
The Peak of The Tower of Glory

10 years ago, 12 Messengers of The Creator came down to earth and brought a message to mankind where they will receive punishment from the Creator. The punishment is the unification of the land into one continent and the appearance of a giant tower. To be able to free them from that punishment, they must be able to reach the top and declare their wishes to the Creator. However, as a form of generosity from Him, humans are given various abilities that they can use to help them reach the top. They are referred to as Bellators. However, not all Bellators in this new continent were capable of possessing the strong ability to carry out tower conquests. He is Galam Isiros. He's a low-ranked Bellator because the ability he has is not a useful ability in combat, namely the Space Bag. Before he ended up being a Bellator, Galam became a Professional Gamer. However, his achievements disappeared immediately after 12 Messenger of The Creator came down to earth. Currently, he works as a Carrier tasked with carrying loot in conquest. Even though he had entered many subjugation floors that had even higher difficulty levels, the money he earned was still insufficient to live on. Until one day, a strange occurrence in the conquest kills all of the party members except for him. When he was on the verge of death, his strength grew and allowed him to survive until the end. It allows him to achieve achievement and unlock a new ability that takes him to the top of the tower!

Ge_Arttype · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Terrible Creatures

Everyone seemed happy after knowing that fact, but not for Galam. He still thought that this was too easy considering that the trap had already taken so many lives. Galam realizes that this is just the beginning and the horror in this place is not over. Their instincts told them that even greater despair was trying to block them.

And sure enough, suddenly the floor of the room shook violently. The roof looked as if it would collapse at any moment. The room turned out to be undergoing structural changes. All the coffins that were there, were now replaced by new floors and several pillars that supported the roof of the building.

"So-so this isn't over yet?!"

"Ah... Ah... It's over."

"Oh, Lord!"

The weirdness doesn't stop there. Right after all the structures were in sight and the shaking had stopped, a giant door appeared that was even 10 feet tall. The gate opened with a very terrible sound.


Drerek! Drerek!

Everyone looked surprised after knowing what figure came out of the door. A monster, no, even bigger. A giant with a red body has 3 horns on its head and a crown has very large dark red wings, and the most terrifying is a giant sword that emits a very strong evil aura with red light and fire shrouding it. Like the image of a demon who was in front of them.

"Gosh, don't ever tell me that we're going up against that creature?" The man's voice trembled with fear.

Everyone who had previously had enthusiasm immediately collapsed after seeing the figure in front of them. The gigantic creature resembling a demon was silent as it drew its sword on the floor, but its aura was very torturous to those around it.

"Even if I had an ability at rank C, I would just die a ridiculous death in one slash of his sword if I resisted," said Varos in a pessimistic tone.

Andras looked panicked and scared after seeing the figure. He realized that his abilities, were very, very far from the strength of that creature. "Galam! Do you have any plans to fight him?! Does that sentence contain a way to kill the creature?! Andras also asked Galam about how to defeat him.

However, Galam himself didn't find any way to defeat the monstrous creature either. "I-I'm sorry, even if you ask me and force me to understand all the sentences on the artifact, I'm not sure I'll find a way to kill it." It was clear that Galam was both shocked and frightened. It was as if he felt the scythe of an angel of death already attached to his neck and ready to decapitate him.

The creature then moved its eyeballs, looking at Andras' party members. It was seen that the creature then lightened up and raised its giant sword.

"A-are we going to end up here?!"

"Is there no way to avoid this?!"

"I don't know what to do!"

"Shit, I pooped in my pants."

When everyone seemed to panic at the creature's presence, suddenly the floor shook violently again. This time the tremor was caused by the monstrous beast's gigantic sword. It's a formidable power.

Seen, the creature is smiling with great satisfaction watching the fear and despair of humans. It was very clear that the creature was playing with their lives.

"O mortals, worship, and praise me! I, the strongest Demon Lord in all the realms of the semester, Ifrit! Say it, and reverberate my great name, mortal creature!"

The creature spoke. He mentions that he is the figure of the Demon King named Ifrit. He said that humans must bow before him.

Everyone panicked even more after hearing the creature could speak. "That creature spoke! He said he was the Demon King!"

"Does that mean we have to worship the Demon Lord to get out of here?"

"Damn it! Is the legendary creature referred to in that sentence this giant demon?!" Galam looked surprised after hearing the creature's words.

Varos drew closer to Andras and Galam then asked, "Should we worship him?! Has he gone mad?! Isn't that the same as us preparing to receive the second punishment from the messengers?!"

"Then what should we do?! You better help me think, idiot!" Andras looks frustrated amid his current situation.

While they were arguing and confused about what to do, one of the party members offered to try and communicate with his prayers and praises. "S-sorry. I-I was a member of the church choir before I became Bellator. I'll try to sing and give praise to the creature."

Varos and Andras also exchanged glances. Even though they weren't sure about the success rate of the plan, at least they would try. Andras then nodded in agreement with that person's plan, Varos just looked down because he couldn't see what would happen next.

The person then walked closer to Ifrit while singing his praises. "I draw near to Your Majesty. Make me better and bestow your glory. Weaknesses inherent in your servant, cleanse with Your Majesty's love. Our love goes to you."

Everyone was shocked, the creature fell silent after hearing the praise that was chanted by that person. Everyone thought that the plan worked. But Galam thinks otherwise. It was true that the man had given Ifrit beautiful compliments, but to Galam, that seemed like a waste of time.

"Did it work?"

"The creature was silent and enjoyed the praise?"

Suddenly, the creature smiled and raised its giant sword. Galam, who had noticed something strange from the start, tried to warn the person. "Hey! Enough, stop and run from there!"

But as if not hearing, the person continued his praise. "Like an eagle flapping its wings above, we too will follow Your Majesty's path. With Your Majesty's love, we—"


With a single slash, that person's body split into two. Galam and the others were shocked to see that their comrades had to die in that cursed place again.

"Run! Move your feet!"