

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · Sports
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30 Chs


Hayato: let's win this Tetsuo

Yukio: I don't want anyone to slack off on defense, work hard and let's stop Yokonan

Everyone: yes!!

(Aoi): I wonder what Kogure was talking to that guy about

(Haruko clenches her fist)

(Haruko): you can do it Tetsuo, I believe in you

(Nanaho): alright, this is it, it's time for you to show Yokonan that Toshigawa has grit. There is nothing more I can do with my strategy, its up to all of you now to fight until the sound of the final whistle

(Kogure scores a layup)

(Takahiro scores a two pointer)

Yukio: nice one Takahiro

(Kayano passes to Ryuu)

(Ryuu scores a layup)

(Tetsuo dribbles to the other side of the court)

(Manabu steps to guard him)

Kogure: stand down Manabu, this one is mine, hate to break it to you but you're no match for him now

(Manabu): no way, did Kogure of all person say I'm not good enough

(Yokonan's coach): Kogure looks happy, that's not a look you see too often . He's definitely having fun

(Tetsuo crosses through his legs)

(Kogure reacts and stays in front of him)

(Tetsuo spins)

(Kogure reacts and stays in front of him)

(Takahiro sets a screen for Tetsuo)

(Tetsuo steps back and shoots a three)

(Kogure attempts to block)

(Kogure): I see , the release on that one was slightly faster


???: whoa, I can't believe it, Kogure is having a hard time guarding that number 11 , he must be really good for that to happen

(Aoi): something feels weird, it somehow feels like this is not the first that those two clashed , why is this feeling so familiar

(Aoi touches her chest)

(Kogure spins and then dunks)

???: nice one Kogure

Hayato: Noboru catch

Noboru: right

(Noboru goes up for a layup)

(Manabu): no you don't

(Manabu attempts to block)

(Noboru gets hit in the face)

Noboru: gah

(Whistle blows)


???: pushing foul, white number 5

(Manabu): god dammit

Noboru: how dare you hit me in my face you son of a bit-

Yukio: Noboru calm down, you scored so it's all good

Noboru: oh you're right, I did score

(Noboru): finally, I have more points than that amateur Shino

Yukio: now all you have to do is score the free throw

(Noboru): free throw, but I suck at those

(Nanaho): oh right, I didn't teach him how to shoot free throws , that was dumb

Yukio: (in a lower voice) don't worry just throw the ball right there on the rim. I'll get the rebound and score. We need to close the gap now so that it doesn't cost us in the fourth quarter

Noboru: okay, I'll do just that

Kogure: everyone get ready to collect the rebound

(Kogure): something tells me that Yukio isn't going to settle for one point

(Noboru lines up for the free throw)

(Noboru takes a deep breath)

(Noboru): I can do this

(Noboru takes a baseball pose)

(Ryuu): what the hell is this guy doing

(Kayano): is this some kind of joke

(Noboru throws the ball on the back board)

(Ball bounces off)

(Yukio and Ryuu jumps)

(Ryuu): there is no way that you'll out rebound me

(Yukio): I'm carrying all of our team's hopes and dreams on my shoulders, if you think that I'll loose to you then you are surely mistaken

(Yukio grabs the rebound)

Yukio: and I'm returning the favor, no way I'm going to let you dunk on me and get away with it

(Yukio dunks on Ryuu)

(Ryuu falls to the ground)

(Crowd cheers)

???: nice one, number 7, you're truly a phenomenal player

???: (whistles)

(Everyone claps)

???: even though Kogure is playing Toshigawa seems to still have a chance, they are truly something

(Kogure): looks like Yukio is too much for Ryuu to handle, I should mark him, however, if I were to do so we'll definitely loose

(whistle blows marking the end of the third quarter)

Eiji: Toshigawa's team is quite strong aren't they

Ryuu: shut your mouth Eiji!!

Yokonan's coach: it's not that their strong, it's just that they exploited our weaknesses. There coach is not your average high school girl , she a genius.

Eiji: if only Keichiro were here, then we wouldn't have trouble with that number 7 in our post

Ryuu: so you're saying that I'm the problem now huh?

