
The Super Regular Morning Stroll

December 25th, 2072

Her dark, lustrous, midnight blue hair was now drenched in dark red blood. She laid on her Aunts bloody body only three years old, blood smeared everywhere on her pearl white dress. Flashing lights of the police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks lighted up the road. A huge truck had bright red blood smeared all over the front of it. Every one was shouting, screaming, and panicking. The Emergency Medical Team surrounded the bloody Aunt, using different methods to try to bring her back to life. It was no use, she was dead already.

Mirai jolted awake from her nightmare. Her long midnight blue hair Quickly, she checked her surroundings to see if there was anything that sensed her presence. There was nothing but hallways of classrooms. Mirai quietly got up from the bed and snuck out of the abandoned school.

Walking down the traffic jammed street, she counted all of her money. Twelve dollars and 85 cents, not so bad she thought. That's enough to buy one dumpling for about three days. Happily skipping down the street with her money in her hand, she was fantasizing about all of the delicious food she saw the day before in the grocery store. Mirai felt a presence lingering around her, following her wherever she went. She quickly ran straight for the grocery store, but before she had the ability to dash into the store, there was a loud ringing noise that echoed though her ears and then the world seemed to stay still. Confused at what seemed to cause the world to go on paused, Mirai backtracked where she ran from and started to run back.

As she was passing by, she checked a strangers watch to check what time it was. It was 12:45, she continued running, then she saw the most horrid thing ever. A little boy laid on the ground his blood covering the middle of the crosswalk in the intersection. The woman who seemed to be the mother of the boy looked was going to run to the little boy. The whole scene was frozen. Suddenly, a BANG ringed in her ears similar like the one before, and then she was back right next to the grocery store. When she entered, the clock on the wall said it was 12:40. Looking at the clock in utter confusion, she wondered what was wrong with the world. Then it hit her. The boy, she thought, I have to help the boy.

She ran as fast as the wind, backtracking where she went. "Excuse me, do you know what time it is?" she asked the woman taking a selfie with her phone. "It is 12:42" the woman replied. Mirai thanked the woman and started running again. She was right before the intersection. There was the little boy holding his Mothers hand and a teddy bear in the other one. All of a sudden he dropped the teddy bear and let go of his Mothers and to go get it. Then the light turned green, the car right in front of him started to rev up. The driver wasn't paying any attention to what was happening, and was to busy texting on his phone. No! Mirai thought. She ran to the little boy, grabbed the him with his teddy bear, and shoved him to the other side. The car started to run and then....

-See you guys next time!

Thank you for reading. I will not be able to update that often, because of school, I will try to update whenever I can. Please check out my friends novel "Ellipsism" by " IceCream_Girl" Thank you very much.

I don't have alot of insparation for this book so its on hold for now. I may be making another one but IDK lol. SO SEE YALL SOON or BYE!

-Hugs to you all!♡

Zeldapop180creators' thoughts