

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · Sports
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


(Everyone breathes heavily)

Nanaho: great work, Noboru, you gave us a once in a lifetime opportunity to win this game

Noboru: (tries to catch his breath), yes it's only (breaths heavily) natural

(Noboru vision gets blurry)

Nanaho: Noboru are you okay?

(Noboru collapse)

Nanaho: oh no Noboru

(Everyone surrounds Noboru)

Official: he just collapsed due to being fatigue, we'll take him to the infirmary

Nanaho: okay

(Nanaho): he held out for a very long time

Yukio: so what's the plan Nanaho?

Nanaho: we have no choice, Shino you'll have to play in Noboru's place

Shino: r.Right!!

Nanaho: as for the play I want you guys to make, listen carefully everyone. So Hayato you'll have the ball up here. Yukio will set a screen for you while Takahiro sets a screen for Tetsuo. In the meantime we'll have Shino cutting to the key.

Yukio: so then , Tetsuo will come around to score a three pointer right?

Nanaho: well that's the twist

Yokonan coach: listen carefully, I want you to direct your focus on both number four and eleven. In a situation like this they are more likely to shoot three pointers. As for their number six leave him be if he's within the three point line. And make sure that Yukio doesn't get the ball in the post as well as that old looking guy as well he's quite dangerous in these zones. Stop them now and we win this game, let's do this

Everyone: yes!!

Yokonan's coach: what's our name?!

Everyone: Yokonan!!!

Yokonan's coach: what's our name?

Everyone: Yokonan!!

Yokonan's coach: 3.2.1

Everyone: fight!!

Keichiro: Kogure

Kogure: yes, Keichiro

Keichiro: be sure to guard that number 11 well

Kogure: I know, if I allow him to do as he pleases we'll definitely loose

(Yukio inbounds the basketball to Hayato)

Hayato: alright everyone let's executive the plan

Everyone: yes!!

(Kayano steps to guard Hayato)

Kayano: it's been fun Hayato, but this is the end of the line

Hayato: sorry but I don't plan on loosing to you

(Shino cuts in the key)

(Yukio sets a screen for Hayato)

(Takahiro sets a screen for Tetsuo)

(Hayato drives to the rim while Tetsuo runs around the three point line)

(Takahiro cuts to the rim)

(Kogure catches up to Tetsuo)

(Ryuu steps to Hayato)

(Kayano catches up to Hayato)


(Kogure): it's over, wait… Number four isn't looking this way, does that mean… Tetsuo was a decoy? Then the person to take the last shot is Yukio!!


Nanaho: it's really obvious that Tetsuo would take the final shot, he has been scoring three pointers all game which will definitely alarm them. And Hayato made one earlier so he'll be guarded heavily as well. However, you Yukio will only alarm them inside the post. if you come out of the post to set a screen for Hayato, they will leave you be for a brief moment to defend the hoop when Hayato drives. That's where our opportunity lies.

Yukio: I see

Nanaho: I also believe that you of all person deserves to take this shot, the shot that will decide this game

(Hayato fakes a layup)

(Ryuu and Kayano jumps)

(Hayato passes the basketball to Yukio)

(Kayano and Ryuu looks shocked)

(Kayano): oh no!

(Yukio shoots a three pointer)

(Basketball bounces on the rim)

(Basketball rattles on the rim)


Yukio: it went in !! We've won

(Nanaho): he did it, we won

Haruko: he did it

Tetsuo: time is still on the clock , get back on defense!!!

(Kayano passes the basketball to the other half of the court)

(Kogure runs)

(Tetsuo follows)

(Yukio): damn

(Yukio tries to run back on defense)

(Yukio falls to the ground)

(Yukio): crap! I'm at my limits

Kayano: go, Kogure !!! End this game!!!

???: Kogure senpai finish this!!!

???: we believe in you

(Kogure goes up for a dunk)

(Tetsuo jump and blocks)

(Tetsuo): I won't allow you

(Kogure): huh? Tetsuo I see. Even though I haven't seen you for years, it seems that you still kept your promise and have gotten a whole lot better than when we were kids. You may not remember me but at least you still continued playing basketball and that's why we were we met each other again

(Kogure takes the ball out of Tetsuo's hands in mid air)

(Tetsuo): what the..

