind swirling around him. The force of his movement swept away the smoke billowing from the aftermath of the explosion, providing a brief reprieve for the gasping guards stationed nearby.

He surveyed the scene, taking in the devastating aftermath of the blast. Once towering bookshelves now lay in ruins, their contents scattered haphazardly across the once-pristine floors. Shards of shattered ceiling fixtures rained down, adding to the debris-filled chaos. Palace guards, their faces etched with urgency, struggled to contain the smoke and restore order amidst the wreckage.

Lucius remained composed, his mind sharp scanning his surroundings, seeking any signs of hidden traps or secondary explosives, but found none. A sense of suspicion crept over him, a realization appeared in his mind.

"Why would someone set off an explosion in here, there's nothing of value except some of the books but they're not worth this much of a spectacle, the only advantage is that it's easily accessible and its location is far away from the main entrance hall …... Wait," Lucius pondered with a grim expression. The pieces of the puzzle began to align, prompting a surge of urgency within him.

Just as a guard approached, ready to inquire about the situation, Lucius's face contorted with realization. He shouted, the urgency evident in his voice, "It's a diversion!"

Without a moment's hesitation, he swiftly turned on his heel and sprinted back in the direction he came from, his instincts guiding him. But before he could take five steps, a thunderous explosion erupted behind him, shaking the very foundations of the palace.

"Ahhh Captain Lucius Valentine how perceptive of you but I'm afraid I can't let you leave just yet" A cold, monotoned voice sounded from behind Lucius

He looked around to find a tall and lean man with his face covered by a pitch-black mask, leaving only his sharp eyes visible. His gloved hands gripped the nagamaki sword at his side as if anticipating the moment Lucius would strike.

"Who are you to stop me" replied Lucius.

"You can just call me Crowley."

"Men, leave the room; Hmmm, Crowley is that an accent I detect"

"Enough talking," said Crowley as he burst forward.

His movements were so fast they couldn't be seen by a normal human, luckily for Lucius, he wasn't a normal human.

Crowley unsheathed his sword as he moved and swung it towards Lucius' neck, Lucius drew his longsword at a speed faster than his opponent and managed to block the strike that aimed for his neck, their blades met with a resounding clash and sparks erupted from the clash of steel, illuminating the chaos that surrounded them.

Crowley leaped backward and composed himself for the next strike, they lunged forward simultaneously, and Crowley darted forward with finesse and speed, his nagamaki poised to strike. He unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast cuts, exploiting the weapon's reach and agility. Each swing was precise, aimed at exploiting any opening in Lucius's defense. Lucius, a seasoned warrior, anticipated Crowley's moves, parrying and countering with powerful strikes of his own. His longsword, imbued with raw power, clashed against the nagamaki with a thunderous impact.

The library walls reverberated as the combatants fought on, their blades dancing in a deadly symphony. Crowley's nimble footwork allowed him to scale the ruined bookshelves, using the crumbling structure to his advantage. From above, he rained down swift strikes, attempting to overwhelm Lucius. The clash of metal echoed through the vast chamber as they exchanged blow after blow.

Lucius, undeterred by Crowley's agility, channeled his strength into each swing. His strikes were forceful and deliberate, aiming to overpower his opponent. Sparks flew as their swords collided, creating a mesmerizing display of skill and power. The once-grand library trembled under the weight of their conflict, books, and debris cascading to the floor.

In a daring move, Crowley unleashed a flurry of rapid thrusts, exploiting the nagamaki's length and precision. Lucius caught off guard, struggled to defend against the onslaught. But even in the face of Crowley's relentless assault, Lucius fought back with sheer determination.

The battle reached its conclusion as they found themselves locked in a dangerous dance on the walls of the library. Each step was treacherous, as the weakened structure threatened to crumble beneath their feet. They traded blow after blow, their swords clashing with resounding force. Dust and debris swirled around them, adding an ethereal quality to the intensity of their duel.

Breathing heavily, Crowley and Lucius locked eyes, their wills locked in a battle of their own. The library, now a shattered reflection of its former self, bore witness to their relentless struggle. For a fleeting moment, both warriors sensed the gravity of the situation, the thin line between victory and defeat hanging in the balance.

And then, with a sudden surge of energy, Crowley unleashed one final devastating strike, aiming to end the battle. But as his blade descended towards Lucius, he halted and jumped back, landing around 30 meters away from Lucius.

"You're a good warrior as expected Lucius Valentine, I hope we'll get to finish this next time"

Lucius who understood the intent behind his words roared angrily, "Don't you dare think I'll let you escape!"

He lunged towards Crowley attempting to prevent his retreat, but it was too late, He vanished as if he were only a figment of his imagination, he summoned his aura and released a pulse attempting to find a trace of Crowley but it was futile.

As he wondered where he went, the guards burst into the room after hearing the commotion cease he suddenly remembered this was only a diversion, so he steeled his resolve and ran as fast as he could to Prince Cedric's side to ensure his safety.

He arrived 5 minutes later to find Prince Cedric sitting around his desk with an impatient look staining his face.

"Lucius, what is happening?" Prince Cedric's voice echoed with authority as he surveyed the chaos unfolding around them.

"Your Highness, a group has infiltrated the palace," Lucius replied, his face etched with worry. "They poisoned the court physician and triggered an explosion in the east wing library."

Prince Cedric's remaining composed replied: "That much I've gathered from the guard you sent, but what I do not understand is why."

Lucius took a deep breath, his voice filled with apprehension. "Your Highness, I believe it was a diversion, meant to draw our attention away from something else."

"A diversion?" Prince Cedric's brows furrowed in confusion. "What were they trying to divert us from?"

"I thought it would have been you," Lucius confessed, his tone heavy with regret. "But now I'm not so certain. We must remain vigilant."

Just as their conversation reached a critical point, a knock was heard, "Enter" commanded the prince, to which a guard entered his breath ragged and his face pale with urgency. "Your Highness, I have crucial news!" he exclaimed as he kneeled before the pair.

Prince Cedric turned towards the guard, "What is it? Is my family safe?"

The guard hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice laced with hesitation. "Yes, Your Highness, all members of the royal family have been accounted for, but I haven't received any news from Prince Barrett's guards."

A deep sense of dread settled in evidenced by the prince's face "Where is he?"

"The Infirmary my lord"

"Lucius let's go, guard gather as many men as you can and meet us at the Infirmary" replied Prince Cedric.

As Lucius and Prince Cedric arrived, a chilling sight greeted their eyes. Two guards lay lifeless on the floor, their blood pooling around them, their throats cruelly slit from ear to ear.

Taking a deep breath, Lucius calmed himself and pushed open the door, their boots tainting the pristine tiles with the stains of dried blood, as they entered the pungent odor of burnt flesh permeated the air, assaulting their senses as they ventured further into the room. Each step left a crimson footprint, marking their path through the room cluttered with medical equipment and remnants of the chaos.

Their eyes were drawn to a bed, beside it laid, the source of the smell. Lucius knelt beside the charred figure, his heart sinking as he realized it was Dr. Ravencroft's young assistant. He felt responsible for this young man's death, and in a moment of solemnity, he closed his eyes and whispered a prayer for the innocent soul.

As Lucius rose to his feet, he turned his gaze towards Prince Cedric, who stood frozen in front of another bed. Following his stare, Lucius's breath caught in his throat. The realization struck them with a force that stole their breath away – Prince Barrett's bed was empty.

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