
The Perfection : Monster in the face of human

Shivam_Sharma_7882 · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

The days of preparation flew by like a blur, and soon it was the day of our departure to the highly esteemed School of Perfection – an organization that had a dark reputation for creating human weapons.

As I made my way to school, I felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. When I arrived, I saw four buses waiting to take us to our destination. Excitement and anxiety filled the air as students chatted and read through the competition booklet. For me, the rules were already etched in my mind, but I couldn't help but empathize with those who found the tasks daunting.

Boarding the bus, I pretended to sleep with my headphones on, seeking solitude to gather my thoughts. The three-hour journey felt endless, but as the grand structure of the School of Perfection loomed before us, memories of my past experience resurfaced.

The teachers conversed with the guards, and I observed the astonishment on my fellow students' faces as they beheld the magnificent sight. As we entered, it was evident that the place had undergone recent renovations, matching Anna's taste and confirming James's revelations.

Guided through the impressive facilities, I marveled at the advanced classrooms, vast swimming pool, courts, gyms, and the virtual reality battle room. The school had left no stone unturned in providing the ultimate training ground for the competitors.

Soon, we found ourselves in the presence of Anna, who appeared to be mentoring some students. Four men stood beside her, holding boxes containing the mysterious Status Rings. My curiosity was piqued, but I maintained a composed demeanor.

As we lined up, Anna addressed us, welcoming the participants to the competition and explaining the purpose of the Status Rings – devices that would record our points throughout the games. When my turn came to receive a ring, I decided to forgo the school's offering and boldly showed Anna the unique ring I already possessed – a dragon-faced ancient ring with a radiant red ruby. The gasps of astonishment from everyone, excluding Anna, echoed in the room.

A competitor, who seemed to be Anna's star player, demanded to know who I was and how I obtained such a precious ring. Calmly, I replied that he could inquire about "Black" from the senior members of the organization. Anna intervened, hinting that my true identity would be revealed in time.

The tension in the room was palpable as I put on my earphones, signaling my desire to avoid any further questions. With the rings distributed, we were ushered into our respective team rooms. Leaving behind a crowd filled with jealousy and curiosity, I joined my classmates, seeking solace among those I trusted.

Lying on my chosen bed near the window, I dismissed their inquiries, stating that I was tired and needed rest. Their expressions of annoyance were evident, but they had little choice but to accept my decision. As I closed my eyes, the weight of responsibility and the challenge ahead settled on my shoulders, but I knew I was ready to confront whatever awaited me.

With each passing second, I found myself drawing closer to the moment of truth – a battle that would test not just my abilities, but also my willpower and the limits of my identity. Embracing the darkness within me and the power of the ancient ring, I resolved to uncover Anna's true intentions and thwart her malevolent plans.

The competition had begun, and with it, a journey of discovery and transformation that would push me to my limits. As the clock ticked, I awaited the next day with both trepidation and a fierce determination to emerge victorious – not just for myself, but for the world that stood on the precipice of danger.