(Kogure goes for a layup)

(Whistle blows)


(Ball bounces on the ground)

(Nanaho): does it count?

???: basket counts , game over

Kogure: (sigh of relief)

(Shino): oh no, we lost, no way

(Yukio): god dammit

(Kayano): that was way too close for comfort

(Takahiro): damn, we lost but we were so close

(Tetsuo holds his head down)

(Haruko): oh no, they lost, Tetsuo…

(Hayato ): we lost

(Everyone in the crowd starts clapping

???: great work Toshigawa, you're one hell of a team

???: you guys did well , you were so close despite having only six members

???: you did well number 11 don't let this get you down!!!

???: all the best in the tournament, we believe that you guys can go places

(Shino): what!! are they praising us?

(Clapping continues)

Keichiro: Toshigawa Academy did a good job against us

Yokonan's coach: I hate to admit it but they have all the key players they need to compete. All they need now is to elevate their game for the tournament and let's not forget about their coach a high school girl, she is absolutely brilliant. Maybe I should hire her as my assistant when she graduates.

???: both team line up

???: The game between Yokonan high and Toshigawa Academy ended 90-89 in Yokonan's favor, bow

Everyone on both team: thank you for the match

(Nanaho): you guys did well, I hope the lost doesn't get to your head

Kayano: that was a great match Hayato, I hope to see more from you

Hayato: yes, you're pretty alright yourself, I'll be coming back for revenge at the inter high preliminaries

Kayano: I see, well you're team has it's work cut out for it

Hayato: I know

Kayano: you have two powerhouse teams to overcome before you even get to the preliminaries and trust me when I say this they are strong

Hayato: I see

Keichiro: it's been a while Yukio

Yukio: yeah you can say that

Keichiro: how's your brother ?

Yukio: he's been well

Keichiro: that's good to hear

Keichiro: has he been keeping up with his basketball training

Yukio: I can't say that I'm sure about that

Keichiro: I see, you guys have done well against us, I hope we can play against each other again and next time I'll be playing

Yukio: (smiles) won't make a difference because next time , we plan on winning

(Keichiro walks over to his team)

Eiji: Keichiro, we won

(Keichiro slaps Eiji in the head)

Eiji: ouch!

Keichiro: that's captain to you

Keichiro: listen up everyone!! What you did today was show me that all of you are slacking off. We almost lost a game at our own home court and in the history of the team this has never happened. I'm really disappointed in your performance despite you guys winning. So starting tomorrow the A team will be joining me on our runs before and after training am I clear!!!

Everyone: yes! Captain!!

???: hey , how did the game went against Toshigawa?

???: we won against them but barely, Kogure scored a basket in the final second

???: really? That guy truly is something else

???: you can say that again

(Noboru overhears in the infirmary)

(Noboru): I see, so we lost , huh

(Everyone walks silently towards the school's front gate)

(Haruko): They all seem so bummed out, but I think that they did a good job. That match could have gone either way. One things for sure Tetsuo is really good and he's so cool.

(Nanaho): I have to figure out a way to break this silence, the lost seem to have greatly impacted their confidence. Noboru is usually loud and confident but now he seems really down.

Aoi: Tetsuo!!! Tetsuo!!!

(Shino): huh? Whose that girl?

(Everyone on Toshigawa Academy's team stops)

(Aoi runs towards Tetsuo)

(Aoi embraces Tetsuo with a big hug)

(Tears fill her eyes)

(Everyone): whaaat!!!

(Haruko): how does she know Tetsuo, are they dating!!

(Noboru): Tetsuo you sly dog, how are you bagging the ladies so easily, man I'm so jealous

(Tetsuo): who is this girl?

Aoi: Kogure told me everything, I can't believe you're here after all this time, I missed you so much, Tetsuo

(Tetsuo): Kogure told her ? what is she talking about? I don't know her , do I?