
The Perfection: Monster in face of human

A young boy enjoying his youth like how a normal boy would love to do but suddenly things changed and here he is standing in front of his past

Shivam_Sharma_7882 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Episode of past 2

I waited for nearly fifteen minutes before he stand up from his chair and come to me .

" Sorry,an important thing showed up unexpectedly. Let me give you a tour of our organisation " he said .

" Okay let's go and see " I said as I stood up .

I followed after him through the organisation first he took me to a soccer field with was way bigger than a usual one and there were some children around my age were playing and the way they were playing was completely opposite to what football is played they were using martial arts and chinlone which was so great .

As I was seeing it ,I asked him " From when martial arts and chinlone moves are allowed used in football ?" .

He was surprised by my question and looked amazed and asked me " You know them just by seeing them , you are unique " he said .

He started going in ahead and I followed him , this time I was seeing some children swimming . A one muscular boy came and took a jump forward the meter he jumped were nearly four and half meters which nearly amazed me . Taking a that much long leap this organisation was really something.

Looking at my expression " Surprised to see ? " He asked me .

" It's was really something " I replied to him .

" Let's go ahead " he said . And I followed him.

Next was a racing track , where the people can be seen running. There was a girl who was in starting position and someone at one end signal for start she started running which was so fast , faster than I had ever seen . As I was seeing this organisation I was getting more amazed .

As I reached near the basketball room ,what I saw was the biggest shock to me there was a NBA player Michael Kors who was playing with the children there .

Looking at me Henry said " We call some professionals here to train our students " .

We visited a lot of other training room . Lastly he showed me the Demon training room . Seeing by the window inside I saw only black colour.

I asked him " What is this room ?" .

He replied " It's demon training room a special room only a few have ever entered ,it test your senses to your limits " .

" How will it ?" I inquired.

" You will realise when you went in at right time ' he said .

" So ,you want to join it now or not ? " he asked me .

" Well in love to but you see my parents are just middle class so handling the fees of an organisation like this is out of question " I said.

" Well you have my recommendation ,so you don't need to care about the fees . " he told me .

" Why this special treatment to me?" I asked him .

" You see these students here are trained from their birth here so they have these talents you see ,but you are a completely different thing you are naturally born with speciality and I personally want to enhance them because it's the main aim of this organisation , Well I will talk with some higher ups and you will be enrolled" he told me.

" Well I have nothing else to do in this breaks so let's try this organisation " I said .

He told me to wait in his office as he go and talk with some people .

I was waiting there in his office and looking out of the window looking at the children playing there football .