
The Pendragon Twins

- WSA Entry ------ Twins who had intelligence since they were in the womb are born into a noble family where only the hardworking, talented, strong, smart, or chosen ones can survive. Being born with unique powers, watch as they get stronger and rise in the rank of their family to get revenge on the ones who poisoned their mother. This is a story about a boy who has the power of destruction and his twin who has the power of creation.

JordanWNFF · Fantasy
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7 Chs

05. The Holy War

"Arthur how about you go," Brandon said to a boy who had his eyes closed while sitting in the back of the room.

The boy had black hair and an aura of pride around him. He opened his golden eyes which scanned the classroom only stopping briefly at Xavier and Xander before looking at the teacher. If there was one person besides Xavier, that Xander could say was worthy enough to have his attention he would choose Arthur without hesitation. Like the twins, he was always in the top ten in class and was only 3 months older than them which meant he was still 2 years old unlike the rest of the students who were three years old or a few months away from 3.

"The Holy War was a three-way global conflict that took place over 150,000 years ago. The war was between {The Beings Of Heaven}, {The Beings Of Hell}, and {The Beings of the Mortal Realm} as those beings called it. The reason for the war is still unknown today, but the damages are still present today as 2 of our original 7 continents were destroyed making them islands and corrupting some parts of the world. Though the two continents that were destroyed were the smallest ones in the mortal realm, it still speaks volumes about the war. The present five continents today all survived the war with little to no damage because the strongest beings of the mortal realm stood together to protect their home. Some of these heroes are the 18 heroes of Astria who were also the founders of Astria, and also the ancestors of the Imperial family and great noble families along with heroes from over continents and empires. The Holy war was said to last over 40 years and at least 200 billion people from the mortal realm died, of course, it isn't an accurate number and only a guest from the articles we have today." Arthur finished.

"Good now who are some of the strongest groups from the beings of heaven and hell," Brandon asked.

"Teacher is there a reason you're asking these questions," Xavier asked.

"No, but you never know a holy war could start again at any time and it would be better for you to member them so you can protect yourselves." Brandon lied.

As one of the educators of the Pendragon family, he was informed about the incoming war and he had to make sure the future descendants of the Pendragon family remembers them as they might have to fight them in the future.

"If we truly met one of the strongest beings from heaven or hell we wouldn't last a second. Well maybe if we met one from heaven, but then we would just become mindless slaves." Xander said.

Everyone in the class nodded in agreement to Xander's statement before Arthur started answering the question.

"On the beings of hell side 150,000 years ago the strongest groups would have to be the 50 Archdemons, The Six Princesses of Hell, The Nine Princes of hell, and the 5 Devils of the Abyss. These were all said to be commanders on the Beings of Hell's side with the one of Archdemons having the power to take over a city in an hour while one of the Devils of the Abyss having the power to take down and Kingdom in minutes." Authur said.

He tried to finish speaking but found his mouth was dry making him lightly cough.

"The next five groups which were most of the time, fighting solo and that we have recordings of are The Ten Commandments, The 5 Children Of Hell, The Seven Deadly Sins, The 5 Abyssal Lords, The 12 Monarchs Of Hell, and last The Three Sovereigns Of Hell," Authur said. "Then there are also the 10 Fallen Angels which were strong members from Heaven's side but switched sides in the middle of the war for some reason. Though their power is only around the level of the commandments which has the power to take down a medium leveled sect and the strongest being one of the Sovereigns of Hell who were the second strongest people from hell and has a power greater than our first Patriarch by himself."

Brandon nodded seeing the fear present in each child's eyes.

Being a great Noble Family and having their Ancestors fighting in the war they had some videos of some of the strongest Beings for Hell thanks to magic. Although the clips weren't the best, they could see the power and destruction caused by each one.

"L...Lastly is the Strongest being of Hell." Authur gulped. "The person who destroyed a continent with one attack and killed 5 of Astria's heroes, while gravely damaging our first Patriarch. The one who calls himself 'The Being Of Hell Himself' and he did this all with one attack.'"

Everyone in the room was slightly tense as they heard Arthur's words. The reason for this wasn't because of the damage the strongest person from hell caused by how he caused it.

"With the point of his finger." Arthur finished.

Even Brandon the teacher felt a little sweat fall down his back hearing Arthurs's words. He remembers when he taught the children about the Holy War and they saw clips of it. He had been a teacher for the Pendragons for three years so the new subject caught him off guard, but when he heard there might be a holy war in the future he understood the reason. What he didn't expect was that the Pendragons had videos of what happened in the war so it was also the first time he ever saw them. He had nightmares for a week seeing the clip recorded by the Pendragons Ancestor of The Being Of Hell's attack. If the damage he cause could be some up into one word it would be 'DESTRUCTION'.

"Alright since Arthur went over, The Beings From Hell Zeke you go over The Beings From Heaven," Brandon said while pointing to the kid in the fourth row.

