
The Perfect Life

I was born to a beautiful mother no father, yet I was the ugliest person in town, short, overweight, and covered in flaws. My mother dies when I was three years old in a horrible carwreck under strange circumstances. I went to go live with my rich father and his other daughter who is two months younger than me, yet my exact opposite. Beautiful and attractive everyone naturally loved her, she is cruel and mean...yet not at all book smart in any way. Rebecca is the worst sister in history! My father treated me even worse than Rebecca did, he doesn't love me and in many ways I don't think he ever did. He pushes me around and beats me up anytime he gets, if that isn't bad he makes me sleep in the rusty dark attic with an infested mattress and rough thin sheets. He hardly feeds me in hopes that I'll somehow get skinnier. I never do... Of course my life isn't completely horrible, my aunt Fiona, she is everything to me, just as beautiful as my mother was, but sometimes I think she is kinder maybe because, as selfish as it is, my mother died and left me completely alone in this world. I hate her for it, leaving me like that, even though it really wasn't her fault. What can I say, after years upon years of being completely hated...I suppose I need someone to blame it on. Fiona is the only person that has ever cared about me. She was always there, always knew what to say to make me feel better. On terms of school, when is comes to grades and intelligence I am valedictorian and number 1, but when it comes to popularity I am at the bottom of the barrel and everyone hates me without even in knowing me. And if that isn't bad enough I am a Lesbian. I love everything that involves imagination and creativity...Anything depressing or real just makes me wanna gag. The ONE thing I had ever wished for was to NOT be myself, Frizzy brownish orange hair that never was ever tamed, my horrid mixed brownish blue eyes (mostly brown), my rough freckled pale skin, my shortness, and my fat...ness. Maybe that was the mistake,...because out of the 8 billion people in the world, my wish was taken too seriously and waaaaay too literally. After my 17th birthday...I woke up and I wasn't me. I am not me anymore, I'm tall and beautiful, flawless....but on the inside I was still...my mind? that seemed to be the only thing that didn't change. When I woke up my aunt was waiting for me with the most mind boggling news and secret anyone could ever receive or keep. The first day of school in my new body...I instantly became popular but there was one girl that never caught my attention until then. Hot. Sexy. yet kind and so, so alone. She is beautiful and everything I love, and the best about her...She hates my perfect body. But I refuse to give up on her, for once I will get a girlfriend and I will have a perfect life.

JunetheProdigy · LGBT+
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8 Chs

What The F*ck?!


I look around, death, blood, and pain... Where am I? I notice a bright light, as electricity can be seen almost in a tornado like form. It is far but not all that far, then I notice someplace closer where a red light can be seen as an old man with blue eyes and white hair seems to be talking with other old people in secret. I try to get their attention, it's almost like they can't see me. I walk towards them and I can see that they were anything but normal...or kind. "Saturn my love, I just want you to know, THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!" One purple eyed old woman snaps hitting the old white man, he sneers, holds her shoulders, and says, "I assure you my lovely Cybele we wil not go in vein, the Titan kind will endure so long as those wretched chidlren do." Another man speaks up agrilly, he has a lot of grey hair with some black and green eyes, "How do you know?!" The blue eyed old man looks at him and says, "It is simple dear brother, Titans will endure, but not as beautiful beings at least not at first, for being beautiful at young age rather bad things. Two bodies, one soul, the first body to be born will be the first to carry the soul, this body will grow to be ugly and horrid, the second body will live without a soul and sleep among our mother. The second body as ours will be immortal, beautiful, and all powerful, once the first body reaches a certain age it will perish and the soul will transfer to the second body. A Titan body! This will repeat, soon we will be everywhere and our future kin shall destroy those traitors!" They all laugh and I back away, okay what is happening?! I really wish I could tell them they are the craziest people I have ever met! Before I can say anything the ground below me begins tot crumble and break, I attempt to run off of the crumbling ground. I scream as I fall into the darkness.


I claw and struggle as I dig myself out of the dirt, I can hardly move, I can't breathe, I claw through until I feel a breeze on my hand, I whine as I push myself from the ground. Soon both my elbows were out and I was able to push myself from the dirt. I groan as my upper body enters fresh air, I struggle to gasp for air. I feel something wet and thick trickle down my face and cheeks as a soft hand helps the oil wash my face. "Its okay, it okay, breathe Diane breathe." I look up and see my aunt, "Fiona?..."

I gasp as I speak her name, why does her voice and touch feel so...different. Actually I feel different. I attempt to move my hand to my face but Fiona stops me with a slight glare, "Please Diane, later, for now just focus on breathing." I close my eyes and as soon as I do I realize something...my...my...eyesight! I open my eyes again to look around, everything is so clear and detailed even more than things looked with my glasses and with them I had 20/20 vision. Suddenly I we come panicked as I began to breathe worse as I began to move frantically crying confused and I begin to move almost thrashing. "Diane! God damn it! Stay still child!" She jumps on my half body and holds me down.

"Please little one, breathe, please. PLEASE, just focus on breathing everything's going to be okay." I sigh and stop struggling with my eyes closed as I continue to focus on breathing soon I am breathing peacefully and easily. Fiona eases up on me and lays next to me. Why can't I look like you Aunty? Aunty has long blonde hair that almost glows in the sunlight...or any light. Even now as its messy and dirty, I still would kill to have her hair. Her bright electric blue eyes don't make me feel better either. She has perfect skin, a strong body and features...how was my mother ever the pretty one? I feel tears sting my eyes, and my lips tremble. Fiona begins to tear up to and she throws her arms around me.