Eiji: no I didn't say that

Keichiro: coach , I'm back

Yokonan's coach: oh, Keichiro welcome back

Eiji: Keichiro you're back

(Keichiro slaps him in the head)

Eiji: ouch, that hurts

Keichiro: that's captain to you , first year, don't you dare cross the line

Eiji: yes captain!!

Yokonan's coach: where are the others

Keichiro: they are stretching outside

Keichiro: wait you guys are playing a practice match , against which school

(Keichiro): what the hell is going on? How are the scores so close and Kayano and Kogure were playing? The opposition only has six members, so how the hell did this happen?

Keichiro: coach

Yokonan's coach: don't ask me, they truly disappointed me today, if it wasn't for Kogure and Kayano we wouldn't even score this much

Keichiro: I see

Eiji: so what will you do captain? Will you join the game?

Keichiro: there's no way I'm playing this game, I only finish what I start. You guys will just have to man up, takeover and win it yourselves

Eiji: but, what if we loose?

Keichiro: there's no room for failure at Yokonan we'll win

(Keichiro): so Yukio is still at Toshigawa huh, well that somewhat explains why our team is having difficulties

(Yukio): looks like Keichiro is back, is he going to play? No I doubt it

(Nanaho): Keichiro Yamada, captain of Yokonan high . If he was to join now, we'd definitely loose

(Haruko): that guy is huge, is he apart of their team?

Yukio: listen everyone, these are the final and most crucial moments of the game and we are down by three points, we will receive the ball at the start of the quarter , so we must use this to our advantage and try to take the lead. I know that it's tough and all of you must be tired but I want you fight with all your might until time runs out. Let's give it our all

Everyone: yes!!

(Haruko): you can do this, everyone

(Yukio inbounds the basketball to Hayato)

(Hayato dribbles up court)

(Kayano steps to guard him)

(Hayato): not this time Kayano, I'll pass you for sure

(Hayato crosses to the left and shifts his body to the right)

(Hayato gets by Kayano)

(Kayano runs him down)

(Hayato spins)

(Kayano): no way

(Hayato shoots a floater)


???: whoa!!! He went head to head against Kayano

Nanaho: nice shot, Hayato

Hayato: alright everyone lets stop their offense

Everyone: yes

(Kayano dribbles the basketball up court)

(Hayato steps to guard him)

(Kayano tries to shake him off with his dribbling skills)

(Hayato stands firm)

(Yokonan's coach): looks like their point guard is giving his all as it is. There's only a few players that can hold their own against Kayano, a prodigy and master at his role on our team

(Kayano): not bad, Hayato, if you're going all out then so am I

(Kayano crosses through his legs continuously)

(Hayato freezes)

(Kayano changes his pace and explodes to the rim)

(Hayato): god dammit

(Kayano goes for a layup)

(Kayano gets block from behind by Tetsuo)

(Whistle blows)

???: foul reaching from behind black #11

(Tetsuo hold up his hand)

(Nanaho): that was the right call Tetsuo, let him shoot some free throws

(Haruko): that's his first foul all game , he's really good

(Kayano shoots a free throw)


???: nice one Kayano

Kogure: make the other one

Kayano: I know

Noboru: hey, captain, Takahiro, Tetsuo. Brace yourselves for the rebound, he'll definitely miss

(Kayano): what did he just say?

Ryuu: I'd advise you to shut your mouth with that dumbass free throw form you got

Ryuu: plus if you haven't realized this game isn't about you, you are trash, the main players on your team aren't even trash talking as much as you. All you're doing is barking when you can't even bite, so stay quiet

(Noboru): I'll show you whose trash

(Kayano shoots the other free throw)


(Noboru runs to the other hoop)

(Tetsuo grabs the rebound)

(Tetsuo passes the basketball to Noboru)

(Noboru scores a layup)

Yukio: nice one Noboru and good quick thinking Tetsuo

(Keichiro): that was more than just quick thinking, it was complete trust. He knew that he would run while that number 10 trust that his teammate would grab the rebound. They are not bad at all

???: looks like Toshigawa caught up again, the score is all tied up

Nanaho: they did it , the game is leveled 68-68, just hold on a little bit longer everyone.