
The Perfect Lion

so a lannister child of tywin and a unamed woman the child is called tytos lannister and he has the same ability naruto does where he draws people to him and creates strong bonds with unlikely people and likely people there will be sex scenes and gorey battles you have been warned

Oliver_Richardson · Action
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22 Chs

start of cannon

(joffrey 12 tytos 14)

it's been a year since being in the capital and now I'm back alough I still hold all the power since the king and queen had some words the detailed report I read was quite explicit

(after robert got the message of tywin)

robert pov

that stupid bitch has caused another problem for me pissing off tywin like that better yet tywin thinks I wrote the letter


"yes you're grace" I hear from the door and the sound of armour moving away

7 minutes later she finally arrived


he bowed and did as he was told

"what do you need my love" she said with that sickening smile oh how I miss lyanna

I decide to fuck with her "you're father and the reach have raised their banners in rebellion saying I called for the death of tytos which i did not but they want to put him on the throne they have met up and are marching to the capital as we speak they also want to kill me you and our kids so there is no opportunists

for the throne"

she goes white and asks in a shakie voice "what are you going to do"

"nothing I'm letting them take the throne I never wanted it I just wanted lyanna back I never wanted you or the throne or our kids maybe I'll give the crown to him and offer him a duel so I can die fighting"

"you coward how dare you say that about our kids and me you will write to my father and apologise for the mistake"

"I didn't make a mistake I made this up but tywin sent a message take it and have a look it wont he pretty though and I know you sent the message to you're father and do it again we will be divorced and you will be killed for treason and I will disinhertit our kids for tytos"

this did the job she read the scroll got mad threw it at me and ran off crying

just as I planned