
The Pharoah's Heart Is Mine

Cold blooded Monster. Human Eater. Vile War Soldier. These are just a few nicknames given to the young ruler of Egypt. The conqueror. The Feared Lord of all. So when it is announced that the cold blooded Pharoah wants to take a wife, it is no surprise that the Imperial Harem is neck filled with his enemies rather than lovers. _____ For years, she had been on the run. Running from her past, her present and the dim future that awaited her if she was to get caught. For years, she had planned her great revenge. Against the one who killed her father. Against the beast who murdered the ones she loved. She would slaughter him in the most ruthless way possible. Even if it meant entering the enemy's Territory. She would no longer run. _____ I hope you all enjoy and support my new novel. This novel is a part of the WSA competition 2023. Read and enjoy!!

faizalatee · History
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7 Chs

Escape To Libran I

The scorching sun made her skin itch her. She could feel the sticky wetness of her skin, under her arms and between her legs. She could perceive the rotting burn of her flesh on her left shoulder that permeated. The smell stung her more than the pain, she urged to take off her clothes right there in the desert. She subconsciously shook the empty bottle hung over her neck, greeted by silence, realising she had run out of water. She needed to get to Libran first. The only town she would be safe in.

At least for a week or two.

She tightened her mud brown scarf around her nose to keep the dirty wind away. To keep stares away. She was close. Closer. She could blurrily see the gates of Libran. The gates had been built with sand and rocks by the 'escaped slaves' over a thousand years ago. Now their work lived on as the second biggest nation, named after what they had fought for- freedom.

As she walked through the gates, she could feel the hot tears gathering in her eyes. She had been travelling for a month now, escaping bandits, stealing to survive and eventually getting into near-death experiences. She already knew what she needed to do. Fill up her stomach, treat her injury, find a place to crash and then get some information.

She unmasked her face and allowed the scarf to rest on her hair as she eyed her surroundings. As starved as she was, she knew she needed to treat her wounds first. People asked too many questions in Libran. Too many questions led to too much attention, which she did not need. Without much contemplation, she began for North. There she would find Marki- a trustworthy acquaintance who would treat her wound. The smell of curry, fruits and perfume made her stomach swirl unpleasantly. The open marketplace was too crowded, filled with bickering traders. It made it easier for her to grab an apple or two alongside some bread without having to spend a dime. She walked like the wind, smooth and fast, avoiding gazes, avoiding touch. She could smell the perfumed scents of the people around her, in contrast with her skin which smelt like it was rotten away. She had visited Libran a few times before and Marki's place had subconsciously been inscribed in her memory.

As she bit one of the red dusty apples, she could feel the sting of her cracked lips, almost bleeding. She wiped off the sweat on her face and thanked the heavens that Marki lived by the rivers. In Libran, the sun took longer to set. The nights were often short-lived. It took her half an hour to arrive at Markis'. The place looked like it was ready to fall apart. Poor old rock house. She could see the lights from the windows, which meant that Marki was home. She knocked on the weakened wood door, afraid it would break if she hit it too hard.

"Marki, you in?"

"Gimme a sec!" He yelled from inside. She waited on his front porch as she listened to him unlock the door and let her in.

"Its been a while"


She let her bag and scarf drop to the floor as she sat on the bed, taking off her thick layers of grey shirt.

"Another near-death experience?"

"You know it"

Marki went to the other room and came back with a box of supplies to treat her wound.

"It smells rotten"

"It is, Marki. I hope you can fix me"

She held in the scream that threatened to come out of her lips as he poured a liquid cleanser on the wound, the water-like liquid running from her left shoulder down her arm.

"You never scream, you know?"

She saw the curl on the side of his lips as he spoke, unaware of what his smile meant.

"There's no use fretting over pain..." she told him.

"...As long as I'm alive"

She crossed her arms, elbows on her laps, as her palms covered her almost exposed breasts. She was sweating heavily.

"I need a long bath"

"Yes, you do" he laughed, sewing up the wound.

"There's warm water and coconut soap. Have a long bath once I'm done"

"Coconut soap is expensive, Marki"

"You're welcome"

Once he had closed up the wound, he placed a thin sticky white cloth over it.

"Thank you, Marki. You're too kind"

"I'm not. It's because it's you"

"I know. I'm grateful"