
Chapter 6

POV: Jimin; Jubokko clan

Earlier that morning...

Burandon walked in as I poured milk into my cereal. His hair was wet and he was wearing blue jeans, a tie dye sweater, and white converse.

"So.....are we gonna talk about what you did?" I asked to break the awkward silence between us. Burandon scoffed and opened the fridge and pulled out some chocolate pudding, his favorite.

He sat down at the table and began eating with a silver spoon. I'm quietly eating my cereal when Namujun walks in. He automatically walks over to the espresso machine and starts making some coffee. He doesn't say a word the entire time.

When Namujun's disappointed in someone he stays quiet for the entire day till they snap and say something, he always does this, and every time, he wins.

I can see Burandon thinking and contemptlating. Namujun pours his coffee into his favorite mug, a Sailor Moon mug portraying Artemis, the cat.

He sipped his coffee fairly loud as he leans against the counter, waiting for Burandon to break.

Burandon groans in annoyance. "Okay, look, I'm sorry that I got drunk last night, I know it worries you and it's very selfish of me to ignore you and go get drunm despite your warnings. I'm really sorry." He looks at the table and teardrops hit the cloth.

Namujun leaves his spot next to the counter and comforts Burandon. He whispers something into his hair and hugs him. Namujun wipes his tears away and grabs Burandon's pudding cup and throws it away.

"That is not a proper breakfast. Lemme make some eggs and bacon, okay?" Burandon nods and Namujun starts making the food.

Moments later, Namujun hands us our food and we eat. "How did everyone sleep last night?" I asks as I eat bacon.

"I kept on having this one dream on repeat. It was really annoying, other than, I slept fairly well." Burandon replied.

"What was it about?" Namujun asks.

"The dream was about me destroying Shanghai with my abilities. I kept on drowning people and laughing as I saw them struggle to survive." His face goes grim as he recalls the dream.

"It's probably nothing. You shouldn't dwell on it." Namujun says, dismissing the subject.

After breakfast we decide to do some shopping down in the city. We get in the car and begin to drive. We sing every song on the radio and laugh as we listen to Namujun recalling his childhood memories.

We pass by a restraunt and I notice a group if people walking, what made me notice them is that they were all wearing fox masks and a black cloak. The moment they walked in, the whole building explodes with light.