"Please, don't cry, it's gonna be okay...please don't cry." I can't help it as I sob into her neck. "Awe poor baby..." I whimper and after a while of laying with her I begin to feel tired. I mumble under my breath as I ask, "Why did you bury me?" Fiona actually laughs and pulls away slight, taking away her arms away she takes my hands in hers.

"How do feel darling?" It's obvious that she is about to cry, I groan and close my eyes once again as I say, "Tired." "Really darling, how do you feel." I open my eyes to see her serious yet concerned expression. I close my eyes again to really feel. My...body. "Other than still being half underground, ... I feel... different." I open my eyes to Fiona smile worryingly as she says, "Good. Let's get you clean yeah?"

She gets up and looks at me waiting. I whine and look down, "I don't like being seen naked, also I really can't get out, I feel weak." Fiona let's out a single loud laugh, "Well it don't think your virgina wil be any less surprising than those breast of yours, in short darling you are already naked...Also Its tradition, you have to get out yourself, it took your mother almost five hours to get out even from the position, I can wait. It is just I already drew the water and it's going to get cold in ten minutes sooooooo...."

"WAIT WHAT????!!!!" I look down and my new large breast somehow wasn't the thing that surprised me...I have an 8 pack, and I'm....I have a perfect body. What the fuck?! I close my eyes, I feel like sleeping I really am weak. "You have five minutes before I make you bathe in cold water. I look up at her with a teary expression. I clench my jaw as I attempt to climb out. I feel so weak, I begin to cry as I continue to struggle completely out of the dirt until I find myself out of the ground and I lay on my back.

Fiona chuckles and helps me up, I take one step before falling down trembling. I groan in pain. That did not feel right...Fiona sighs and helps me back up it honestly takes a while for her to help me up the stairs, once we get to the top I realize that I am not at her house. I look around to marvel at the marble beauties. "Its beautiful yeah? Sadly everyone was either busy or...no everyone was just busy. Hmph some family." What?...

Fiona and I eventually get upstairs as she leads me into a large bathroom with a bathtub full of bubbles and water. I groan softly as she helps me it. I settle back at the hot water. I close my eyes once she starts to clean me. "It wasn't a dream, was it?" the question just rolled off of my tongue before I realized that it did. Fiona pauses cleaning my body to sigh. "It doesn't matter little one, what is past is past...besides you have a perfect body now, which means your life will certainly change for the better. Humanity is a rather judgemental species when it comes 'how everything is supposed to look'."

I open my eyes and narrow them, I can't help but smile nervously and say, "You say that like you aren't human." Fiona looks at me with a calm yet scary expression. "Aren't you forgetting darling?" she grabs a solid marble rock and with a simple crunch the marble rock shatters like glass and Fionas hand is completely without any injury. I couldn't help but be impressed as she adds, "We are not human." I clench my jaw and close my eyes tightly.

"What am I going to do?..." I whisper under my breath. "Well, we can start with your name." I open my eyes to look at her confused. Fiona laughs brightly and I can't help but feel embarrassed, did I say something wrong? "Did you really think that you could keep your name?! No, you must obtain a new one...as your body is reborn so is your name. Now COME! Let's get go get you dressed! The clan will be here soon." I swallow hard as I step out of the bathtub.

As we walk down the hallway a soft towel around me I can't help but ask, "You said Clan? But you also said family so-" Fiona cuts me off with a somewhat harsh voice, "Clan. We have a complex DNA system. After about two generations we completely lose any relation to any ancestor before those two generations so you have no DNA relation with my grandparents. But you do with my parents. The branching off also doesn't make it any easier,...all you need to know is that there will be 3 others around your age, you have no DNA relation with any of them. So clan...we technically are not a family, in many ways I suppose we never were. Anyway your temporary room is right here."

She yanks me by my arm and pulls me inside, my jaw practically drops to the ground. " What do you mean?" Fiona opens a large dawer full of clothes and says, "After everything is set up, you will come back home to live with me and go back to school." I clench my jaw and ask, "Which school." Fiona chuckles pulling out white skinny jeans, a white dress shirt, white boots, and an old styled Roman crown, she throws them at me and says, "The same one you've been going to for the past three years. Now get dressed, everyone will be here in about thirty minutes...call me if you make anything happen." What.... Just before she exits she turns back to add, "Oh I almost forgot! Here!" She tosses something at me and I drop the clothes to catch it. Oh. My. God. A PHONE????!!!!!

My mouth drops looking at it, Fiona laughs and says, "For now you are only allowed to download music and apps, once we choose a new name for you, you can do everything else, emails, calling, texting, that kind of thing." She leaves me alone and I take a moment to suck it all it. I look around and I can't help but become happy as I squeal happily. I quickly get dressed after placing my new white phone on the bed. I walk in the front of the mirror and gasp.

My hair is now almost completely white with a small hint of gold, it is long just below my waiste with small curls, it's feature is soft and lucious without hardly any fizzle. My skin is flawless and soft, almost pale but not quite. My cheeks are a light rosy pink and my eyes are a defining white, with electric blue crystal shaped spots surrounding by pupil and a green outline around my iris. I'm taller now, I feel almost six feet but my aunt is only 5' 9" and I'm a little taller than her now so maybe 5' 10" or 5' 11"? I breathe in and out nervously. The only thing that shocks me most is the fact that I have three large white dots under my right eye, it's hardly noticable but easily seen. Almost like a...tattoo. My body is almost like an hourglass, large chest, an eight pack, my legs are long and slender. I feel...like a super model.

I nearly jump as Fiona rushes in excitedly and exclaims, "Come on darling! The clan has arrived." Well I'm screwed.