"Umm, ok. So, The Beings Of Heaven were the opposite of the Beings From Hell. If the Beings from hell seemed monstrous and evil then the ones from Heaven would seem holy and good. However, that wasn't true. They saw us, people, from the mortal realm as nothing more than livestock to use in their war against The Beings Of Hell. They had powers that could give powers to us without any work which made us trust them in the beginning, but we later found out that after gaining their powers we couldn't disobey any of their orders even if it meant dying for them. Even though The Beings Of Heaven thought of themselves as good and the Beings From Hell were evil I think they were both equally as bad." Zeke said

"Good and also their power levels," Brandon asked.

Zeke nodded with a thinking expression.

"We don't have much information about the strongest groups On The Beings Of Heaven side since they were on the other side of the world most of the war, but we know most of their soldiers. At the bottom were Saints which were humans who got power from angels and became a slave, then there are regular angels with 2 wings on their backs. Star Angels (4 Wings), Moon Angels (6 Wings), and Sun Angels (8 Wings).

The known groups we know about from The Being Of Heaven Side Starting with the 10 Archangels said to rival the 10 commandments in strength." Zeke said. "As for some others that we don't know much about nor do we know their strength, but they are The 9 Children Of God, The 12 Apostles, The Trinity, The 5 Angelic Paragons, and Lastly The leader of The Beings Of Heaven 'The Almighty'. We don't know how, but it was said that The Almighty was said to have ended the war after The Being Of Hell's attack." Zeke finished while sitting down.

"Good now let's come back to the present or better to say your future starting tomorrow," Brandon said while looking at each student. "What are the different types of energy in the world."

"Me, me teach let me go," Xavier said jumping out of his seat.

"Sure you can go Xavier." Brandon shook his head.

"Ok so, in our world we have many different types of energy to do supernatural feats, but the ones most present in the Astrian Empire is Mana which is used by Mages and Warriors. Next is Aura which is used by knights. Then there is Spiritual Energy, which is an energy that people were born with. The ones we learned of so far is dragon energy which we will start using tomorrow, but there are others too." Xavier said.

"Good, now I'll ask two more questions before we have a snack break. For the first question, let's talk about Dragons. Hmm, Vincent, you can answer this question." Bradon said while looking at the scrawny kid sitting in the back of the classroom.

"Dragons, well they are known to be the strongest type of beasts in the world. It was even said that the Dragon God originally had the power to match The Being Of Hell and The Almighty, however way before Astria was even a thought he was injured and seal along with all the dragons by The Being Of Hell and The Almighty. Back to dragons, there are four types of dragons. First are the Normal Dragons (Western Dragon) which have 2 wings and four legs. These dragons are the most destructive type of dragon. Then we have ground dragons which are similar to normal dragons just they have no wings, these dragons have the strongest defense. Next are Sky Dragons which don't have wings and only 4 small legs. (Chinese Dragon) These Dragons specialize in control more than power.

Last are the Variant Dragons, they are Dragons who have someone different about them like 4 wings instead of two or a sky dragon with wings. They are the strongest types of Dragons because of their differences while also having more than one element." Vincent said

Brandon nodded happily to Vincent's answer because the boy was one of the students who were always in the last 10.

"Good now that you brought it up what are the different elements," Brandon asked, and before he could choose a person someone started answering.

"Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, ice, sound, gravity, psychic, beast, darkness, and light. Then demonic and celestial are used by the Beings Of Hell and Heaven, but some other people can use them too. Of course, these are only the most known elements there are more." A girl while playing with her nails.

Feeling the gaze of many people on her she looked up to see everyone in the class staring at her weirdly.

"What? You asked the different elements I answered." The girl said.

"Well yes, but I never called on you," Brandon said while scratching the back of his head. "Well anyways that is correct, the basic elements are fire, water, earth, and wind. Then the advanced elements are lightning, ice, sound, and gravity, with special elements being beast, psychic, darkness, and light, and then the Ancient elements which are Celestial and Demonic. As you said there are also more elements like space, poison, and soul, but you will learn those tomorrow when you go through your element test." Brandon said.

After answering those questions Brandon called a 'SIlent Dragon' to bring snacks to the classroom. The Children ate and talked mostly about what their elements would be or what type of dragon they would get once they finished their rite of passage.

Xander went to sleep after eating his snacks because he found talking to simpletons which were what almost every person in the class was would make him dumber. Xavier though started talking with Arthur who was one of the only people in the class who didn't care about the color of their eyes and only thought of them as rivals.

The class went by quickly after that with Brandon asking basic questions which were answered perfectly with only one or two people getting the answers wrong.

When all the Pendragon were leaving the room Brandon looked at them with a complicated gaze. He truly felt bad for these students he spent the last two years with as they would have to grow up in an Era when a Holy War would occur.

'I hope that you all become strong enough to survive.' He thought before clearing his mind and getting ready to teach the next group of students.